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Had a weird Mistborn dream last night, need to shareΣ(|||▽|||

Rashek's PR Manager

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(Warning: whole Era 1 spoiler)

Ok, so last night I had this really really strange dream in which my soul was teleported to Era 1 Scadrial and took up the Lord Ruler's body:D… That's to say, I sort of became Rashek, although I still retained my memory. 

However, this teleportation was not well-timed at all, as I quickly found out that I was sitting in a carriage, right on my way to kill Kelsier, which indicated that I only had hours to live.

Well, despite the fact that I find Rashek fascinating, I don't mind him dying in the book at all, for the asshole deserved it. But in my dream, with my soul trapped in Rashek's body, I was afraid that I would be killed with him and as a result, got sent directly back to earth before meeting all the characters and having fun:P. So while the carriage was rolling down the street, I tried to come up with a plan to save this dumb tyrant whose body I possessed.

The most obvious option seemed to be killing Vin at the earliest opportunity. Yet this would mess with Preservation's plan and possibly doom the whole world, not to mention that I've always loved Vin and wanted her to stay alive. (The end of HOA literally broke me)

In the end, I decided to talk with Kelsier (another one of my favorite characters;)) and tell him everything. You know, even if he still decided to execute me, with my information, the crew stood a better chance against Ruin and maybe Scadrial wouldn't suffer casualties as heavy as that of WOA and HOA.

Then everything just …… happened. I offered Elend a Lerasium, made him my heir, and voluntarily stepped down. My last instruction as Lord Ruler was to execute Straff Venture, eliminating the drama queen in book 2. That bastard definitely had it coming.

As for my loyal inquisitors, they had to be detained, sorry. Having learnt that he could become Ruin's agent, Marsh insisted on committing suicide. So determined was he that nobody was able to change his mind. Luckily, his little brother knocked him out and tied him into a knot in case he tried to do anything stupid:).

Afterwards, there was not much I could do. Therefore, I went into hiding and had some nice little conversation with our crazy Ati who was in helpless confusion. 

What took place after that was quite blurry. In a word, we saved the world. Happy ending achieved! Sazed ascended, and offered to transfer me to another planet in Cosmere. It was very considerate of him, since the new Scadrial just had no place for me. Most people still detest me, especially the Terris people, which was fair. Gladly, I thanked Sazed (or Harmony) and left.

That was when I woke up. Hahaha.

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On 2021/10/1 at 10:31 PM, Phlipz1 said:

Try learning how to lucid dream. Then it happens every night!

I also hope it happens every night! Yet, it's a shame that I always forget nearly everything in my dreams when I wake up:( (no lucid dream for me). Only bits of the storyline remain, no matter how hard I try to recollect. For example, on this occasion, I can't recall my conversation with Kell or the measures we later took against Ati. What I do remember is that I dealt with Straff Venture^_^. While dreaming, I was like: even if I had to die, I needed to drag Straff along. 

Edited by Rashek's PR Manager
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6 hours ago, Rashek's PR Manager said:

Agreed! I'm thinking about a group-insert fic actually. A bunch of Sanderson fans teleported into Cosmere and started …… having fun:P

This might work well as an RP too. Now I'm getting ideas... :ph34r: 

I am very amused by this dream :lol: 

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

This might work well as an RP too. Now I'm getting ideas... :ph34r: 

A Cosmere RP with all characters as Sanderson fans from Earth? I'm in :P

1 hour ago, AonEne said:

I am very amused by this dream :lol: 

Hahahaha. The most amusing part for me is when I stepped out of the carriage and invited Kell for a ride :D. I was like: OK, everybody please calm down, no execution today… ;)

Edited by Rashek's PR Manager
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On 10/1/2021 at 11:59 AM, Rashek's PR Manager said:

Agreed! I'm thinking about a group-insert fic actually. A bunch of Sanderson fans teleported into Cosmere and started …… having fun:P


On 10/1/2021 at 6:41 PM, AonEne said:

This might work well as an RP too. Now I'm getting ideas... :ph34r: 

I am very amused by this dream :lol: 


15 hours ago, Phlipz1 said:

I'm in as well. Sounds like a good time

Pretty sure this RP exists… and is in desperate need of a plot. If anyone has one, please suggest something!

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14 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Pretty sure this RP exists… and is in desperate need of a plot. If anyone has one, please suggest something!

Don't want to take over this thread, so could you PM me the RP thread or something? I wasn't aware it existed. 

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  • 5 months later...
On 4.10.2021 at 0:32 AM, AonEne said:

Don't want to take over this thread, so could you PM me the RP thread or something? I wasn't aware it existed. 

Wow. Sorry for reviving this thread, it's just that I participated in said RP. I don't know if Kingsdaughter sent you a link, but maybe we can discuss with Random Bystander and continue/restart that RP. It died all too quickly, I think. And it was an amazing idea.

I'd have replied in another place if I could think of one, I see that this is not very related to the original topic. @Rashek's PR Manager, you remember your dreams far better than I do mine. Though I have no idea how you could possibly convince Kelsier to trust you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And then, having left Scadrial for good, yet obviously still possessed of your IRL knowledge of Published Cosmere Plotline circa March 2022, you realize that it's 250 years or so yet to go to the events of Warbreaker (the Manywar on Nalthis being less than 100 years ago), and about 300 years before the events of The Way of Kings, you hop over to Nalthis to get to the Fifth Heightening so you can maintain infinite youth without needing constant atium Compounding, and now plan your next moves...

And hey, since you've "gone good" that means you have not just Marsh but potentially a whole squad of Inquisitors to back you up! Unless you left them behind for Elend to command as the new Emperor. I mean say what you will about them and their Ruinous tendencies (which Harmony might smooth out once Ascended - in our glimpses of Era 2 Marsh he seems pretty normal again, mentally), they're pretty effective enforcers.

Edited by robardin
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