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Sketches on the Bus, Because Syn Gets Bored Easily

Mystic Syn

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Today was wack. Feeling really good, then wanting to curl up and die, and now really good again. A miracle of what food can do to the human body.


totally not me thinking of how we could make a rp with all these sketches as characters



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“From Up On Poppy Hill” hinted at it, but didn’t do much. Mostly what I said was a joke. The movie is one of my favorites because of how cute it is, but it gets into some ““““incest”””” using very loosely near the end. First time seeing it, you don’t know what the flip is going on, but you understand when you watch it again. If ya want more of an explanation, ima have to dive into some “spoilers,” I guess. I mean, if you haven’t seen the film lol.


The protagonist––Umi––has a father who was killed at sea during the Korean War, which is something they touch on in the film from time to time; however, before he did so, he adopted another child––Shun––whose father was a close friend of his and something happened to the mother that I can’t remember; this was when Shun was still a baby. But Umi’s father gave Shun to another family to raise because he knew that his own family wasn’t able to raise another child on top of raising Umi.

In the beginning of the film, Umi and Shun don’t know that they’re technically siblings. They fell for each other over the course of the film, because this is Ghibli and very wholesome. It wasn’t until Shun had come over to Umi’s house for a meal of some sort and she was showing him a picture of her father and his two closest friends (note: One of the friends is actually Shun’s father :ph34r:). Anyways, Shun gives her the cold shoulder for a bit, she confronts him about it, he shows her a copy of the picture that she had of her father, saying that the person she had pointed at to be her father was his father as well. They both went: “O_O oop,” but something-something, Shun’s caretakers say that his ‘father’ might not actually be his father and that one of the friends from the pic was in town and could explain. Shun grabs Umi, whispers something in her ear, the whole school ships it, and they went off to find the friend who explains what had actually happened and how they were “siblings.” Bada bing, bada boom: You got a Ghibli movie.

So yes, they are technically, legally siblings. They are not siblings, however, by blood. I mentioned the incest because it is technically, legally incest.


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Aight. I can do that, unless you wanna work on it together :pp


Oh yeah, and here’s a sketch. I still don’t like being around people :))


The hair was giving me a lot of trouble, because female hair tends to do that, but then it turned out alright and I was fine.



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The nervousness of my choir concert is beginning to set it, but I’m doing what I do best: Ignore it till it’s actually there.


Don’t ask me why I decided to put a little more detail on this one than the other ones, because I dunno.



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On 11/2/2021 at 7:16 PM, Mystic Syn said:

If you haven’t seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, first of all: You live a sad life; second of all: Get on that. But you’ve seen him around. You know him. You love him. Our fiery, angsty, prince that becomes the Fire Lord and is totally not like that guy named Lee from the Tea Shop: Zuko.


Sorry I am a tad late in responding to this but whatever!

I love your Zuko! Nice scar too.

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