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The Town Where Nothing Happened

Zephrun’s Imperium

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Hi, it's me, I had another RP idea. 

The inspiration for this came when I was driving through the countryside of Iowa and all of a sudden in the middle of nowhere was this gorgeous town with massive houses and gorgeous rolling hills. Just a small little well-to-do community. I started wondering what shenanigans might go on there in the seemingly perfect place and thus the idea for this mafia-based RP began. This RP is ridiculously open. Your character could have magic powers, they could secretly transform into a werewolf, or be a serial killer hiding behind the smiling face of a shop keeper, or maybe lead a cult. Anyway, I have no idea where the plot is going and that's the fun of it! Go ahead and toss character ideas out there, we'll see where this goes, I guess.

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Name: Geronimo Richins

Age: 76

Gender: male

Looks: typical kindly old man. Think Geppetto from Pinocchio.

Personality: also typical kindly old man. 

Powers: mwehehehehe he is basically an old man siren. He sings and people just feel like if they follow his voice they'll get grandfatherly hugs and maybe some cookies but instead they get turned into garden gnomes that come to life at night and take care of his garden. 

Likes: baking, singing, gardening

Dislikes: teenagers

Talents: singing, baking, gardening

Extra: I'm sorry this is the randomest character I've ever come up with BUT I LOVE HIM


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Name: Granite Oakenwey 
Appearance: 5’11” with curly blonde hair, grey eyes, a strong chin, and a charming smile. 15 years of age
Details: His mother dropped him and his older sister off with a family friend promising she’d return soon. Now, nine years later, she’s nowhere to be found. Granite ran away from home and is now trying to find his long lost parents. 
Personality: Outwardly charming, but secretly a manipulative psychopath. 
Skills: Heightened reflexes, agility, senses, and physical ability. Also has a great understanding for how people and emotions work.


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The Blademaster waits.

In the shop in the back, boarded up, closed down. Hidden where no visitor can see it- unless they go looking.

He is a newcomer here, in the grand scheme of things. But he has a feeling those in this town will be in need of blades ere long.

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I've recently started reading To Kill a Mockingbird, so have an evil fantasy Boo Radley.

Name: Ben Markerly

Appearance: Plain middle aged white man with cobalt blue eyes a raven black hair. He is about average height and a little on the heavy side, so also pretty average in the grand scheme of things. 

Vampire Appearance: Pale skin with just a touch of dark illumination coming from it. During his transformation, his eyes go from blue to purple to red. After the transformation, his eyes vary from very pale pink to very dark maroon. However, generally they are ruby red.

Backstory: Ben was just a normal kid living a normal life until he was bitten by a vampire, a dying vampire. Had the vampire not been dying, Ben would only have died, he even could of gotten lucky and not died to the vampire not being particularly hungry, but neither of those two lesser fates happened, so Ben was stuck as a vampire forever. He thought nothing was amiss at first, after all, if you don't remember anything, as young vampires tend to do, it's hard to notice your night time activities. Eventually his memory was jarred by the death of his girlfriend, it appeared she had died of blood loss, yet she only had two small cut on her neck. Ben's fingerprints were found on her, but considering their relationship, nothing was thought of it. At least, that was the case for everyone but Ben. That night, Ben had odd dreams that were his vampiric memories coming to the forefront. The dreams become more and more frequent until they eventually turned to daydreams. After about two months, Ben remembered them as he remembered any memory. Had he not been faced with overwhelming evidence, he would have thought himself crazy, but in light of it, Ben knew one thing: He was a Vampire. 

Personality: While Ben was quite the popular kid during his school years, he became a recluse not long after the death of his girlfriend, Rachel Ren. Most people just thought it was his grief, but really it was his newfound knowledge of his vampiric tendencies. When Ben went out into town he seemed kind, if standoffish. 

Skills: Pretty standard guy, but he is quite skilled at whittling. He is also abnormally strong and smart as a consequence of his being a vampire. 

@Zephrun's Imperium Granite could stay with Ben if no one else wants to have him.


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Name: Hxathayr, but you can just call him Hath

Age: Timeless, but somehow young

Gender: N/A

Species: Extradimensional being

Bio: Accidentally wandered into a rift in reality and ended up here in The Town Where Nothing Happens, and is now disguising themselves as a normal person as they tries to build a way back to the interdimensional void. Is currently living in an abandoned warehouse at the edge of town.


52 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:



Granite can wander into Hath's warehouse.


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Okay then let's kick things off with Granite wandering the town, anyone can pick him up. Granite, BTW, looks way older than he is. And he's dressed like he's from the middle ages.

