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Welcome to the Shard but beware of spoilers! Yeah, Way of Kings is awesome. Feel free to post reactions and/or reviews of WoK, we love that kind of stuff, though the Discord channels might be easier for that, here, I'll link them:

https://discord.gg/3gKW8x (this is the 17th Shard Discord)

https://discord.gg/RE9Pbw (this is the Cosmere Chat Discord): this one has channels specific to each book so you won't get spoiled

Edited by Honorless
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Welcome, welcome! Glad to have you here with us as well!! Stormlight Archive is definitely a good place to start! And if you are only on the first you most definitely have a journey ahead of you! Just be careful reading every second (which of course you will now have to :P), reading while walking has yielded some rather poor encounters with poles and such (and potholes, no falling down potholes on us!).

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to anyone everyone around here is super friendly and awesome! And the Shard is perfect for getting your Sanderson on, although, as everyone else pointed out, if you are just starting might want to wait a bit before diving into the specific book forums (but how long is it really gonna be before you've read every Sanderson book ever yknow?? :D). Welcome to the Shard!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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Welcome to the Shard! Glad to have one more person who might show up in the Gay Disaster thread. I hope you enjoy learning about that windspren! 

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

Welcome to the Shard! Glad to have one more person who might show up in the Gay Disaster thread. I hope you enjoy learning about that windspren! 

Linked for ease because when new to the forum understanding where things are is a little difficult (and I just like linking things :D)!

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