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Everything posted by kaellok

  1. Hmm, I used to play this all the time. When did ranked games become a thing? Just started it up again--and wow. So much has changed. So much is the same! edit: oh, and name there is kaellok
  2. I managed to put on my clothes correctly, including avoiding any injury due to zipper, as well as making sure all buttons were aligned correctly on my shirt. I was also able to navigate to 17th Shard forums to surf and lurk and complain without trouble. I cannot think of anything else that's happened today that went so well as either of these two activities. 10-hour workday, two events planned plus my normal barely manageable workload, and not a storming thing went right. Nothing catastrophic or terrible, just a billion little things that should have gone right, but didn't. And I'm for-sure out $40 because of a combination of lazy/stupid, with potentially another $140 gone because a co-worker was trying to be helpful (and then, right when I'm in the middle of being pissed off, says to my face "You have no right to be mad at me." In the moment that I found out that you may have cost me $140? Damnation yes I do. Especially when you know that I go back and analyze my stupid anger and see if it made sense or not and then take corrective action based on the result, and I haven't done anything or said much in response other than, "It was canceled! So I canceled the order! Why didn't you check with anyone first to see if something had changed?!"--admittedly in a loud voice, when I already tend to speak loudly because I'm a loud person.) I couldn't even go to the climbing gym to work off frustration, because they've got the bouldering section closed off while they prep for a competition this Saturday (which is, of course, the other day that I usually go ). At least I don't have an actual headache causing me pain, and my body isn't falling apart any more than normal. So maybe three things went right?
  3. The Everyday Redwood Canary Warbles at Noon TOUCANSAM
  4. Everyone Dies, And Some Shall Ascend JWQOK
  5. C) yes. If you followed my advice, check the secure site for your backups. A) still waiting for how to prove I'm in a time loop
  6. No, good sir, that's not how it works. Give me some answers to the bolded paragraph, and then I will help you with your memory wiping issue. And hopefully you'll actually follow the advice this time. The "trapped in a timeloop" scenario is of most concern to me. You see, I happen to know that at the age of 63 I invent (discover? steal?) a time machine that works, and one of my first acts is to use it to travel back to 2013 and punch my past self in the face. Of course, I immediately punched myself in the face afterwards for revenge, but that didn't work out well. I do, however, fear that this has caused a self-perpetuating time loop that I would like to escape from.
  7. How did you know that I am not people in real life? WHO TOLD YOU?!
  8. There's a whole lot of WoB out there, so it's incredibly easy to miss them, not be aware of them, etc. I don't see Odium willingly entering into any kind of agreement or deal. I think of it more as an agreement by a bunch of people that may have other interests that it's still in all of their interests to contain/bind Odium somehow. Similar things happen all the time (price-fixing from corporations still totally being a thing even tho illegal being just one example. The customer isn't involved in any way, shape or form with the agreement, they're just the ones affected by it.)
  9. This is true. However, that was for surgebinders in general. Ishi, a Herald, was largely responsible for the formation of the Radiants as they are. "But as for Ishi'Elin, his was the part most important at their inception; he readily understood the implications of Surges being granted to men, and caused organization to be thrust upon them; as having too great power, he let it be known that he would destroy each and every one unless theyagreed to be bound by precepts and laws." -- Epigraph from our WoR, taken from in-world WoR. Of course, this could be false, but there's not much reason to suggest so. The overall function of the Heralds that you describe in last post seems to have more merit--the reasoning behind it in your OP, not so much imo
  10. The Oathpact is (originally) between only Honor and the Heralds (per WoB. The "originally" is because that's the way the question was phrased.) I don't think that there is or was ever any kind of 'deal' offered or made between Odium and Honor. As to OP, how would I go about defeating Odium? Let's put all of the players on the field of battle, including Nale (aka Darkness.) Let's say you know the rules of Champions, the Cosmere, and all of that. I see a three-fold plan. 1. A robust defense/strategy/fight against the main thrust of attacks. Your "conventional" warfare, or whatnot. Humans vs. Voidbringers, that sort of thing. You have to put up a good enough fight that victory for Odium is not a sure thing. 2. Knowing that Champions are a thing, you'll want control of who the Shard is likely to pick as a Champion. So you make the perfect candidate; you make a Truthless; you make Szeth. 3. Simultaneously work on a fail-safe mechanism to destroy Odium's Champion. Perhaps a weapon that will consume the Investiture Odium sends their way? So, rather than being able to use the power to fight off the inhabitants of Roshar, the power is eaten by Nightblood instead, and so Szeth becomes (relatively) easy to fight in comparison.
