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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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29 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'm not entirely sure what kind of magic we all have. I've got some cool stuff from my universe, though a lot of it isn't super effective outside its own borders. Apparently we have two Narrators, which is good, and some folks from the Cosmere. As for the weaponry here, they're mostly just regular rifles: the kind of thing you can carry around and shoot with in pretty much any situation. Nothing super advanced."


Bryson almost spoke up about his magic, but stopped himself. That’s crazy, he thought. The other guards don’t even know, and I’ve worked with them for far longer than I’ve known the Fellowship.

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7 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"I'm not entirely sure what kind of magic we all have. I've got some cool stuff from my universe, though a lot of it isn't super effective outside its own borders. Apparently we have two Narrators, which is good, and some folks from the Cosmere. As for the weaponry here, they're mostly just regular rifles: the kind of thing you can carry around and shoot with in pretty much any situation. Nothing super advanced."


“Yeah.” Saph said. “I have illusion magic, heightened spiritual senses, and a body that is fairly resistant to damage and makes me able to react quickly. I’m not super amazing in a straightforward battle, I’m better at small numbers confrontations or stealth.”


I have a Raindrop Iron Body, for those of you who have read Cradle.


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On 1/18/2022 at 11:41 AM, Zephrun's Imperium said:

“Honestly? I’m bored. I want to DO something with my life. May as well be this.”

"Well, they seem to need you. So I'll stay with you as long as you let me." Silver shrugged. "I just don't see why this Empire thing is a big deal."

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5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:
16 hours ago, Enter a username said:

I was thinking the exact same thing.


In that case, who would they go to for resources and/or research? I was thinking that maybe they'd be after the energy crystals, and maybe have them look into a project that's too small in scope for them--though small in scope for the Curse of Death would probably stretch the Fenon Clan's resources, at least a bit.

(Also, should we do this on this thread or the Just the Plot thread?)

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2 hours ago, Enter a username said:



It seems like the Curse of Death would kinda just be in kahoots with the Clan, but if you want to make them a completely different enemy then that'd also be pretty cool.

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Fadran doesn't exactly know the city layout by heart.


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I'm going to make a vague effort to be active here. I have no idea what I'm doing but from what I can tell that won't make much difference. Sorry if this is presumptuous.

Vora cautiously stepped out into the sunlight, glancing around. There didn't seem to be any immediate danger, so she continued moving forward... and the world suddenly twisted around her, fading out to a featureless void.

After what felt like an eternity, sensation suddenly returned to her as she appeared several feet in the air in an even more unfamiliar place. She tried to break her fall, but her limbs felt sluggish, and she felt her nose crack painfully as she impacted the ground. Crawling to a crouched position, she wiped blood from her face as her injuries began rapidly healing and glanced warily out at the unfamiliar faces nearby. "Pardon, but would one of ya mind tellin' me where in the name of anythin' holy this is?"

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11 hours ago, Enter a username said:

The Curse of Death is its own thing, but they might offer an alliance* with the Clan as a way to get at their resources and information.

*Sort of like the alliance the Lord Ruler formed with the skaa


If they are more powerful it isn't a good idea to get them involved until after the Fenon Clan has been defeated/dealt with in some way, in terms of structure.

15 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Fadran doesn't exactly know the city layout by heart.


Well, Six is projecting the layout of the city into the air. Three is asking so that Fadran can guide Four to the location, to scope it out.


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