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Everything posted by Erunion

  1. Also, for the record @dead-moth - if you have the time and want the practice, I'd love a redone copy of myself since seeing the photo (or the photos in the original thread that I posted recently). If you're busy, it's obviously NBD. Either way, you are storming awesome.
  2. So, upon reading Edgedancer, a theory coalesced in my mind. It is my belief that the 10 Heralds (or, at least, the 9 who stayed) are now behaving as the 10 Fools. Or at least, they're now behaving as an inversion of their attributes (which is what I believe the Fools to be, inversions of the Heraldic archetype). Following this paradigm, Nale (who is supposed to be Just/Confident) is extremely unjust (see him murdering the urchin), but remains confident. Furthermore, he has allowed himself to be completely deceived. From his discussions, we know that Jezrien (Protective/Leading) is doing anything but leading (although he may still be being protective?). We also have hints that Ishi (name? - but Pius/Guiding) is likely either gone evil (inversion of piety), or is misleading people unintentionally (inversion of guiding). Also, Poor Taln was Dependable/Resourceful enough for a time, but has now broken, becoming impossible to depend on and without any resources. As an additional note of interest to this theory: the Everstorm came only after Taln, the last of the Heralds, allowed his behaviour to be inverted. While he remained Dependable/Resourceful, the Everstorm was held at bay. (This in turn leads to ANOTHER crazy theory: to stop the everstorm you need all 10 heralds to get their acts together? Or possibly to be replaced by 10 new Heralds?)
  3. .... As a Canadian, I feel sorry for you. And envy you. At the same time. It's complicated.
  4. @dead-moth - you're doing a pretty rad job
  5. A long time ago I said I'd upload a photo of myself here. So I finally did. Please note: I don't usually take selfies. Also note: I am 23, not 18. I swear! .... Life of the babyface I guess...
  6. Thanks @dead-moth! That's pretty cool! Any and all errors are almost certainly down to me being crap at describing myself. As such, here's the comparison.
  7. @dead-moth - For this game, should you have time:
  8. @11thorderknight - Just to expand on your talk on Angreal creation; if I remember correctly it wouldn't just be the strength of the channeler (or channelers in the case of Sa'Angreal like Callandor), but in the amount of time spent creating it and the amount of energy poured into it. Because, if I remember correctly, don't channelers have to spend months or years pouring their power into an Angreal in order to make one?
  9. I'd be down. Make me finally post my photo here.
  10. Ended up there as an INTP, by 3%.... It's almost like I'm at the border of INFP and INTP. (This is because I am at the border of INFP and INTP...) I guess this makes me... the Mediator Engineer? That sounds a lot like me, actually.
  11. @Sunbird - I noticed, but as many younglings may not have gotten the reference, the link is provided.
  12. Headachey, tired, procrastinating on doing important stuff for work that requires thinking and more crucially making decisions. Need sleep and hugs.
  13. I'm sorry. The fact that this hasn't been linked here yet is unacceptable. Therefore, The DREAD RABBIT OF CAERBANNAGH (For the record, I voted bunnies)
  14. @dead-moth - you should make a game of that; draw someone from a description then check it against the reality. Might end up leading you to a career for the police (as mentioned by @Sunbird)!
  15. @Kaymyth - Starting to feel the outlines of that, especially in my workplace (where I've been working longer than many of my students have been alive...) The year 2000 was fun - nice celebrations. I think it was the first one where my parents deemed me old enough to stay up past midnight. Either way, it's the first one I vividly remember.
  16. @CalypsoDreaming and Frodo! Don't forget him! (Thoughtful, careful, intelligent book Frodo, not just sad, angsty Elijah Wood Frodo. Who, while not bad, is no match for book Frodo)
  17. INFP - A here Not really a surprise, but I second @Claincy - I'm very technical and truth based (hence I enjoy engineering and programming). Other than that, classic INFP mediator. @Deliiiiiightful - find something you care about. I've really enjoyed teaching/tutoring part time, as I love working with people and seeing their growth. I'm also fairly technical, and I feel really drawn to design and engineering, but in a way that matters: I'm passionate about biomechatronics (replacement limbs, exoskeletons/etc. Basically engineering sci-fi medical solutions). And to all my fellow INFP's - we get papa Tolkien!!! AHAHAHA ! Also note the line about us loving fantasy worlds more than any other group. Too true, too true.
