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Storm Father Has Arrived

Storm Father

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Hello everyone. I'm new and have been directed to introduce myself here. I have been told that there are at least two others on here who have taken on some form of the name Stormfather, so Stormfather may now be a holy trinity. lol. I'm currently at the end of the first Stormlight Archives book and so far I love it. I'm also a huge fan of Sanderson's Mistborn, Elantris, and the Reckoners trilogy. 

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19 minutes ago, Storm Father said:

Hello everyone. I'm new and have been directed to introduce myself here. I have been told that there are at least two others on here who have taken on some form of the name Stormfather, so Stormfather may now be a holy trinity. lol. I'm currently at the end of the first Stormlight Archives book and so far I love it. I'm also a huge fan of Sanderson's Mistborn, Elantris, and the Reckoners trilogy. 

Hi, we meet, you getting RoW soon, and what are you most excited to see in it?

Also @StormFather! and @The Storming Stormfather Here are your brothers of the holy trinity.

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22 minutes ago, Storm Father said:

Hello everyone. I'm new and have been directed to introduce myself here. I have been told that there are at least two others on here who have taken on some form of the name Stormfather, so Stormfather may now be a holy trinity. lol. I'm currently at the end of the first Stormlight Archives book and so far I love it. I'm also a huge fan of Sanderson's Mistborn, Elantris, and the Reckoners trilogy. 

Welcome to the Shard! Glad you made it. Yeah, there are two others with names similar to yours. 
You read one, you read ‘Em all, right? Once you start you can never stop. What’s your favorite Sanderson book?

Edited by Bearer of all agonies
Got a little ninja’d there by aspire. . .
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1 hour ago, revelryintheart said:

If you were to wear the boots of one character in Brandon's works, whose would you wear?

I know this isn't my posts but I had to respond and say Kaladin's :ph34r::P he's my favorite character besides Dalinar!

2 hours ago, Storm Father said:

Hello everyone. I'm new and have been directed to introduce myself here. I have been told that there are at least two others on here who have taken on some form of the name Stormfather, so Stormfather may now be a holy trinity. lol. I'm currently at the end of the first Stormlight Archives book and so far I love it. I'm also a huge fan of Sanderson's Mistborn, Elantris, and the Reckoners trilogy. 

Welcome to the Shard!!! Hope you enjoy the Stormlight Archive! 

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I was wondering when you were going to get here, welcome to the Shard! So glad you came to introduce yourself here so we can get you properly welcomed to the Shard! :D

A collection of Stormfathers it most certainly is now @The Storming Stormfather I think you guys might need to make like a Stormfather grand council or something :P Awesome you have been loving SA so much! It is a wonderful series so hope you enjoy diving into it!

Have you read Alcatraz yet? Look forward to seeing you around!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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12 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Hi, we meet, you getting RoW soon, and what are you most excited to see in it?

Also @StormFather! and @The Storming Stormfather Here are your brothers of the holy trinity.

I still need to read finish WoK (almost done), RoW, and OB before getting to RoW. I have the first three. I may read Warbreaker or Skyward between Stormlight 1 and 2 just so I don't burn out. Stormlight are amazing books, but they're mammoths to get through. 


Thank you for the introduction. The Stormfather trinity now reigns supreme. lol

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6 hours ago, The Storming Stormfather said:

Oh no, another one!! I'm a little late, but welcome to the storming Shard, @Storm Father! Which Reckoners book is the best?

Ah, we meet at last. I see we also share the same profile pic. lol. That was not done intentionally. I would have to say Firefight was my favorite of the three Reckoners books. 

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7 hours ago, Storm Father said:

Ah, we meet at last. I see we also share the same profile pic. lol. That was not done intentionally. I would have to say Firefight was my favorite of the three Reckoners books. 

Ah, yes... it's a good pic, showing the world our power and majesty. It's fine if you use it, pretty much everyone named after Hoid/Wit has the same one.

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