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Alloy of Law Could Be A Series


We’re just as interested as you are about The Alloy of Law coming out in November. It’s being marketed as a standalone, and it will be surely be excellent. Which begs the question: is this a standalone, or will we see other adventures of Waxillium? We found some information which suggests that, somewhere long down the line, there could be sequels to Alloy.

Now, we don’t want to get your hopes up. Even if it is a series, they wouldn’t be coming soon (look what happened with Nightblood, the planned Warbreaker sequel). After Brandon completes A Memory of Light, he will work on Stormlight 2 and 3. He’s already said as much.

That said, on JABberwocky Literary Agency’s website on Brandon, who represents him, there are some interesting pieces of information. Take a look at the list of titles. What’s The Alloy of Law labeled under?

mistborn adventures screenshot.jpg

The Mistborn Adventures. Well, that’s sure interesting.

The fact that it’s under a separate heading certainly implies that, at some point, there could be additional “Mistborn Adventures.” Scrolling down to the bottom, where foreign rights are listed, we see that Alloy is listed as “A Mistborn Adventure,” singular. However, in that list, Alloy is labeled as #1, whereas standalones like Elantris and Warbreaker are not.

So, will there be other Mistborn Adventures? Quite possibly.

But as we said, this will not be coming soon. Additional Mistborn Adventures aren’t even contract. Stormlight 2-4 are under contract, and so are the Rithmatist sequels (so if you didn’t already know, Rithmatist is a trilogy). That means there are many, many books in the queue before an Alloy sequel arises.

Still, we can hope, right?


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After finishing the book I figured he had to add at least one more - there was just too much left untied. I mean seriously, we need to kill off his stingy wife already so he can hook up with the hot, smart, capable, and innocent college coed that is Marasi. :P

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I personally would love to see more Mistborn Steampunk, FOR SURE. But Mistborn in space sounds pretty awesome too. I'm sure I"ll be happy no matter what way this all plays out!

Edit: Actually, is it Mistborn Steampunk or Mistborn Western?

IMO going with definitely NOT Western. Look at the trope-makers of the Western genre, things like L'amour and anything starring John Wayne. Individualism, roughing it, Cowboys and Indians, showdowns, and revenge being something you take into your own hands. The last stop of the railroad or the newly arrived thorough-fare. Frontierism, pushing civilization out the boonies, no big cities or dealing or with the difficulties of urban sprawl.

Now look at steampunk. New/old genre, but things like Girl Genius, the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies as well as Victorian scifi like Frankenstein and 1000 leagues. A romaticism of Victorian Industrialism with the tech/magic pushing the envelope. Big cities, big machines, and bigger stakes(world wars and like). Escalating skyscrapers, well established industrialism, and navigating the slums.

I think the timeframe is just ripe for a Western, but AoL was set in the wrong part of the world. It has some of the individualism commentary, but it come back to the city and settles in there

In a Western Mistborn, Wax kills Miles somehow (machine gun or something). In AoL, the police handle the issue.

AoL, I would argue is Steampunk/Mystery reminiscent of something like Sherlock Holmes(set in Victorian England).

For instance of an actual genre blending Western, I would argue for Firefly(rip), as scifi/space opera Western. (Mal, like Wax goes by a three letter nickname and gets his hands dirty, but Mal is more likely to shoot the guy and ride fly off into the sunset)

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IMO going with definitely NOT Western. Look at the trope-makers of the Western genre, things like L'amour and anything starring John Wayne. Individualism, roughing it, Cowboys and Indians, showdowns, and revenge being something you take into your own hands. The last stop of the railroad or the newly arrived thorough-fare. Frontierism, pushing civilization out the boonies, no big cities or dealing or with the difficulties of urban sprawl.

Now look at steampunk. New/old genre, but things like Girl Genius, the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies as well as Victorian scifi like Frankenstein and 1000 leagues. A romaticism of Victorian Industrialism with the tech/magic pushing the envelope. Big cities, big machines, and bigger stakes(world wars and like). Escalating skyscrapers, well established industrialism, and navigating the slums.

I think the timeframe is just ripe for a Western, but AoL was set in the wrong part of the world. It has some of the individualism commentary, but it come back to the city and settles in there

In a Western Mistborn, Wax kills Miles somehow (machine gun or something). In AoL, the police handle the issue.

AoL, I would argue is Steampunk/Mystery reminiscent of something like Sherlock Holmes(set in Victorian England).

For instance of an actual genre blending Western, I would argue for Firefly(rip), as scifi/space opera Western. (Mal, like Wax goes by a three letter nickname and gets his hands dirty, but Mal is more likely to shoot the guy and ride fly off into the sunset)

On the other hand, there's a shoot out on top of a train. That screams "Western" to me.

(I'm not saying I disagree with you, I'm just saying that I don't think AoL can be quantified as just one genre or another. It has a little bit of both.

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Yes but modern day spy movies often also have traintop shoot outs.

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On the other hand, there's a shoot out on top of a train. That screams "Western" to me.

(I'm not saying I disagree with you, I'm just saying that I don't think AoL can be quantified as just one genre or another. It has a little bit of both.

It was a sweet action scene, one of my favorites. But the latest RDJ Sherlock had a train scene, and as nikomis pointed out, train shootouts are hardly limited to genre. It has a certain coolness factor (Trains are cool, guns are cool, thus trains+guns=cool^2).

Again, my thought is that the setting of AoL really could be open for a Western(in fact I am really growing to want that book), but AoL wasn't exploring with the same story or themes Westerns typically would.

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Brandon has actually said he is planning on making at least 2 more, maybe 3, Alloy of Law sequels. HOORAY! :D

Where did you hear this?

I'ld really like to see more books set in the (what i will call) Western time period.

As for unanswered questions I see 2:

* Wax marrying/Not marrying Marasi

--- which could be just the standard, bookending, not really going to be answered kinda thing

* What the Set was up to with the kidnapped people

--- to me this has the feel of a set up for the next (modern) mistborn trilogy. Especially if it isn't set more than 100 years in the future. (Remember the who tecnology is advancing much faster than it should.

The Mistborn Adventures Catagory means nothing to me w.r.t likelyhood of a series.

Infact I would say it is opposed to it.

Since "X adventures" is a way of saying "This is a stand alone novel set in the universe of X",

much like saying "A mistborn novel" vs saying "Mistborn Book 17"

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There was a video interviewing Brandon Sanderson, where he talked about his future books. He plans on writing an Alloy of Law series book in betweeen the Stormlight Archive books, with Elantris 2 substituted for one of them.

I don't remember the link, but if anyone else has it, please post it.

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I remember reading about Sanderson making Alloy of Law into a series on the book's TV Tropes page. I didn't know how true that was, though. :P

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The Mistborn Adventures Catagory means nothing to me w.r.t likelyhood of a series.

Infact I would say it is opposed to it.

Since "X adventures" is a way of saying "This is a stand alone novel set in the universe of X",

much like saying "A mistborn novel" vs saying "Mistborn Book 17"

If it were a standalone, it would be listed solely under it's own title, not under the umbrella title of a series.

Also, I'm pretty sure we have a quote somewhere confirming Alloy 2 in the upcoming releases. Does anyone have a link to that?

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I don't have a link handy but he did confirm that it would be a series during the Q & A at the Seattle signing last November. If you don't want to take my word for it, the link should be in the report for that event. (If someone more technologically inclined than myself would like to produce it.) I believe it's a Suvudu vid.

The future AoL books are going to be intermittently published. He couldn't say for certain (at that time) how they'd fit into the writing schedule, just that they would.

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