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On 11/16/2020 at 2:31 PM, Knight of Iron said:

Hey, homeschoolers can be in a relationship! I mean, I know a lot of homeschoolers and I don’t know any in a relationship... but I presume they can... maybe?

Also I’m single and will be ready to mingle when on January 1, 2023. Until then, you have been ignored.

Well, I don't really see a point to dating right now, so that probably has something to do with it.

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No relationships for me, not yet. I kind of freak out when I consider having any sort of remotely romantic relationship with a guy. My big thing is that I have no clue how others perceive me, and am also not very gifted when it comes to social skills. So I don't want to become an annoyance to anyone and not be able to tell what's going on. (I prefer relationships (I'm referring to friendships, as I have no experience with romantic relationships, but this applies) where if you don't know what's going on you can just shoot the person a text and within a few minutes know whether or not something's up and if so, know exactly what it is. But in my experience, limited though it is, when you ask super direct questions like that it can sort of freak people out.)

I also misread social cues all the storming time. Which is why I'd need to have a super direct relationship with someone. 

I'm not even going to bother with a romantic relationship until collage. It would just be way too stressful. 

As far as I know, someone has flirted with me once. I really freaked out. 

So that's me.

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27 minutes ago, Tesh said:

As far as I know, someone has flirted with me once. I really freaked out. 

I think a girl flirted with me once but I didn’t pick up on anything. At all. Nothing whatsoever. Not until her mother later joked with someone else about her flirting with me.
Same goes when I read books, I never pick up when two people are flirting with each other or even interested until it’s outright mentioned. Im embarrassed to admit, but I saw absolutely nothing between couples like Shallan and Kabsal, Shallan and Kaladin, Kaladin and anyone trying to flirt with him... I’m really bad lol.

And I used to have a lot of anxiety about social interactions with the opposite gender. To the point where (I was about 14) I was at a dance, and not dancing with anyone, and this man I once called my friend betrayed me and called out “[random girls name], Knight wants to dance with you!” and then gave me a little push.

aaaand I bolted. I feel so bad for the girl now. Who knows, she may have even liked me? I wouldn’t know.

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Just now, Knight of Iron said:

I think a girl flirted with me once but I didn’t pick up on anything. At all. Nothing whatsoever. Not until her mother later joked with someone else about her flirting with me.
Same goes when I read books, I never pick up when two people are flirting with each other or even interested until it’s outright mentioned. Im embarrassed to admit, but I saw absolutely nothing between couples like Shallan and Kabsal, Shallan and Kaladin, Kaladin and anyone trying to flirt with him... I’m really bad lol.

And I used to have a lot of anxiety about social interactions with the opposite gender. To the point where (I was about 14) I was at a dance, and not dancing with anyone, and this man I once called my friend betrayed me and called out “[random girls name], Knight wants to dance with you!” and then gave me a little push.

aaaand I bolted. I feel so bad for the girl now. Who knows, she may have even liked me? I wouldn’t know.

Oh gosh... that's relatable.

At my first (and only) stake dance when I was 14, I was just hanging around feeling super awkward and very bored, and this kid asked me to dance. I freaked out, said no (politely), and had my mom come pick me up.

I am now mostly fine when it comes to talking to guys. Having a few good guy friends definitely helped. But it used to be awful.

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12 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

I think a girl flirted with me once but I didn’t pick up on anything. At all. Nothing whatsoever. Not until her mother later joked with someone else about her flirting with me.
Same goes when I read books, I never pick up when two people are flirting with each other or even interested until it’s outright mentioned. Im embarrassed to admit, but I saw absolutely nothing between couples like Shallan and Kabsal, Shallan and Kaladin, Kaladin and anyone trying to flirt with him... I’m really bad lol.

And I used to have a lot of anxiety about social interactions with the opposite gender. To the point where (I was about 14) I was at a dance, and not dancing with anyone, and this man I once called my friend betrayed me and called out “[random girls name], Knight wants to dance with you!” and then gave me a little push.

aaaand I bolted. I feel so bad for the girl now. Who knows, she may have even liked me? I wouldn’t know.

The first time I read WoK I didn't even notice Dalinar and Navani. I was only 12, but I still can't believe I had no idea until they started kissing each other. I reread it again later and it was pretty obvious the whole time.

As for someone actually flirting with me, I think it only happened once. I think he was trying to drop hints for months, but I only actually noticed when he accidentally said something to me and then ran away blushing. One second he was talking to me, and then the next second he was all the way across the hallway. It literally took someone running away from me for me to realize they'd been trying to flirt. I still don't even know if I'm interpreting that situation correctly, but his face was bright red so I think I'm right?

