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Chapter 91, Worth Saving, ROW, saved my life


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Welcome to the Shard; I'm so glad that happened to you and that you are doing better now! I do have to say that Brandon is never on the forum and I usually don't see most of his team here; they're all pretty busy people. I do hope that they get to see this, whether it's through another miracle of them deciding to look around at the right time or you DMing Brandon on reddit, where he spends more time. But even if they don't, I'm so happy you're here and alive and I know Brandon would care too. 

God loves you and you're doing great so far! :D

22 hours ago, Iarwainiel I said:

The Dragonsteel team, including Peter, are often on this forum, so for sure Brandon will get your message. 

I'm curious why you say this, as I've never known them to browse the forums, with most of Dragonsteel not having accounts (that we know about) and Brandon himself saying he doesn't have time to keep up with us (his account hasn't been logged into in years). Occasionally Ben or Isaac will compliment a fan work or Peter will post in the typo threads, but that's about it that we know of. I know Peter and Brandon both posted a little more in the past, but did other employees show up that much more in 2011? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @USMCGRIZZY19! That was a really touching thing to read and I'm glad you shared it. I would recommend you share it directly to Brandon using his Contact form (as Dragonsteel is not on here much, and there are a great many topics here): https://www.brandonsanderson.com/contact/

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I know the feeling. It was not an addiction but It was hard.

I am only 15 and was having super bad depression this summer. Then I read Brandon Sanderson's Oathbringer book again. When I got to part with Wit and Shallan after she saw boy die. I literally cried. Brandon writes amazing fantasy that is actually life saving.

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