  11. The entire concept that is in OP runs pretty much directly counter to the First Ideal of the Radiants. It seems logical to me that it would also run directly counter to Honor at the same time. After all, (to paraphrase) the choice of honor is leave the baby alive, even though killing it would save the world. Deliberately murdering millions of people on a cyclical basis just to keep them from getting too advanced? No way in Braize I'd believe that was a plan initiated or condoned by Honor or his followers.
  12. But what, then, are weapons? To paraphrase George Carlin, what about a man with very large hands? Or a kickboxing expert? ☺
  13. I think that's an important point that may very easily be missed. Especially since a large part of the fear is based in what Sadeas did in the past, which was horrible and evil. Sadeas point-blank said that he was going to do similar things again, and Adolin decided he'd had enough. He killed the mad dog before it could infect others with its rabies. I find the bolded part of your post that I have quoted fascinating, because I disagree strongly. I mean, I'm assuming that by murder you mean killing, since murder is just a legal definition, and in most cases (at least for modern nations) killing someone that poses an immediate risk to yourself or others isn't murder. Anyway. Why is it not honorable to kill someone who has done horrific evil in the past, who says they will do horrific evil in the future (who are gleefully bragging about their plans, even), just because they don't pose a threat to you or others at that moment in time? I truly do not understand this, and would welcome someone who does who can explain. It seems to me that if you have the chance to stop a murderer before they can murder again, and you don't, you share some of the blame for anyone else they kill (not all, far from it. Only a little. But you should sure as hell have trouble sleeping at night because you had the opportunity to stop a monster, and chose not to.)
  14. egads, I was trying to say that Quiver was cheating, and should have asked the question! Sorry, I didn't mean to grind everything to a halt; thank you for picking up my slack. Magus, from Chrono Trigger, in the Middle Ages (600 A.D.) You know what I'm talking about if you've played the greatest console video game ever; if you haven't, play it, and you'll find out! But, you have to play way past then to find out why it's so awesome... Who is your least favorite protagonist that you actually like?
  15. I was trying to address this point in my original posted response as well, but due to being rushed from lunch and typing on my phone, it wasn't done as well as it could have been. Basically, now that Kaladin has spoken the Third Oath of the Windrunners, we have seen a small bit of a very, very distinct change in Syl. While before she was insubstantial to the point that carrying a leaf a few miles was likely a heroic journey on par of difficulty with Sam carrying Frodo into Mordor, now she is different--much more in the Physical Realm. And her physical form is capable of doing more than simply slicing through living matter in the manner of a Shardblade, because as a Hammer she crushed bones. This implies, to me, that she is at least as solid and physical as a hammer is; but really, there's no reason why she can only take the shape and feel of something super-sharp or super-hard. It would, in fact, seem bizarre to me if she was unable to mimic one of the more common bipedal people on Roshar (like, humans.) Whether she would want to or not, is a completely different question. So is whether she has, or is capable of, romantic thoughts and feelings in the same way that humans are. That, more than anything in my opinion, would be the biggest block to a romance being possible. Kaladin and Syl already share an incredibly deep connection because of the Bond. Even if she's not capable of the type of romantic feelings that humans get, I doubt that something less strong than that bond would lead to disappointing and unsatisfied pairings for any of the Radiants. From my experience, a deep connection with someone else is far, far more important, meaningful, and desirable than anything else about them. (That's why I'm scared that the Shallan/Adolin pairing won't work long-term, even though I really want it to; but it applies to Kaladin and others, too!)
  16. Offense intended or not, that's a pretty awful way to look at people in general, relationships, just about everything. Towards the Syl/Kaladin relationship. I mean, he can hold her when she's a Blade now. And her in hammer form breaks Szeth's bones, doesn't cut him. So there's no reason i can see why this wouldn't work.
  17. As someone else who truly dislikes the new ending, a large part of it is because I had issues with the climax overall that were not addressed. So, I see that changes were made that seem to make the whole thing worse in terms of character development for both Kaladin and Szeth, without fixing any of the problems i actually had. I'll just leave it at that, as i try not to diminish other people's enjoyment of something, especially if i enjoyed it, too... except for when discussing things we didn't like about something we enjoyed is the entire point ☺
  18. Is it honorable to punish a mass murderer, who has bragged about what he did, and says he is planning to do it again? How do you punish them if the law itself says they have done no wrong, and the lawmakers are impressed rather than appalled? The honorable action is to stop (read: kill) the murderer, and then accept the legal consequence. Letting Sadeas stay free and alive dishonored the memories of the thousands of soldiers who died because of him. The only dishonorable thing Adolin did was to hide what he had done. To me, self sacrifice as a requirement for an action to be honorable is... we will simply have to disagree. Keeping your word once given, to me, is possibly THE hallmark of an honorable person, and it doesn't matter at all what it's about. An honorable person can be counted on if their word is given, not if their word is given AND it involves sacrifice to themselves AND it's not what they would be doing anyway AND they won't be fairly compensated for it. Being honorable also means being true to yourself and others. Not compromising your ideals, nor hiding your actions when your ideals are counter to the law. Using the law to help others, but not allowing the law to keep you from helping them. Hiding your actions from the law to prevent capture, etc, is dishonorable unless being free would mean the ability to help far more (ex, US Underground Railroad to free slaves was honorable, and the deceit practiced necessary to fight the much larger evil protected by the law.)
