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Everything posted by Skycan

  1. It should be stone from WoW or Blizzard card game.
  2. It's all good no problem, I have much of cosmere to read and I will read Dawnshard when I manage to get it. Did you get it on kickstarter?
  3. Why doesn't he just sell books. I mean what is the point of kickstarter for a millioner? He has funds to publish books normaly, now anyone who doesn't want to participate in kickstarter loses some plot of the story. Maybe I am tottaly wrong, please correct me if I am.
  4. So is Dawnshard a full lenght book then or just 200 pages story like Edgedancer? I ask because I wonder if I will be able to even buy it in my bookstore. It is actually easier for me to read it in English than my own language, and the words are more epic in English.
  5. Granted, but you can only play on 360p. I wish to have a clone.
  7. Yes, I am definetly planing to finish Warbreaker and read Elantris and Edgedancer before Rythm of war. Not sure if I will be able to find a copy of Dawnshard when it releases. I will try Mistborn for sure after all of this. That is not a problem here because we have very strong English in schools and also influence from other medias. Where are you from?
  8. Wow, thank you. Any recommendations from you? I read it in English because there is no translation in my language.
  9. Yes I agree with the last point u made, that is the reason I am not reading chapters before release.
  10. Thank you very much. Well I want to wait untill the book releases to read it all and I read Warbreaker now, but I am already getting spoilers wherever I look. I really don't think releasing chapters this way was a good idea, the book is coming out soon anyway and now you are just exposed to spoilers. Also I think that Warbreaker is essential to read to understand WoR and OB, although nobody would tell you that. What are your opinions on that, is edgedancer essential to read also?
  11. Thank you. Yes, I got Truthwatcher. You? Thank you
  12. I'll can't wait to get to it, thanks Thank you, I'll study these features when I come home.
  13. Is this what you mean. Man I didn't know Edgedancer is in Arcanum, thanks for the info
  14. Hey, yes I was planinig Elantris, Edgedancer and than Mistborn. Have you read those?
  15. Hi Honorless, I was hearing about The way of kings for a long time through youtube videos, mostly daniel greene, but only when my cousin gave me the book and said I should read is when i read it. What cosmere books did u read?
  16. New Sanderson fan here, I only read Stormlight archive, currently reading Warbreaker, having fun with it. I fell in love with The way of kings and it is my favorite book I have ever read. I love Oathbringer a little more than Words of radiance, only reason being that I unfortunatley find Shallan cahpters to be really boring to me, and Dallinar is just a page turner. Although I don't like how fast some things resolved in the ending of Oathbringer. These are my general thoughts, I made an account because I'm looking foward to discuss the fourth book with other fans and members, and I also hope to read some othere cosmere books until then. Sorry if I english bad, I'm from Croatia.
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