Anyways, we're all awful here at reading social cues. It's sad, but I just say it adds ~flavor~ to my personality :P

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40 minutes ago, Tesh said:

Oh gosh... that's relatable.

At my first (and only) stake dance when I was 14, I was just hanging around feeling super awkward and very bored, and this kid asked me to dance. I freaked out, said no (politely), and had my mom come pick me up.

I am now mostly fine when it comes to talking to guys. Having a few good guy friends definitely helped. But it used to be awful.

Now if only I had friends, period...

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I don't really think anyone has flirted with me, but I'm not great at reading social cues XD

There are two of my friends in my EMR class who will both hold the door open (they're double doors) and will see which door I walk through and if I don't walk through their door they get disappointed. Idk if they're flirting though or if they're just being stupid boys. Also since that class is a medical class, we have to practice physical assessments and rescue carries and stuff so I always pair up with one of them (because I don't really know anyone else in the class) and it's pretty awkward.

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24 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

Now if only I had friends, period...

I really didn't have friends until not too long ago. And even then, I only have one that I could count as a truly close friend.

And you've got all of us! (I don't know you, basically at all, but feel free to shoot me a PM if you feel like it.)

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10 hours ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

At least people have flirted with y'all.

In my case, it was over email with the kid who I kind of liked in eighth grade. (The only reason I kind of liked him was because a friend of mine didn't believe me when I said I didn't like anyone, so I said that I liked this kid, and then I kind of started to actually like him. Things then got really awkward whenever I was around him. He was in my ward, I was (and still am) good friends with a good friend of his, we were in band, and I was really weird and would start these super weird email conversations with him. So then, after being way stressed out about it, I just kind of logic-ed myself out of that (as I do with a lot of things) and I didn't like him anymore. And now we're kind of friends....)

The story behind this-

I'm part of this organization for teens (I won't go into details) and I absolutely love the program, and so I try to get as many people into it as possible. Sometimes we get together and do stuff like obstacle courses. This summer, this kid who I had liked a year before decided to email me. I didn't like him anymore, but I was glad to have someone to talk to. He mentioned that he was annoyed that he hadn't been working out in a while (which I just realized how odd that was) so I said that he should come to this meeting we were having. He agreed, then there was this weird thing where he said he should wear a suit or something... I'd need to read the actual conversation to remember what he actually said. But he was fliriting, I freaked out, and just ignored it and then did my best to avoid him.

I told my friend (who actually has social skills and has kissed a guy and is actually competent at being a human), and she said that he might just have been doing it because some guys just do it. As in, that's how they interact with people. But he'd never done that before (that I could tell). She asked me if I wanted her to help me flirt back. I said no.

Anyways, I can now talk to this kid without dying.

Short version- the one time someone flirted with me I freaked out and couldn't talk to the kid for six months, after just getting over a slight crush on him. 

7 hours ago, Nameless said:

Hey, I'm almost certain that no one has ever flirted with me. I just rarely talk with girls.


Find the nerd girls.

These are the girls who generally don't want to deal with most other girls, but are too awkward to talk with a guy because people might think that they're a thing. They'd be willing to accept your friendship. (In most cases).

Some of them might want a relationship, but most probably just want a friend. If they just want a friend, though, they might have contacts. ;) 

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Just now, Tesh said:


Find the nerd girls.

These are the girls who generally don't want to deal with most other girls, but are too awkward to talk with a guy because people might think that they're a thing. They'd be willing to accept your friendship. (In most cases).

Some of them might want a relationship, but most probably just want a friend. If they just want a friend, though, they might have contacts. ;) 

I don't really avoid girls, I just don't talk with them all that much. I also don't plan on dating for a while, although when I do want to date, I'll keep this in mind.

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My crush asked for my number today. 














Spoiler alert: I forgot it in a panic.












Yeah, I was so mad at myself later lol. He probably meant it platonically but stillll

Edited by Starborn42
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20 hours ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

At least people have flirted with y'all.

It was nothing to get excited about. As part of my job I meet like 7+ new people each day, and some times of year it is disproportionately teens. It so happened that apparently one of them was trying to flirt with me with her mother in the room. Other than this, nobody’s even tried.

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10 hours ago, Nameless said:

I don't really avoid girls, I just don't talk with them all that much. I also don't plan on dating for a while, although when I do want to date, I'll keep this in mind.

Yeah. I have lots of girl-friends, like friends who are girls, but I’m not dating anyone. 

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