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I tried Deadman's Wonderland when it first came to netflix a while ago, far too dark and violent for me, and I think the mc had a voice actor I detest, might not remember that correctly though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished watching Your Lie in April last night. Oh man, I loved this show so much. It walked the line of being too depressing, but rarely strayed too far over it. And the last episode was perfect.


This really was a great show and I highly recommend it. 22 episodes.

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I've never heard of the show honestly, admittedly I am new ish to the anime fandom( only started watching stuff three years ago I think). Currently I'm rewatching Angel Beats! I just love this show so much, the laughs, the sad crying, and the happy crying all so good :)

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Hey, so I'm very knew to anime (since February). FMA 03 was my first anime, then FMA Brotherhood (they are both super amazing and I would really recommend watching both). I finished Ouran High School Host Club, which was hilarious. I've started Naruto, but I've stopped now, and am deciding whether or not to skip to Shipuden because now I've just hit 50 episodes of filler. I started Fairy Tail, but I just can't really bring myself to finish it due to the blatant sexism.


But right now, FMA is my life. Like I said, I watched it for the first time this February, and I've already watched 03 twice and am watching brotherhood now for the third time. My school has a lot of the manga, but they're missing quite a few volumes, which is frustrating.


I'll probably be able to catch up on a lot of anime once school is over, and I'm really looking forward to it.

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Currently just watching Bleach really. Around episode 60, probably going to skip all the filler episodes which my app has kindly pre-labled for me. It is pretty good, but really what I want to watch right now is Kekkaishi or Houshin Engi but there's no lace for me to watch them.

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Frustrated. We've been having bad problems with Crunchyroll in the last week and haven't been able to watch anything. (Except some more episodes of Steins;Gate on Viewster.) Testing today during the day the streaming seems to be working fine. So it seems the problem is only at night...

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So at the moment my only source for anime is an app I've got on my ipod and I've been working through Bleach. I just finished the Soul Society arc(praise harmony, that dragged on really bad) and there's maybe 30-50 filler episodes next, should I watch them? If nothing much happens than I would definitely prefer to just move on, and even some character development I'm totally fine missing, but if there's some plot points or anything really important I'd be willing to rush through them.

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So at the moment my only source for anime is an app I've got on my ipod and I've been working through Bleach. I just finished the Soul Society arc(praise harmony, that dragged on really bad) and there's maybe 30-50 filler episodes next, should I watch them? If nothing much happens than I would definitely prefer to just move on, and even some character development I'm totally fine missing, but if there's some plot points or anything really important I'd be willing to rush through them.


How many filler episodes does Bleach have? 

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So at the moment my only source for anime is an app I've got on my ipod and I've been working through Bleach. I just finished the Soul Society arc(praise harmony, that dragged on really bad) and there's maybe 30-50 filler episodes next, should I watch them? If nothing much happens than I would definitely prefer to just move on, and even some character development I'm totally fine missing, but if there's some plot points or anything really important I'd be willing to rush through them.


That's the Bount arc, and as fillers go, it's not bad.  I liked the Bleach approach to filler of "tell a whole story of decent length" rather than the Naruto approach of having a ton of tiny stories, (though I prefer Naruto to Bleach overall).  It's not great and it's not terrible, there's some decent action, some decent character moments, the antagonists have some interesting abilities... but like all filler it's not going to introduce any new plot points or anything, so yeah, it sounds like you might be best off just skipping it.  




I finished up Tokyo Ghoul and Aldnoah.Zero (as they finished airing a month ago or so);  Aldnoah.Zero pretty much stayed on course for being completely inoffensive and mostly uninteresting.  If you want decent action and soundtrack, with some light character building and drama, you could do worse, but don't go into it expecting a ton of depth, and I really don't think it did as much with its premise as it could have.


I also really liked the ending to Tokyo Ghoul, and really, the show in general... but I seem to be in the minority on that opinion.  It's definitely not perfect, there's a lot of dangling plot threads, for one; to some degree part of the problem with that show is that they had way too much story to tell in 24 episodes, and to their credit they didn't rush it (and I don't feel they should have) and at the end I think they pretty much embrace the open-endedness of the ending and are able to make the loose strings into something of an artistic decision.  


I may someday read the manga, since I enjoyed the story... but I'm not much of a manga fan, the only manga I've ever read was a few volumes of Trigun, since I'm a bit obsessed with that show, (Nice avatar, LeftInch) and honestly, I'm probably a bit bitter about the fact that every discussion of Tokyo Ghoul I read was dominated by people whose main objection was "it's different from the manga, so it sucks".  You can prefer the manga, sure, but it's a completely uninteresting discussion to me, and it got real old, real quick.  


So, yeah.  I enjoyed it, despite its flaws.  I think it's worth checking out.




