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Is it possible to truely capture a Raidiant


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Hemalurgy could seperate their spren from the them. Depending on how live plate is actually formed and what it is made out of, hemalurgy might be able to do the trick there as well. Maybe even if it isn't made out of spren like many people assume, I would assume there has to be some form of Connection that it has to the radiant, snatch that connection with a spike and boom, no more plate. 

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14 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

Mutilation is on the Table but no Hemalurgy, they need to be radiant.

In the air they can get stormlight during Highstorms.

Plate would still be viable

In that case, then a larkin to eat all the stormlight, then soulcast a body cast of aluminum that is attached to the ground. No hands to grab a shardblade or manipulate it. No space to manifest shardplate. 

13 minutes ago, Karger said:

The radiant would have to be able to hold the tools.  Remember they can't use their hands and the human jaw is not great for this kind of thing(although I suppose we could muzzle them as well).  Some kind of careful heating combined with the right tools should get rid of the manacles.

Muzzle I think would be a good additional idea. Getting it off is now no longer a problem as per Booknerd. So soulcasting bindings without a means of opening them is viable now to me. 


Even if they can I don't think they could cut aluminum.  Aluminum creates an anti investiture field.  Spren are investiture.  It would be like running into a force field.

I believe the idea he or she is going for is the physical property of being an atom thick would allow it to physically cut the aluminum. Not phase through. 


2 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

Brandon has not yet decided weather or not shardblades could have a normal cutting effect on aluminum so that's an iffy argument

Regarding aluminum, shardblades operate as normal swords. You can still break or dent aluminum with a shardblade depending on the durability of the aluminum and the force used behind the shardblade. WoB support that


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Just now, Karger said:

Out of curiosity.  Is their anything that prevents them from keeping the spren in an airtight aluminum box and just moving it to a different location?

I don't know whether or not a non-physical spren could be trapped in aluminum. I also do not know if a spren manifesting as a shardblade would be trapped in an aluminum box. Let me see if there are any WoB on it. 

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2 minutes ago, Karger said:

Brandon has also not decided on weather shardblades can get thin enough to cut through metal without issue so that is an equally iffy argument.

You will notice that I never made that particular argument.

Also @Pathfinder I think you may have gotten it. only way out of that I see is forming a tiny shard stick in your hand and hopping expanding it breaks the bonds or at least gives room for plate.

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4 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

You will notice that I never made that particular argument.

I was just pointing out that the argument and the counterargument are both on a level playing field.

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I still kind of like the suspended cage thing.  Usually when somebody is in jail you post guards, so if a radiant happens to get out of the aluminum cage, a guard could activate a fail safe that drops the radiant.  I am of the opinion a fall from several hundred feet would kill somebody in shardplate (that doesn't have stormlight).  We have Eshonai (in stormform) as an example (actually, am I wrong now that I think about it?  Did Eshonai actually drown to death?)

Do we know if shardplate loses its power when used against aluminum?  If a blade can't cut through it like it does other non sentient objects, would shardplate act just as normal armor?  If this is the case, I would propose putting a radiant in a steel room with a sheet of aluminum on the inside of that.  The aluminum would negate the magical properties of the blade and plate, and the steel behind would be the reinforced strength to prevent them from just bashing their way out.

Each of these scenarios you keep stormlight away from the radiant by taking their gems and using candles in hallways for light.  Even if a highstorm comes, the radiant won't have gems to hold the stormlight. 

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22 minutes ago, Nuatoma said:

Each of these scenarios you keep stormlight away from the radiant by taking their gems and using candles in hallways for light.  Even if a highstorm comes, the radiant won't have gems to hold the stormlight.

You could also use a larkin to accomplish this. Just have it drain away any investiture the radiant is holding.

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1 hour ago, Nuatoma said:

I still kind of like the suspended cage thing.  Usually when somebody is in jail you post guards, so if a radiant happens to get out of the aluminum cage, a guard could activate a fail safe that drops the radiant.  I am of the opinion a fall from several hundred feet would kill somebody in shardplate (that doesn't have stormlight).  We have Eshonai (in stormform) as an example (actually, am I wrong now that I think about it?  Did Eshonai actually drown to death?)


