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Everything posted by Erunion

  1. Let us know when it's posted! I'm leery of bringing Sammael back, but Mog escaping is super juicy. Is there still a blight post-LB? What state is it in? Important world-building question! Also, let's not try to put it too far into the future, or we'll be travelling on trains and firing muskets.... Which actually doesn't seem like a terrible idea....
  2. Nice work! Ameteur who's spent a lot of time with pro's here (specifically my mother, who is a portrait painter - works in oils and watercolours mostly but does excellent pencil/pen work) Your use of colour is fantastic. Your creativity in characters/costume designs is equally fantastic. Well done. Very well done. For improvement, I'd recommend trying out different body shapes/types, and then expand the depth/shading of faces. Practice drawing from real people as much as possible to strengthen proportions, and get a grasp of different body types and the subtle ways to make people look unique. Ultimately, your work is inspired and extremely promising. I reckon you've brought in a few creationspren at least Have some upvotes b
  3. @Sunbird - huge hug I don't know your living/financial situation, but moving out might be good. It depends on your post-grad job prospects - whether taking on more student debt to support renting is reasonable or super scary/impractical. On my own, I am also in need of a hug. More a gentle hug, or a careful massage. I hurt my neck back in December, likely through studying. (Although it's entirely possible that I'd hurt it a long time ago and just re-aggravated it then). It was shockingly stiff/painful, but faded throughout December and has been almost unnoticeable for the last week or so. Until this morning. A friend of mine and I are starting out an easy to start twice a weak workout thing at a local gym. Everything was going great up until the very last weight-lifting exercise I was doing during it, I was pushing my exhausted shoulders to their limits and must have contorted in a weird way because I badly hurt my neck doing it. And then, being the stubborn genius that I am, I did my run on the treadmill after instead of just packing it in. Now, 9 hours later, I'm lying in bed with my neck the worst it's been since I first aggravated it back in December.
  4. Understandable, naturally - what you do with your own books (however heretical) is naturally your own business. But I have spent time these past two Sundays attempting to repair the damage to various hymnals done by dog-earing. It is a true tragedy, and to do it to books that are not your own (or are shared) is just.... Terrible. Please note, I continue to be hyperbolic w.r.t. this topic.
  5. " A dog ear is a phrase that refers to the folded down corner of a book page. The name arises from the fact that wolves'ears stand erect while the ears of many breeds of dog flop over. A dog ear can serve as a bookmark. " - From Wikipedia That... Blasphemy.... Cannot be tolerated.
  6. Now shoo! Go finish the series! It's worth doing (Disclaimer, I note that some people find the writing not to their tastes, and that it is not incumbent upon you to enjoy that which I also enjoy. Nevertheless, I urge you to read through the series!)
  7. In this world there are a certain type of person. This person is best described as a cremling. A vile, loathsome, cremling. Someone who Torol Sadeas would be ashamed to spend time with, and who would disgust Wit so much that he wouldn't be able to speak. These people? These vile purveyors of villainy? They're the cremlings who dog-ear books. The absolute, disgustingly vile cremlings. Please, for all that is good and holy, don't do this. Please. (Disclaimer: The above is an exaggerated, hyperbolicly expressed sentiment. The author knows that people dog-ear books, and that they are not otherwise terrible people. He kindly asks that you refrain from such actions in the future. For the sake of the children.)
  8. @Shqueeves - find other hobbies/activities is a good start. When getting to know someone, a 'hi! I'm so and so, what's your name?' Followed by a brief chat on what they do/etc. Add in a 'what are your hobbies/what do you do for fun' and see if there's any overlap with yours. If yes, expand on that and try to make a connection.
  9. Just spent the morning helping my parents replace/rebattery all their fire alarms/carbon monoxide alarms. At one point we had to undo and redo 30 minutes of very difficult work. At which point I slammed my funny bone on the edge of a mirror. While the frustration is mostly gone, my ears are still ringing from testing those storming things.
  10. Just to repeat @Orlion Determined - Life tip: Don't Assume, Ask!
  11. Dannon Al'Seen. 6'1, dark hair and eyes. Reasonably well built. Carries a long-hafted spear, a short sword, and a bow across his back. Seems to be comfortable with all his weapons. Is usually seen wearing well-worn boots, a thick, heavy dark-green coat, and a cloak.
