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Ookla the Absent

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Everything posted by Ookla the Absent

  1. First of all, I really do like it, though it's obviously not done. Don't take any of this personally, I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to get a feel for some of your decisions. General RE: Brass RE: Woodwind RE: Piano and Harp RE: Strings
  2. I should try that sometime, just to see how it works out.
  3. Different world, different magic, same universe, same awesome author. Basic, mostly spoiler free summary (like, of first couple chapters): Princess has to marry a man she really doesn't want to, but is bound to by her father and a sense of duty. But see, the man is none other than the blasphemous God-King of their archrivals...
  4. 's how I do all my art. Well, without crying usually.
  5. Well, obviously. The Heralds are pretty definitely mad. That being said, they are still pretty powerful, and I kinda assumed that Nale could pretty much executive order him as a Skybreaker. I asked my brother's opinion. He summarily ignored me.
  6. Have you considered playing it forum based? The Steel Ministry was set up for the express purpose of playing MAG, and we'd love to get new people in on the fun.
  7. Unfortunately, Tartan cravats are much harder to find than bowties. However, I now intend to find or make a cravat and wear it at the next possible opportunity. Anyone have a good pattern? Or know where to find one?
  8. No, all the sharders who know each other IRL must be Brandon. I mean, what real Sharder would have a real life?
  9. Hmm... apparently harder if it's not already somewhere else on the internet beyond my google account. Oh well. Just left it as an attachment in the previous post.
  10. How do you insert pictures anyway? I'm having trouble.
  11. Recently discovered they put out a christmas album a few years back! Found this the other day: They've got lots of great stuff, just in time for Chanukah! edit: Forgot, the song starts at ~1:08
  12. I play bass! We should jam sometime You should join us in the Guild of Arts! You don't consider yourself any good to join, and if you ever make something, we'd all be happy to see it.
  13. Personally, I always preferred "But soft! What goat through yonder window breaks?"
  14. That's an awesome Inquisitor. You should join the Guild of Arts!
  15. Do you do any sort of art (music, painting, woodburning)?
  16. Granted. You keep forgetting your power. I wish for more rice.
  17. Nah, you don't. People just usually do. I usually don't, more scope that way.
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