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10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

that's a fun combo.

mind if i make a quick joke sentence describing what I think is going through an aro pan persons head?

Sure go ahead

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6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

aro pan people:

"nah screw romance i want seggs wit everyone ahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa"

mods dont kill me pls its ok elf said it was ok i didn't say the complete unholy word its ok.

That is very funny 

(And maybe not far from the truth) 


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15 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

welcome to this crazed side of the Shard (or maybe you've already been here seeing as you've been here since 2015 lol)

Thanks! I remember making an account at some point because I wanted to post memes, never did, and never came back until a couple weeks ago. So you could say I'm new here. :lol: 

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On 5/17/2022 at 9:27 AM, Veez said:

Hey folks! I'm 36 and only recently (in the past 4 years) figured out that I'm AAAA! (Ace, aromantic, agender, and also autistic for good measure).

Just wanted to share.

Ayyyyy fellow agender fren! Welcome (back) to the shard. 

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On 18/05/2022 at 10:38 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Ayyyyy fellow agender fren! Welcome (back) to the shard. 


4 hours ago, Spook's biggest fan said:

Hi, welcome(✿^‿^)


...So what do you do here?

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4 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Talk about being gay (LGBTQ+)

Talk about being disasters

Talk about being gay disasters

Yassssss! Sums it up perfectly


So i have question for lqbtq community

How does one politely point out to one who thinks they are an ally that they are actually kinda homophobic

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10 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

How does one politely point out to one who thinks they are an ally that they are actually kinda homophobic

I'll assume that if they believe they're an ally, that means they're probably trying? It might just be that they don't understand that they are being homopobic in the first place. I used to hold pretty homophobic views, while believeing myself to be accepting of everybody, and honestly, I still probably do to an extent. I have a trans friend who still makes "attack helicopter" jokes, and it's an uphill battle to explain to them why it's harmful and not funny.

But back to you!

So I think that the best thing you can do is educate them on the views they hold, and why they are harmful. When they make such a comment, you could explain why this comment in particular is an issue, and at the same time reinforce that you appreciate their support?


7 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

I'm just a Nonbinary nerd popping in to say hi.

Hi Enby friend! What are you nerdy about, beyond Sanderson?


12 hours ago, Spook's biggest fan said:

I got a boyfriend (≧▽≦)

Yay congrats! Is it brand new and shiny? (the relationship, not the boyfriend)

Edited by Veez
I am potato and can't translate thoughts into words.
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7 hours ago, Veez said:

Hi Enby friend! What are you nerdy about, beyond Sanderson?

Well, my username involves the word 'Nerdy' and an obscure D&D race. I have the same username on the Homebrew website D&D wiki. I read way too much, and enjoy math. I play Magic: the Gathering way too much. My life goal is to become a Quantum Physicist.

I'd say I'm pretty nerdy.

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