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I'm just here for the punchy-punchy, stabby-stabby


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Hi guys, Negative_Null here. I'm a big Sanderson fan ever since my friend made me read Alcatraz, and here we are. Love the Shardcast, all the books, and inexplicably, Moash, but not Stick (Fight me)

What else? I'd be an Elsecaller as far as I know, Brass compounding would be awesome whether or not you could actually set things on fire, and my Talent is bad puns.

Am I in, or do I need more Intent? :)

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There was actually a thread debating whether or not pancakes or waffles was better.

Elend is great and I'm glad you like him. When I had my friends read Mistborn, they were all mad that he kinda grew up from the first book. Which is sad, 'cause Elend is a caterpillar. He grows. ^_^

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Welcome to the cult community of Sanderfans! Enjoy your stay.


Also, never talk about Moash. He is dead to the community. If you speak of him in any positive light, everyone will attack you like a bunch of bloodthirsty kolos. Just a heads up.


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6 hours ago, Negative_Null said:

Hi guys, Negative_Null here. I'm a big Sanderson fan ever since my friend made me read Alcatraz, and here we are. Love the Shardcast, all the books, and inexplicably, Moash, but not Stick (Fight me)

What else? I'd be an Elsecaller as far as I know, Brass compounding would be awesome whether or not you could actually set things on fire, and my Talent is bad puns.

Am I in, or do I need more Intent? :)

I'm not fighting you, we're brothers-in-arms then! 

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Welcome to the Shard @Negative_Null !

Your OP reminds me of Belkar from "The Order of the Stick" (an online comic). There used to be a thread for it here on the forums, but it seems to have vanished. OOTS isn't the most family-friendly, so maybe that was it? & as such I won't post a link here - you can find it easy enough by googleing.

Edited by Lump-wing
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