Granite Oakenwey was not a normal boy. This was something he'd always known, ever since Father had chastised him for torturing little animals (a habit both his step-mother and birth mother had found amusing) as a young boy. He'd later come to understand that his big sister wasn't "normal" either and as he looked back on it, he'd realized this his parents were even more not normal than their offspring. Things breaking around Rose all the time? Father having eyes of pure white? Mother never messy or tired or unkempt? Granite possessing a natural athletic ability greater than that of a normal human? No, none of that was normal in any sense. The realization had quickly become an obsession and just days ago he had finally gone into the world for answers. Caden and Riva - his surrogate parents - would miss him and so would his troubled older sister. But this was far larger and more important than them. They'd understand.

And even if they didn't, he wasn't the type to give a damn. 

He picked at his food contentedly, sipping a fizzy, fruity refreshment that his waiter had called soda. Granite had never had anything like it in all of his fifteen years. In many ways, actually, the whole town felt something like this drink - strange and new, yet pleasant. Everything here was so radically different from the small cottage in the woods he'd grown up in. Massive estates made of brick climbed over hills outside and some children were playing at a park. Did people really live so close together out in the real world? And the clothing here... so odd. So wonderful. Perhaps he liked it as much as he did here because it was as strange as he was. Not a bad place to look for his mother if he did say so himself; if she was out there, it would not be anywhere normal. 

All in all, looking about made Granite realize just how much he had missed growing up in the Praetorium household. It was a sobering thought. This whole time, all of T H I S had existed and he'd never been allowed more than a few miles from home? It seemed such a waste and his adventurous soul shuddered at all his lost time. Sorry, Pops, he thought with conviction, but I'm never going back.

Hopefully he had enough spark in him to find where he came from.

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Name: Keaghan
Appearance: A tall, bony man with pale skin, slate gray eyes, and unkempt dark brown hair. Dressed in a tattered navy blue coat over a linen shirt with light gray pants.  Details: Former dark lord unrepentant lich from another universe. Has mellowed out (somewhat) since his retirement.
Personality: Charming, affable, clever, and utterly amoral.
Skills: Mastery of the arcane arts, can see and manipulate the souls of the living and dead, excellent at darts.


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Okay, here's my character!

Name: Ava Davis
Looks: 6'1", with a light brown streaked with blonde pixie cut. Her eyes are green around the pupil and fade to blue. She has the kind of face that's complimented by a pixie cut - light cheekbones and small face. She's 17. She wears crop tops, short shorts, and Vans.
Details: Ava's lived in this town her whole life. She lives with her dad in a smaller house and has literally the worst luck. If anything can go wrong around her, it will. She'll walk past the only hateful cat in town miles from its home, she'll pick the only table with an umbrella and the wind will pick up and blow it away, anything.
Personality: She's shy and naive, but she's got an inkling that something's wrong around her.
Skills: Well, she's tried everything at least once... usually just once. Then something bad happens and she gets kicked out.

Ava Davis stepped off her porch on her way to her next job interview and immediately stubbed her toe on a rock. It was typical for her, and she didn't really notice. She just tugged down her watermelon pink crop top (which matched her pastel green shorts nicely) and started walking. She'd set up an interview at the local restaurant, where she hadn't worked yet. HOPEFULLY, this one wouldn't go wrong. She crossed her fingers for a moment and uncrossed them. It couldn't hurt, after all.

After a slight walk, Ava made it to the restaurant and walked inside, scanning for someone in charge.

Ava walked out of the small office, the words "you're hired" still ringing in her ears. She had another job! Ava immediately got to work, grabbing a platter of food and drinks and heading to the back corner, where she hoped they needed to go. Almost immediately, she spotted a very cute boy sipping a soda, which was nearly gone.

"Can I refill that for you?"

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*starts singing the room where it happens* 

I would join but I don't think I can trust myself to RP right now... :unsure::P Have fun y'all! 


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Keaghan walked into Vince's and sat down, pulling out his notebook and beginning to scribble as he nodded towards the usual waiter. He didn't really need the food, of course, but the coffee was nice and it was useful to keep up appearaces. It had taken a few decades for people to get used to him as it was; no point in spoiling that now. He noticed two children talking over at one of the tables. They had terribly interesting souls, and he made a note to investigate them. One had to keep oneself busy during retirement, after all. His notebook briefly glowed with a dark light, and he patted it fondly. I really did pick a nice town.

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"Oh," said Ava. "Right! Good one." Smiling shyly, she reached to fill his cup, but as she did, a man walked right behind her. He knocked into her elbow and the pitcher dropped, spilling the soda down the front of the boy's shirt. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I did that! Are you okay?"

The man who'd bumped her raised his hands. "Oh - sorry about that. I'll go grab some napkins."

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Granite cursed, but when he looked down at his shirt, it was completely dry. 


The blonde boy looked up at the flustered waitress who had spilled, intrigued. Had she made the soda dry up?

"I'm perfectly fine," he said, grinning. Maybe he wasn't the only odd one here...

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