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Well, this just became terrifingly plausible.


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On 2/21/2021 at 4:17 PM, Chinkoln said:

For some reason, the death of Phendorana and Teft makes me more sad than the thought of Syl and Kaladin dying. But I would still be sad.:(

I actually cried a little when I first read this part.


It also made me hate Moash more than I thought I already could.


Edited by Dorrash Goregion
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My hope is that Kaladin's now gone through the worst of it in RoW. Brandon does seem to enjoy torturing the man, it's true, but hopefully he's going to start easing off. I mean, personally I wouldn't find a storyline compelling that's just trying to inflict as much emotional pain on Kaladin as possible.

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Actually, I think it stopped being necessary, your reason of why it had to happen was "he must take the death of someone extremely close to him and accept it" and that has happened in RoW, the someone was Teft.

Although we do have that Death Rattle


A woman sits and scratches out her own eyes. Daughter of kings and winds, the vandal.

While it most likely refers to Ash and a painting I always read it as "Syl voluntarily becomes a deadeye" before I remember the other interpretation.


The previous topic also talked about ways for Kal could have powers if Syl disappears, after RoW I'm suggesting a certain Voidspren with the Surge of Gravitation that have a deep respect for Kal and recently betrayed Odium

Edited by mathiau
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2 minutes ago, mathiau said:

The previous topic also talked about ways for Kal could have powers if Syl disappears, after RoW I'm suggesting a certain Voidspren with the Surge of Gravitation that have a deep respect for Kal and recently betrayed Odium

The shippers have even started using my theories for ships!:wacko:

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Though you have a point about Teft

Edited by Frustration
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Syl can potentially be threatened, I don't know about her actually getting killed, though. 

It also depends on whether or not Moash is going to be dealt with permanently in the next book or if he will survive into the second series. 

Because as it looks right now, Moash is going to be the one that attempts the deed. 

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22 hours ago, Frustration said:

The shippers have even started using my theories for ships!:wacko:

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Though you have a point about Teft

I absolutely didn't mean it in a Kadeshwi way^^ I just wanted to continue on the 'would Kal still have powers and how' question. Honestly Kal bounding Leshwi would probably means the Listener's way have failed which I hope won't happen.

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Does anti-stormlight actually kill spren with more of cultivation's investiture? Wouldn't it need "anti-towerlight" or something to be fully lethal?

We dont actually know if Phen is dead or just kind of in a broken state, presumably she could be similar to a deadeye if what causes deadeyes is a release of honor's investiture

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24 minutes ago, Waffles said:

Does anti-stormlight actually kill spren with more of cultivation's investiture? Wouldn't it need "anti-towerlight" or something to be fully lethal?

We dont actually know if Phen is dead or just kind of in a broken state, presumably she could be similar to a deadeye if what causes deadeyes is a release of honor's investiture

Even if it doesn't 100% annialate Syl, Honorspren are the closest to Honor, there wouldn't be enough of her left for it to matter.

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17 minutes ago, Waffles said:

I mean Raboniel proves the point that partial destruction kills but its not clear where the line actually is and I think other threads in particular have noted that Syl may actually be an exception the "honorspren are mostly of honor" rule

We've seen Sprens whose personality matched better another Shard it didn't change of what Shard they were, yes Syl's personality is more aligned with Whimsy than Honour but it doesn't change she's constituted of Hounour



I'm talking about Kelsier

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13 minutes ago, Waffles said:

There's a theory that Syl may have been... adjusted by Cultivation. Its unclear what that would mean mechanically but its possible she may be different in some way from regular honorspren.

I've seen this theory before, and while I agree, I have a simialr Theory myself, it doesn't have significant evidence to be used as a counter argument.

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On 3/2/2021 at 1:08 PM, mathiau said:


Although we do have that Death Rattle


A woman sits and scratches out her own eyes. Daughter of kings and winds, the vandal.


This is Ash, Jezrein is her father, and he's the "king" of the Heralds and the first Windrunner.

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