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New Sanderson fan here, I only read Stormlight archive, currently reading Warbreaker, having fun with it. I fell in love with The way of kings and it is my favorite book I have ever read. I love Oathbringer a little more than Words of radiance, only reason being that I unfortunatley find Shallan cahpters to be really boring to me, and Dallinar is just a page turner. Although I don't like how fast some things resolved in the ending of Oathbringer. These are my general thoughts, I made an account because I'm looking foward to discuss the fourth book with other fans and members, and I also hope to read some othere cosmere books until then. Sorry if I english bad,  I'm from Croatia. 

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Hi Honorless, I was hearing about The way of kings for a long time through youtube videos, mostly daniel greene, but only when my cousin gave me the book and said I should read is when i read it. What cosmere books did u read? 

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15 minutes ago, Hentient said:

Hello! Your English is great! I agree with you, shallan Isn’t the most interesting character (to me, at least). Are you planning on reading more cosmere after warbreaker?

Hey,  yes I was planinig Elantris, Edgedancer and than Mistborn. Have you read those? 

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41 minutes ago, Skycan said:

What cosmere books did u read? 

Oh I've read all of them

7 minutes ago, Skycan said:

Hey,  yes I was planinig Elantris, Edgedancer and than Mistborn. Have you read those? 

Instead of getting Edgedancer separately, get the Arcanum Unbounded: it's a collection of Cosmere stories.

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12 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

You're welcome!  Also, the mods don't like it when you double post.  If it's because of the quotes, the plus sign lets you quote multiple posts.  Otherwise, just edit.  Hope to see you around on the Shard!

Is this what you mean. 

5 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Oh I've read all of them

Instead of getting Edgedancer separately, get the Arcanum Unbounded: it's a collection of Cosmere stories.

Man I didn't know Edgedancer is in Arcanum, thanks for the info :D

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19 minutes ago, Skycan said:

Hey,  yes I was planinig Elantris, Edgedancer and than Mistborn. Have you read those? 

Yup! Though I haven’t finished Mistborn era 2. Like Honorless said, the Arcanum Unbounded has a bunch of cosmere short stories, Edgedancer included. The short stories are actually my favorite pieces of the cosmere, so I’d definitely recommend you check it out! 

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Other essential features! You can hide your own posts: look at the bottom of the post, there should be "quote", "edit" and "options", clicking the last one will show you the option to hide your post.

You can also hide your topics: top of the page should show two bars: orange one "reply to this topic" and below that "moderation actions", click that and you'll see the option to hide.

You can report a post to the moderators by clicking the little grey flag icon on their posts.

You can choose to follow people or topics that you find interesting. For people, go to their profile, the leftmost blue button that has the facebook add friend icon. For topics, at the bottom of the page, there's a grey bar with the option to follow.

Those are all the essentials off the top of my head. Enjoy! 

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1 hour ago, Hentient said:

Yup! Though I haven’t finished Mistborn era 2. Like Honorless said, the Arcanum Unbounded has a bunch of cosmere short stories, Edgedancer included. The short stories are actually my favorite pieces of the cosmere, so I’d definitely recommend you check it out! 

I'll can't wait to get to it, thanks :D

1 hour ago, Honorless said:

Other essential features! You can hide your own posts: look at the bottom of the post, there should be "quote", "edit" and "options", clicking the last one will show you the option to hide your post.

You can also hide your topics: top of the page should show two bars: orange one "reply to this topic" and below that "moderation actions", click that and you'll see the option to hide.

You can report a post to the moderators by clicking the little grey flag icon on their posts.

You can choose to follow people or topics that you find interesting. For people, go to their profile, the leftmost blue button that has the facebook add friend icon. For topics, at the bottom of the page, there's a grey bar with the option to follow.

Those are all the essentials off the top of my head. Enjoy! 

Thank you, I'll study these features when I come home. 

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57 minutes ago, Mist said:

Welcome to the Shard! Have you taken the Knights Radiant quiz? 

Thank you. Yes, I got Truthwatcher. You?

30 minutes ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

Hello and Welcome!

I empathize with starting on the Way of Kings.

Thank you :D

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14 hours ago, Skycan said:

Hi Honorless, I was hearing about The way of kings for a long time through youtube videos, mostly daniel greene, but only when my cousin gave me the book and said I should read is when i read it. What cosmere books did u read? 

Welcome to the shard! Don’t worry about your English. Many people like us here with English as a second language. 
I have seen Greene’s videos too but after I had already read SA and mistborn. It is fun to see other people’s take on your favourite books. Looking forward to RoW and discussing it on the forums with everyone. 
Tor.com has been releasing chapters of the book every Tuesday, are you going to read them before book release?

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2 hours ago, The Traveller said:

Welcome to the shard! Don’t worry about your English. Many people like us here with English as a second language. 
I have seen Greene’s videos too but after I had already read SA and mistborn. It is fun to see other people’s take on your favourite books. Looking forward to RoW and discussing it on the forums with everyone. 
Tor.com has been releasing chapters of the book every Tuesday, are you going to read them before book release?

Thank you very much.

Well I want to wait untill the book releases to read it all and I read Warbreaker now, but I am already getting spoilers wherever I look. I really don't think releasing chapters this way was a good idea, the book is coming out soon anyway and now you are just exposed to spoilers. Also I think that Warbreaker is essential to read to understand WoR and OB, although nobody would tell you that. What are your opinions on that, is edgedancer essential to read also?


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7 minutes ago, Skycan said:

Thank you very much.

Well I want to wait untill the book releases to read it all and I read Warbreaker now, but I am already getting spoilers wherever I look. I really don't think releasing chapters this way was a good idea, the book is coming out soon anyway and now you are just exposed to spoilers. Also I think that Warbreaker is essential to read to understand WoR and OB, although nobody would tell you that. What are your opinions on that, is edgedancer essential to read also?

It is. It explains some crucial character development for two pivotal characters going from WoR into OB

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8 hours ago, Skycan said:

What are your opinions on that, is edgedancer essential to read also?

It is absolutely critical to read before reading OB. It furthers the story arc of atleast 2 main characters and a few other minor things. 
I am also not a fan of the idea of releasing chapters every week, to be honest. I am reading them as they are being released because I can not not read them so getting spoilers is not really a concern but I don’t really like that by the time I will lay my hands on the full book, I will have already read part 1 !! 1/5 of the book will have been gone ! Even before I started the book. My book will be that much shorter! :(


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3 hours ago, The Traveller said:

It is absolutely critical to read before reading OB. It furthers the story arc of atleast 2 main characters and a few other minor things. 
I am also not a fan of the idea of releasing chapters every week, to be honest. I am reading them as they are being released because I can not not read them so getting spoilers is not really a concern but I don’t really like that by the time I will lay my hands on the full book, I will have already read part 1 !! 1/5 of the book will have been gone ! Even before I started the book. My book will be that much shorter! :(


Yes I agree with the last point u made, that is the reason I am not reading chapters before release.

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Welcome to the Shard! Don't worry about your English it was perfectly fine. More happy to just have you join us! :)

So glad you like Way of Kings! I'd say for me my favorite is probably between that and Oathbringer (but mainly because I'm biased for Dalinar :P). I would definitely agree Dalinar's stuff is sooo interesting to read!

Hope you enjoy reading more Cosmere books. If you need recommendations would definitely just ask around for what people enjoy, people are super friendly and always down to give a recommendation. Look froward to discussing RoW with you as well when it's out!


Edit: Out of curiosity did you read WoK in English or is it translated??

Edited by Scout_Fox
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