Unless you have a huge underground pit you can find the only large enough drop to kill a Radiant is outside and they can just get the Light directly from the storm. Even if you put them above it, they can just fall into it to renew Stormlight. Also Eshonai did drown, and Adolin broke her back before she fell.

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At this point I think it'd be safer just to kill the Radiant outright.  But barring that, the safest way to imprison a Radiant I believe would be to larkin the guy then shove them into a structure residing in the Cognitive Realm.  No need to worry about a summoned Shardblade or plate, they will not manifest there. No need to worry about highstorms,  they will not rejuvenate people or spheres there. And without Stormlight,  no surges either. The cage should also incorporate a lot of aluminum,  just in case someone gets the bright idea to use their suffering as a catalyst for Oath progression.  They won't be able to escape even with an Oath assisted power boost.

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1 hour ago, Bigmikey357 said:

At this point I think it'd be safer just to kill the Radiant outright.  But barring that, the safest way to imprison a Radiant I believe would be to larkin the guy then shove them into a structure residing in the Cognitive Realm.  No need to worry about a summoned Shardblade or plate, they will not manifest there. No need to worry about highstorms,  they will not rejuvenate people or spheres there. And without Stormlight,  no surges either. The cage should also incorporate a lot of aluminum,  just in case someone gets the bright idea to use their suffering as a catalyst for Oath progression.  They won't be able to escape even with an Oath assisted power boost.

Very smart.

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4 hours ago, Bigmikey357 said:

At this point I think it'd be safer just to kill the Radiant outright.  But barring that, the safest way to imprison a Radiant I believe would be to larkin the guy then shove them into a structure residing in the Cognitive Realm.  No need to worry about a summoned Shardblade or plate, they will not manifest there. No need to worry about highstorms,  they will not rejuvenate people or spheres there. And without Stormlight,  no surges either. The cage should also incorporate a lot of aluminum,  just in case someone gets the bright idea to use their suffering as a catalyst for Oath progression.  They won't be able to escape even with an Oath assisted power boost.

I like the cognitive realm no-blade idea just three problems

  1. We don't know for sure that plate can't manifest in CR
  2. Highstorms can renew stormlight in the CR
  3. The radiant is already fifth Ideal so Oath progression is not a problem

Though you might be on to something.

Edited by Booknerd
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Here are some ideas I have for capturing a powerful radiant:

1. Cryogenically freeze them while they aren't burning stormlight.

2. Lock them in a small room, say you're about to release them, but secretly there's a Cadmium savant on the other side of the wall going full blast.

3. Whatever the thing is that was used to trap the fused and/or postpone the desolations?

4. Send them into orbit in a craft that has no method of propulsion, no stormlight, and is rigged to explode if it's tampered with from the inside.


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On 3/8/2020 at 10:07 PM, Narglet said:

Here are some ideas I have for capturing a powerful radiant:

1. Cryogenically freeze them while they aren't burning stormlight.

2. Lock them in a small room, say you're about to release them, but secretly there's a Cadmium savant on the other side of the wall going full blast.

3. Whatever the thing is that was used to trap the fused and/or postpone the desolations?

4. Send them into orbit in a craft that has no method of propulsion, no stormlight, and is rigged to explode if it's tampered with from the inside.


1. Not sure if any civilization right now is that advanced.

2. it would take them days or weeks outside, but their just going to walk to the side of the room and shardblade out.

3.An Oathpact? That would be useful, if the Radiant where a CS that needed to stop being re-born.

4.I'm assuming that they could probably see out of the ship and even if not, they form shardplate, cut out with blade and fall into a Highstorm, that their spren told them is right below.

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14 hours ago, Booknerd said:

1. Not sure if any civilization right now is that advanced.

2. it would take them days or weeks outside, but their just going to walk to the side of the room and shardblade out.

3.An Oathpact? That would be useful, if the Radiant where a CS that needed to stop being re-born.

4.I'm assuming that they could probably see out of the ship and even if not, they form shardplate, cut out with blade and fall into a Highstorm, that their spren told them is right below.