  18. @Mestiv - have a huge, stupid, massive hug. That sucks so hard. @Jondesu - Have another hug. At least your wife seems to be awesome with this @TwiLyghtSansSparkles - You got this! Go be awesome! And yes, the pacific northwest is pretty grand, but it's stupid expensive up here. I'm in the Vancouver Canada area, and housing is as bad as it is in Seattle, if not worse. But the northwest is pretty lovely otherwise (...hence the stupid cost of living, I guess).
  19. I realized that this happened a little while ago, but I hadn't posted it here (what a terrible oversight!) In my degree program, the last 8 months of courses before you graduate are spent working on a huge ending project (known as a Capstone project). A month or two ago my team and I went to talk to a prof, and we got accepted to work on his project. His project is a lower-limb exoskeleton. Yes. That means I'm gonna spend Jan-Aug 2017 building Iron Man's pants. I am so excited about this
  20. Rediscovered the Shard after a hiatus since basically the beginning of the Shard (so... uhh... 4 years? 5? I came here for a month or two after the move from TWG, but didn't stick with it). Read a whole bunch of cool books (yaaay Sanderson!). Learned a lot about myself as a person, and did a lot of emotional growth. Got to the point in my (interminable seeming) degree where the end is now in sight! I'm almost out of the woods! Even more excitingly, my team was chosen to work on finalizing a lower-limb exoskeleton as our 8 month pre-graduation project I am ludicrously excited about this; the work starts... next week I guess, but we were chosen for it a couple months ago! (Have I mentioned that, while exhausting and seemingly interminable, my degree is really storming cool?)
  21. @DarkJester Rothfuss' writing pace is fairly normal, especially considering how beautiful his prose is. Sanderson's writing pace is anomalous; he produces content at an incredibly fast pace. Which spoils us. Rothfuss produces work at a slightly slower than average pace. However, this is unsurprising as Rothfuss' prose is beautiful and incredibly poetic. He spends a ton of time working on making the prose and poetry just right and it pays off. Sanderson, on the other hand, has good but unexceptional prose; he instead writes brilliant stories and worlds, but doesn't worry about making the prose itself beautiful. This, in addition to his insane work ethic, make him a far more prolific author than Rothfuss.
  22. Not gonna lie, that was actually really good (nice production quality too)
  23. Ahahah nice it's not complete, but it does use LOTR audio... Interestingly enough, Sol Invictus wasn't proclaimed an official Roman Holiday until after Christians started using that date for Christmas. About 50-100 years after. However, the solstice itself has been celebrated for generations, millennia even, before Christianity. And yes, there was a lot of syncretic practice in the first 1,000 years of Christianity, as Christianity was and is not a culturally defined religion; it is a religion for all cultures to embrace and adapt. So that happened a lot. Sometimes it was intentional (Catholics would often place relics in shrines where old pagan shrines used to be in order to switch the focus of worship, for example), but more often it was natural (see the many Christmas practices around the world, and the many Easter/Pacha practices). As Christianity has almost no defined rituals or holidays in scripture, it could easily be adapted to various cultures. (The only rituals that are in the New Testament are Baptism and Eucharist, and for both there's no set form or procedure).
  24. Merry Christmas all! (And a Happy Hanukkah Del! Or do you prefer the Chanukah transliteration? It's for the Hebrew clicky/phlegmy H right?)
  25. So, as is becoming a family tradition, we watched The Lord of the Rings (Special Extended edition, ofc) over the last week or so. We watched The Return of the King last night, and my siblings and I made the connection of Sam with 'Let it Go' from Frozen. This morning I did a thing. (That thing is to complete rewrite the lyrics of "Let it Go" to fit the Return of the King)
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