Finally, something I didn't enjoy as much... probably not even as much as Aldnoah.Zero is Log Horizon season 1.  I've written my thoughts up long-form elsewhere, and I'll probably spare you all that; but I'll summarize my big three complaints:


1. The characters were shallow.  Virtually every character in the show was characterized by a repeating gag, or a half-baked "romance" (i.e. character X will act awkward when character Y is around and be obviously attracted to them, but nobody ever goes as far as to even openly express feelings for another character, it all stays in "high school crush" zone)... and that's about it.  Virtually nobody has backstory, motives, drama, etc.  Certainly not so much that couldn't be adaquately summarized in 20 words or less.


2. I'm not a fan of the main character.  He feels very power-fantasy, except he's a power fantasy for the sort of person who sees themselves as the mastermind/plotting type, rather than the usual "defeat everyone in 1-on-1 combat" power fantasy.  The show is all about telling us just how smart he is (and having other characters do the same, to an annoying degree)... but virtually never actually showing him do anything terribly clever.  His one major "big damnation heroes" moment is honestly one of the dumbest resolutions to any arc that I can think of (which is a shame because it was actually my favorite arc of the whole show).  He's probably a good case study in "how not to write a smart character".  Nor does he really have an arc or grow as a character, except a tiny bit in the first half a dozen episodes.


3. The whole "video game turned real" thing isn't executed terribly well, though it was still my favorite part of the show.  The fact that they've all been (seemingly permanently) separated from their friends, families, significant others (oh and their pets have all probably starved), and not a single character expresses any significant distress over this fact?  Seriously jarring.  There's a bunch of MMO mechanics which we get a bunch of info dumps about... but MMO mechanics aren't the sort of thing that you can explain a few pieces of and then understand the system: you really have to know the whole system to understand how the pieces play together, you can't just tell me what a couple attacks do and what a few of the classes are.  So, the explanations, to me, feel like a huge waste of time.  And the more general stuff - the politics, the players coming to understand the world and what has changed, etc - again, these are my favorite parts, but it's mired in the rest of the show, and doesn't outweigh the complaints.


So yeah.  I may watch the second season someday.  Maybe.  But it really wasn't my thing.  If you just want a light-hearted show set in a video game, you'll probably enjoy it fine, but I was hoping for something more substantial.  

Edited by Retsam
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Log Horizon season 2 gets more into the people who are upset to be away from their real lives. However, it's also simply more confusing with not understanding new characters' backstories and motivations. I still enjoy it though.


We finished watching Steins;Gate. We re-watched episode 1 before watching the final 4 episodes, and that was a good choice. Really helped cement things.


What a great show! I mean, there are some continuity things that I can object to, but overall I really liked it. It's one of the best-planned single-season anime that I've ever watched.


We haven't seen the OVA episode and the movie. The OVA is available for FUNimation members (which we're not), but I don't see a good legal way to watch the movie online. Someday I definitely want to see these though.

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Okay. We finally watched the last two episodes of Log Horizon season 2. (Crunchyroll was behaving enough that it didn't freeze.)


And I didn't like this season nearly as much as I liked the first season. For one, the early arcs in this season were too drawn out. Secondly, after that there were too many characters showing up. Toward the end maybe a third of the time I felt like I didn't know anyone onscreen, much less their motivations.


I wonder how much of this is a fault in the adaptation—would it make more sense if I read the novels this is based on? Or do those also suffer from character sprawl without sufficient time to understand what's going on?


If there's a third season I may watch it eventually, but I won't be excited about it like I was about the start of this season.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favourites are Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, Fate/zero (the best adaptation I've ever seen), Revolutionary Girl Utena, and maybe Durarara.


...I think it represents a good spread of genres.  :lol:


The best single episode I've seen is the first episode of Mouryou no Hako. It was absolutely stunning and represented quite remarkably what rose-tinted glasses might look like to the wearer. B) I mean, seriously, it was a one-episode romance arc that managed to make more of an impression than entire series of romance plots and subplots. With time to foreshadow and be creepy, since the series is technically horror.  :lol:


I've been thinking of giving Jigoku Shoujo another try - I dropped it about three episodes in, last time.

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We finished Yowamushi Pedal's second season. I did enjoy it quite a bit, but goodness, this is the epitome of shonen anime drag-out. Do not go into the second season expecting the Inter-High race to finish up quickly.


The end stretched probability, but I didn't mind. I liked the way they set it up.


If this series comes back for another season sometime down the road, I'll definitely watch it. I do really like the characters. But I hope a future season has a lot more plot than this season.


And, upon finishing that up, we started the tennis anime Baby Steps. The character designs on this did not (apparently) make a particularly good transition from the manga—there's something super weird with the main character's hair.  However, his personality is extremely interesting to see in a series like this. This is as close to an autism spectrum main character as I've ever seen in an anime, and it's refreshing.


We also reached the halfway point of Aldnoah Zero. Was not expecting what happened. We're not sure if we'll continue. But maybe.

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