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Everything posted by iBambam

  1. Interesting thought, I could see that being the case. Unfortunately, Adolin certainly won't be a bondsmith in my opinion, I don't know what he'll become now..
  2. I was thinking along those lines as well Yata, you and I seem to think a lot alike haha
  3. We've had a few discussions about Trell and the new metal. My theory is that Odium somehow sent some I'd his investiture, which took form on Scadrial as a new metal, to Paalm. However there are strong arguments for the new metal being from Autonomy as well. It's very possible "Trell" is linked to the new metal, but not necessarily the old religion.
  4. Would the ramifications perhaps be that Scadrial would lose its investiture if Sazed worldhopped?
  5. King's Twit, I think that's a brilliant way to look at it! Why wouldn't the cosmere have it's own galactic spirit web? It makes sense to me that everything would be connected like that, or at least some similar way.
  6. @Moogle, I tend to lean towards your point of view. I think most likely that Hemalurgy is metals only. My question about the Atium is that since it can steal anything, I assume that to trying to steal investiture on another planet via Hemalurgy you would need atium. However, at this point (SoS) in Scadrial there isn't any. Although, if someone were to stumble upon the Pits of Hathsin, the geode's should be forming again finally, right?
  7. Hello all, I've just been accepted into your group and am looking forward to kil...er....selling cookies! Yeah....that.
  8. True enough, I had forgotten he pulled then towards the bridge as well. I was thinking more when he ran out in front of the bridges.
  9. Yata's point is along the one I was trying to make, I just couldn't think of the words. Thanks, Yata!
  10. The discussion in the first place was tapping multiple senses, in that we agree to disagree. If you could tap multiple senses at once, why would you have to tap them all the to the same degree? If it is possible to tap multiple senses I see no reason why you would tap them that the same amount. In the situation I stated though,I suppose he would have. Also, I hope I didn't anger anyone in that discussion, it wasn't my intent if I did, my apologies. Back to the topic, I think you would be able to build up an enormous pewter reserve in the same way Miles does, I assume it would follow the same rules.
  11. Ohhhhh, I misread your post, sorry! That is a curious question then. I don't think we have any lore on ChanGaar, do we?
  12. I think that's the basics of it. If I'm remembering realmatics correctly, when Kaladin "pulled" the arrows towards him it was through a reverse lash, and assuming the cosmere follows our same laws and theories of physics, Kaladin increases either his own space-time warp (gravity), or the shields. I actually tend to think it is his own, and the arrows are pulled towards his center of mass, which the shield blocks. I imagine it similar to pulling metals with Allomancy, minus the magnetism.
  13. I think we're overlooking a rather obvious reason why Hemalurgy is so dangerous. Anyone, and I mean anyone, that had the knowledge of Hemalurgy can perform it correct? I think in that lies the danger.
  14. Thank you, Oversleep! I appreciate it! And is era 2 after SA? I may be getting my timeline mixed up...
  15. I don't know how to create the spoiler box thing on my phone so......SPOILER------------------- Unfortunately with your theory Paalm can't be the kandra in question as she commits suicide at the end of SoS, which takes place before SA.
  16. That is nifty, I'll have to check it out! Thanks!
  17. How does it work playing on the forums though? Couldn't people just lie about their dive rolls and such?
  18. He is a scholar with his primary memories dealing with religion but he states he has many topics stored in his metal minds. I just find it very hard to believe he'd not tap hearing if he could in that situation, even if it were simply to hear how they interact with one another along with observing them.
  19. When very drunk you could say the room is spinning so bad I feel like I've been lashed to the wall
  20. Brandon has said Hoid will be a main character in the 4th era mistborn trilogy. I sincerely hope he's not an antagonist, but it is entirely possible. It's also possible he will be a Kelsier type figure, by that I mean he could be either protagonist or antagonist, depending on how you look at it.
  21. I like this topic, you could say, it's rioted my curiosity? That was lame, I know
  22. I've seen people reference others in the forums as being Sharders or from The Dark Alley. I'm a bit of a noob to the forums, but not the Cosmere or our theories. But can anyone please explain what the Sharders and The Dark Alley is?
  23. Agree to disagree. I think it's doing an injustice to assume Sazed wouldn't burn multiple senses if he could, I think his character was much smarter than that. I'd love a chance to get a WoB on the subject though. It's a good debate!
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