  12. The Aiel waste. In the North, near the Blight.
  13. Confirmation then: fourth age? We're going fourth age?
  14. Plus, what's wrong with celebrating yourself? You have every reason to celebrate you!
  15. You misunderstand me! I love quiet. I love stillness. I love being alone. But I'm assuming you have a mother. I'm also assuming that your father spends time with you and the other members of your family. That's social interaction. That's healthy, important social interaction. That's what people need. (It's good to also have close friends outside your immediate family, as an INFP/INTP I say this as well! But you need a minimum of social interaction to be healthy. The amount you need depends on your personality.)
  16. Well, she's your wife, so you're both in this together. Just watch out for the voices in her head. And soon in yours.
  17. More details, I like it! I think that my theory has two big extra things that warrant discussion: Was it possible for an everstorm to come before all the heralds were perverted/twisted? What would happen if all the heralds were to recover themselves (or be replaced)?
  18. Withdrawing to focus is not in itself bad, but you must remember this. Humans are wired as social animals (yes, even us Introverts). In order to be healthy, you need social interaction. It doesn't have to be a lot. It doesn't have to be with a lot of people. But you need some. Try to find a few people who you can get along with. Spend time with them. Doesn't need to be a lot, but it needs to be some or you will become very emotionally unhealthy. Yes, devoting yourself to academia is a noble cause. But if you're not socially adjusted and a decent communicator? Then you will almost certainly be ineffective in your chosen field. Almost everything you do requires some level of social interaction in order to be effective. Tesla was one of the greatest minds of the the past 150 years, but he died a recluse, without making nearly the impact he could have if he'd had better resources, and friends he could trust. Louis Pasteur was another of the truly great minds of these past two centuries. He devoted himself to science and academia, but made sure to make a little bit of time for himself, and for people. His friends, allies (and wife!) supported him throughout all his work, so much so that Emperor Napoleon the Third personally ensured that he was given a sufficient laboratory. Louis Pasteur is why we have modern medicine. His germ theory of disease (absolutely revolutionary!), his rejection of spontaneous generation, and his development of vaccination all were key to our modern medical sciences. (Accuracy note: technically Pasteur merely expanded vaccination. The technique had been developed to prevent smallpox, but had only been used against smallpox. Louis Pasteur expanded it to other diseases. His vaccines for Anthrax and Rabies were truly revolutionary, and paved the way for modern vaccination which has defeated dozens of diseases that had incredible death tolls). Long story short? It's fine to be an academic. It's ok to withdraw from lots of social interaction. But do not make yourself into a recluse! Not if you want to do anything with your life! Balance is where it's at, people
  19. My niece is 2 years old (almost 3!) and recently fell in love with Frozen. She sees herself, naturally, as Elsa (she is the elder of two sisters after all!). For the last few weeks she's been desperate for a cape, and has been using blankets/etc. to act as a cape. It is ridiculously cute. My mother, being the wonderful woman and doting grandmother that she is, just made my niece a cape. And not just any cape, it is an Elsa cape (made from a Disney Elsa pattern). It is insanely cute. I felt you needed to know this. I also feel that capes should come back into fashion. Because seriously? Capes/cloaks are awesome. (As long as you're not stupid enough to make them tied tightly to yourself. Else Edna Mode will give you a talking to or you will pay the price of your folly).
  20. How do I know I'm an introvert? I just spent 5 hours with friends, GMing some epic D&D 5e stuff. It was great. I am not absolutely, positively, completely drained.
  21. Running with a simplified version of the 5e system might work; roll a D20 for success. If you have advantage, 2d20 and take the better of the two. If disadvantage, 2d20 and take the worse of the two. Or we could just go full freeform/imagination. It works well that way for Forum RPG's (we describe actions logically, GM determines success based on how smart/dumb we are?)
  22. Have it set some time before the main series. During A New Spring maybe? (Aiel retreating, Red Ajah hunting men, chaos and bandits galore) Or maybe just after Artur Hawkwing? (Chaos and strife for 130 years, fertile soil for a story)
  23. Did you say Wheel of Time and Roleplaying Game in the same sentence?? I'm in.
  24. Wooo! I'm a Misting! .... But which one.... Pewter maybe? I really don't like being sick or injured... Hrmm. Tough choices.
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