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Cheese United

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Posts posted by Cheese United

  1. Very useful things those anit-logic muffins. I remember this one time I had one and walked upside down for most of the day. Avoid the dark alley, they're pure evil. They once didn't upvote me for a funy comment. Those villians! (They also made my sister into an Inquisitor i guess)

  2. Yeah if you just de spike a person, they should lose the hemalurgy. However the spiking process itself may have led to some serious mental issues. I'm not actualy sure someone could ever be 'cured of hemalurgy, especially if removing the spike would cause them to bleed out. (Does it do that? ) We should probably focus our efforts on saving future victims. (Also nice profile picture Fatebreaker. Classy.)

  3. Hah! Jokes on you! We started keeping everything we own off site yesterday. And all our anti-hemalurgy stuff is kept in a swiss bank surrounded by Canadians in glasses, and baby kittens. Even the DA wouldn't be that evil to hurt them, would you?

    (Also if you are that evil, we have lots of wall mounted lasers and machine guns and stuff )

  4. "When I was a boy, back in New York City, my mother always told me that if I ate a potato, I would be a potato. So in my household, it was all instant potatoes, all the time. Seriously, we, like, never ate anything else. Just instant potatoes. Then one fateful day, one of the neighborhood vandals threw a real potato at my head! It hit me like—BAM! And let me tell you, I was so scared I would turn into a potato that I went into the pantry and I ate every box of instant potatoes I could see."

    Oh that's just genius.
  5. I would like to express my deep condolences to iredomi for losing the first of his battles against the DA, and losing his ally Winter. However I could not have intervened, as I understand that in order to win this war we must lose this battle. I have learned this on the other side. Also if any of you receive a WiiU form your stepfather, don't trust it. It's actually a member of the DA in disguise

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