  19. Except that Szeth is not bound by the dictates of that thinking unless he chooses so. He obviously didn't care about the laws of other lands more than he cared about those of the Shin, and i think that will be more true now--not less. @CognitivePulsePattern: i know we view Szeth very differently, but your explanation in first response was beautiful. I had never seen that need for understanding in him before, but it fits and helps explain a few of the issues i have with him.
  20. Important note that Haydn is pronounced like hidin' (or like hide'n go seek) Q: What's black and white and red and black and white and red and black and white and red all over? A: a nun with a chainsaw falling down the stairs A man walked into a bar. And that was how he lost the world limbo championship.
  21. How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Walking! ... jk, rolling
  22. The Game of Thrones boardgame is AWESOME. I'm not really a big fan of the books, but the game is just terrific fun.
  23. German. They just sound angry all the time, and it makes me happy. Favorite console video game? (Can be PC or other platform as well, as long as it also made an appearance on console)
  24. If you're referring to me (and I'm the only one I'm aware of who has posted something like that) then I merely think that the bond to Ivory may be what caused the distance between Jasnah and her mother to form--specifically because of fear of testing, trapping, etc. Which would, obviously, necessitate the bond to have occurred prior to their distance, and having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her breaking. If you're referring to someone else, then that does indeed seem to not track as you say. More quotes from Oudeis below, taken from their response to my post! (But I failed in the MultiQuote thing, so I just copy/pasted manually.) Right. So, let's say that you go fishing in a lake every day in order to feed your family. Nothing wrong with that. You've never caught a sapient fish before, and they provide sustenance that is necessary (or at least damned convenient) for survival. On your 7,572th fish caught, are you going to notice that it's different than the others and wonder if it's sapient? Or are you going to wonder about what makes it different and how it tastes? Although it might make sense that, if Jasnah were actually that worried/concerned, she should probably let people know there are sapient spren to avoid because of said sapiency--with Alethi culture of being more than okay with slavery of sapients, fear that this would lead to deliberate search for these sapient spren seems reasonable. I also love fire. I love being near it, and can stand entranced and mesmerized by even small flames for minutes, if not hours, blind to the world. For some reason, I don't love being in a cage. And if you put me in a cage, that also happened to have some fire, when I finally stopped staring at it, I'd be pissed. Even if all of my needs were met and cared for. Have you ever heard of the term 'gilded cage'? A prison is still a prison. And, while this is absolutely fine for the vast majority of the spren (so far as we can tell), it's not at all for the rest. Further, we know basically nothing about how the spren are captured. From WoK, we know that the flame spren experienced great distress after it had been measured and could no longer freely change shape. Is this a necessary step? If so, would you then consider this to be 'harm' in the trapping? We simply just don't know. If said alien isn't capable of effective communication, it had damnation well better be concerned about ending up being test on in a lab. That's how we've learned all that we know about biology, death, etc. And some people have done so in very, very moral and appropriate ways--and others, within our own lifetime, have had zero compunction with infecting fellow humans with disease or deliberately withholding cures simply based on the color of their skin. The chances, odds, etc. are definitely minor. But are they high enough to cause distance between Jasnah and Navani? I'd say definitely plausible.
  25. Hole ripped in time / Wind howls / Heroes stand bravely against / Howling wind / time in ripped hole Black Wind howls / The Prophet speaks / / speaks the Prophet / howls black wind The Black Wind howls / And the Prophet speaks / One among you will die / speaks the prophet / and howls the windy black Dark prophet speaks / of sacrifice / and heroes / sacrifice of / speaks Prophet Dark Black Wind / the Dark Omen / dying hero's omen / dark the wind / black. I had a very definite idea of what I was trying to do/say, about a very particular moment in a game. I struggled quite a bit, and then started playing around with different lines. And then thought, hey! Wouldn't it be fun to show some of my failures?! So I included those, too. I mean, only some; I probably deleted 50-60 lines, as well as spent a couple days thinking about this damned thing. But now it's done, so yay! And I will personally bake and eat a cookie on your behalf for everyone that knows what this is referencing.
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