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Cheese United

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Posts posted by Cheese United

  1. Okay quick question on compounding:

    Do you need to burn the metal to get the feruchemical effect?

    ie. If you were Miles, would burning the charge in the metal mind work like regular feruchemy just super powered, or would it burn the metal mind. Or would you need to burn regular gold, then charge your metalmind or else it wouldn't compound or something.



    Also, do not believe the lies about Reputatalurgy. They are all vile dishonesties, and I'm a perfectly sweet and amiable fellow.


    To those who spread these nasty fibs: You're next.

    Surely you don't mean me? I mean, you should feel indebted to me. After all, my becoming a zucchini gave you the perfect opportunity to practice your art.

    Also Slater, always nice to see someone make their membership known. may you one day have the rep of Kobold.

  3. Hey if you're looking for TV shows you don't need to think about, I'd suggest Parks and Rec.

    Or if you want to start a new thing, Stargate. The movie, and then the tv show.They're both great.

    Also since you'll be hyped up on drugs, I'd try to read something that doesn't require much thought: The Inheritance Cycle. Imagine LotR, but with Rand 'al Thor as the main character. It requires no thought, and waas written by a 15 year old. Good fun

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