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Sazed's... Connection(?), to Roshar


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So I just finished RoW and there was a little section in Part 2 that I really wanted to talk about.


I have begun searching for a pathway out of this conundrum by seeking the ideal person to act on my behalf. Someone who embodies both Preservation and Ruin. A … sword, you might say, who can both protect and kill.

This is the epigraph to chapter 29, a part of Sazed's* letter to, presumably, Hoid (I'm just assuming that's the case from now on). While this first made me think of Nightblood, Nightblood's purpose was to destroy evil, which matches neither the word choice nor the theme of the sentences. But the wording "both protect and kill", is extremely similar Kaladin's character arc, as his main struggle throughout the books has been trying reconcile the idea that he can kill to protect with the morals that he has grown up with, and that his radiant oaths align with. 


And so I suspect that Kaladin is Sazed's champion.


Though that is not the only reason I think so, even though it is by far the best.

 Kaladin's name sounds a lot like Kelsier's (Kal, Kel), and they do share some similarities in their character. Most noteworthy however, is Kaladin's ability to inspire others, assuming Sazed wanted to influence Roshar using a person, he would probably try to mold them off of influential figures in his past *cough cough* Kelsier *cough cough*, and so may end up making them (intentionally or unintentionally) inspirational. (does the crowd chanting "Stormblessed" not remind anyone else of how the people of Luthadel treated Kelsier and their idea of the survivor when they revolted against the Lord-Ruler).

Assuming that Thaikadar is Kelsier for a minute (I remain skeptical, though Kelsier's "end justifies the means" attitude would make him a perfect antagonist for the SA), this would also create a parallel between kelsier/Shallan and Sazed/Kelsier, with the latter being scaled up (with a Sazed and a sword replacing of Kelsier and a knife), and this theory also sets the precedent of Scadrians actively operating on Roshar.

I also think that there were some lines in Kaladin's chapters that felt suspiciously like allomantic tampering (surviving things that he shouldn't by being tough, people's emotions being not matching up to what they should be [I'm thinking of Kaladin's owner who gave him the Shash brand, but also I think I remember a line near the end of RoW where his stress/anxiety/nervousness are drained away, described similar to soothing, though I couldn't find the scene so I think I may be mis-remembering it]), and that feels a lot more like the work of Sazed than Cultivation.


This does not, however, explain the whole "Child of Tarnavast" thing.


*I don't want to use Harmony because of the statements that were made previously that Sazed was acting against the intent of the power he held (sorry if that's not the way those words are supposed to be used)

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41 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

He’s talking about Wax. At this point he’s sent Palm to Wax, and is actively working to groom Wax into his sword.

Then why the heck was this epigraph in a SA book? There’s no connection at all if this was the case. A complete non-sequitur. I agree, it is very obvious that Harmony is working on having Wax be his “sword”, Wax even literally calls himself “harmony’s sword” at one point, but I see no reason at all for why Kal couldn’t be also. I think Wax is going to resign, or die, and Kal is going to replace him. He just fits so well. Much better than Wax does. 

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Although it is clear that people from different worlds are involved with others I just do not see Harmony bringing someone from another planet to be his "Sword", I agree the description describes Kaladin but there are similarities to Wax and he is a much better candidate. 

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5 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

Although it is clear that people from different worlds are involved with others I just do not see Harmony bringing someone from another planet to be his "Sword", I agree the description describes Kaladin but there are similarities to Wax and he is a much better candidate. 

There is a problem. Unless he goes into action soon after Bands of Mourning he will be retirement age.

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14 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

There is a problem. Unless he goes into action soon after Bands of Mourning he will be retirement age.

I would counter that Marsh and Kelsier have proved age is not that big a deal on Scadrial. Of course some things would have to happen, 

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7 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

I would counter that Marsh and Kelsier have proved age is not that big a deal on Scadrial. Of course some things would have to happen, 

I mean...they’re functionally immortal, so I don’t think they count :P

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