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Everything posted by USMCGRIZZY19

  1. Thank you everybody for the support. Honestly, my least favorite character may be Shallan, Kaladin is my favorite in Stormlight, but the lord of scars is probably my favorite character
  2. Mr Sanderson, You saved my life with Chapter 91, Worth Saving, in Rhythm Of War. I truly hope this story reaches you. My name is Nick, I am 32 years old, and I share more than a few similarities with Teft. I was a Corporal in the Marine Corps, and received an honorable discharge. A few years after getting out, I somehow managed to get hooked on Heroin, which I assume is equivalent to the fire moss. I never really did drugs in my life, somehow I ended up going straight to Heroin, that is a different story, for a different time. What I’m getting into now is how God saved my life through you. I googled my birthday horoscope one day a few years ago, birthday being July 7th, 1989. I looked at my lucky numbers from each horoscope, out of the three numbers on each, the number 9 was on both. I adopted 9 to be my lucky number. A few years ago, I had a conversation with my aunt, who is a nurse practitioner. We were talking about my addiction, and I said the phrase “I think that I am Worth Saving”. She said “Repeat those last two words” Worth Saving. Well I’ve been battling this off and on for 6 years now. January 5th of this year I checked myself into the hospital. I was way past my rock bottom. At that time I hardly prayed. Two or three nights later, I did for the first time in years. I essentially asked God to take my life, so the suffering can end, my family can heal and move on. I asked God why would he save me from certain death twice, when friends I know who have toddlers and more to lose, never got a second chance. I was hopeless and truly about to give up. I woke up the next morning after that prayer, within the first two hours after waking, I picked up Rythym Of War where I left off and continued reading. Two chapters into reading, I get to Page 999, Chapter 91, Worth Saving. I don’t believe in coincidences, add up the coincidence of 999, with my conversation with my aunt about worth saving, and add in it’s about Teft, who my real life story parallels, two hours after waking up, when I said that prayer a few hours ago, and that was the day I knew without a doubt God exists, and that my life changed. I chose today to write you because tomorrow I celebrate 7 months clean and sober, just the amount of time Teft had in that chapter. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Mr. Sanderson. Lastly, I know my autograph means nothing. I was hoping that I would catch you at a signing one day, and be able to share this story with you. I wanted to tear out that page and put my autograph on it, and give it to you. While it may be meaningless to you, I wanted you to have it, so that way if there ever comes a time, when you’re getting burnt out, life may becoming stagnant, where you’re asking yourself does any of this matter? Where you could look at that and remember my story, and assure yourself that it matters more than you could ever know. You are doing exactly what you were born to do. Thanks again sir! Respectfully Sent, Nick
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