1. Regular freezing (via cold fabrials?) probably would work fine too since you can revive them with stormlight after.

4. Orbit is the process of constantly falling at the ground and missing. You can't fall out of it without some form of propulsion. It would have to be really powerful propulsion too; the speed of orbit for the ISS is around 1000 meters per second. An explosion powerful enough to cause that kind of velocity change would definitely be enough to kill anyone, even with shardplate.

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8 hours ago, Narglet said:

1. Regular freezing (via cold fabrials?) probably would work fine too since you can revive them with stormlight after.

Cryogenically freezing a person and them surviving is currently a myth at our technological level. The human body is just not made to survive the experience. Certain animals can (lizards I believe being the main example) but not humans. So it would kill the person. Then unless you bring them back shortly after, they would fully die and their "self" would be gone. No amount of stormlight would bring them back after that.

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On 3/11/2020 at 8:46 AM, Pathfinder said:

(lizards I believe being the main example)

They are.  In my highschool we had a lizard and it apparently died during the winter so we put it in the freezer until the ground was soft enough to bury her.  Fast forward until spring we take her out and she starts moving. 

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9 hours ago, Emerald_Mage said:

This will take a few steps.

1. Lure into Shadesmar.

2. Fight until they run out of stormlight.

3. Hit with a tranquilizer dart.

4. Keep them drugged with something that will keep them comatose.

They take Stormlight from the Highstorm, recover and slice your soul off. Also how do you hit them through shard plate?

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35 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

They take Stormlight from the Highstorm,

That's why you go do Shadesmar. Highstorms don't supply stormlight in the cognitive realm.

37 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

Also how do you hit them through shard plate

Aim through the eye slits? find a weak point? Make one with a morningstar? The breach would only need to be big enough to get a needle through.

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2 hours ago, Emerald_Mage said:

That's why you go do Shadesmar. Highstorms don't supply stormlight in the cognitive realm.

Yeah they do. How do you think the spren get it? Gems just don't hold it for as long. The Highstorm supplies stormlight by bringing the three realms closer together, cognitive included.

2 hours ago, Emerald_Mage said:

Aim through the eye slits? find a weak point? Make one with a morningstar? The breach would only need to be big enough to get a needle through.

I would think that live plate would be able to close eyeslits and have a see-through helm but don't know for sure. No weak points with Shard plate. Mornigstrar? this is shard plate that won't work.

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24 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

Yeah they do. How do you think the spren get it? Gems just don't hold it for as long. The Highstorm supplies stormlight by bringing the three realms closer together, cognitive included.

The spren have to get it from the physical realm. There is a reason that 1. Stormlight is money to the spren, and 2. When Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin were in shadesmar their spheres never recharged.

24 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

I would think that live plate would be able to close eyeslits and have a see-through helm but don't know for sure

The knife through the eye slit worked on Saddeas.

Edit: And on Shallan's brother when Kaladin was defending Amaram.

24 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

No weak points with Shard plate. Mornigstrar? this is shard plate that won't work.

I meant to make a weak point. Blunt trauma seems to be the most effective way to do that.

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39 minutes ago, Emerald_Mage said:

The spren have to get it from the physical realm. There is a reason that 1. Stormlight is money to the spren, and 2. When Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin were in shadesmar their spheres never recharged.

stormlight is money because it's investiture. Most higher spren never go to the physical realm, The highstorm brings all realms closer, cognitive, spiritual, and Physical and pulls Honors investiture into gems. Kal and crew ran out of stormlight because gems leak more on the cognitive side not because they couldn't re-fill.


43 minutes ago, Emerald_Mage said:

The knife through the eye slit worked on Saddeas.

Edit: And on Shallan's brother when Kaladin was defending Amaram.

Sadeas didn't have plate on, and Helaran wore dead plate.

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6 hours ago, Booknerd said:

stormlight is money because it's investiture. Most higher spren never go to the physical realm, The highstorm brings all realms closer, cognitive, spiritual, and Physical and pulls Honors investiture into gems. Kal and crew ran out of stormlight because gems leak more on the cognitive side not because they couldn't re-fill.

Source? They were running out of stormlight and had no way to recharge. 

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3 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Source? They were running out of stormlight and had no way to recharge. 

On the boat to Celebrant(I don't have the book on me) Kal thinks about how their gems are almost out even with the recent Highstorm. Or something along those lines

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