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Ookla the Absent

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Status Replies posted by Ookla the Absent

  1. How did I just go from 7 to 6 posts today after making two new ones?

  2. Why is that lady on the Warbreaker cover vomiting?

  3. I've swung back to Lurcher/Sparker. I seem to be stuck on a pendulum between cIron and Allomantic iron/Feruchemical zinc, with stops at Allomantic iron/Feruchemical gold and Allomantic iron/Feruchemical steel, and then just Allomantic iron along the way.

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      Huh? I mean, that's kinda cool, but calm down, man!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Shells are just pastas that didn't exercise. Spaghetti are pastas that exercised too much. Macaroni is pasta that exercised just the right amount.

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      What are the twisty ones?



      Now, for the tricky one:

      Where the heck do we get tortellini from?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. [qoute]A word to the foolish: don't insert images if you don't know if it will work. Guess what I'm about to try?

  6. [qoute]A word to the foolish: don't insert images if you don't know if it will work. Guess what I'm about to try?

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      Hmm... that bit didn't seem to do anything...

      Phase 2!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I spent all day cuddling with my pug yesterday. Now he wants me to do it again.

  8. Do you have three shard accounts? (this one, notvoidus, and another I can't remember)

  9. I'm an Atium Misting! Too bad Elend burned it all. But hey, the fourth Wax & Wayne book is titled "The Lost Metal", after all.

  10. Hello internet!

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      What happened to this guy?

      Why so many people blacked out and banned?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I solemnly swear by the Order of the Sticky Sticks I will finish WoR by Saturday.

  12. Free beer for time travelers! Yesterday evening, under my oak tree. Don't mind the net.

  13. Went on a road trip to Utah, and realized that Utah valley is Shinovar :o

  14. idk what IS on my mind ??

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      You changed your picture... now whenever I see one of your posts I get confused.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  16. To find Sharders with the top Rep and posts, go to the Forum home screen and look at the bottom right, right above the users online. Hope that helps!

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      Ah. Never noticed that. Thanks.

  17. I now officially have the 50th highest rep on the 17th Shard. My life is complete.

  18. I just changed my profile name from Serendipity to Scriptorian. Also, my profile pic is different.

    1. Ookla the Absent

      Ookla the Absent

      Hey, now you just confused me...

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