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Book Reading Order, Help Me!

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My own personal reading order is:

White Sand Vol. 1 - > White Sand Vol. 2 -> White Sand Vol. 3 -> Elantris -> Arcanum Unbounded The Emperor’s Soul -> Arcanum Unbounded Hope of Elantris -> Arcanum Unbounded The Eleventh Metal -> Mistborn The Final Empire -> Mistborn The Well of Ascension -> Mistborn The Hero of Ages -> Warbreaker -> Arcanum Unbounded Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell -> Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings -> Stormlight Archive Words of Radiance -> Arcanum Unbounded Edgedancer -> Stormlight Archive Oathbringer -> Arcanum Unbounded Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania -> Mistborn The Alloy of Law -> Mistborn Shadows of Self -> Mistborn The Bands of Mourning -> Arcanum Unbounded Secret History -> Arcanum Unbounded Sixth of the Dusk.

The great thing is, you can really read them in any way. SA first or Mistborn or Elantris and so on.... That's the beauty of the Cosmere. The stories are self-contained yet also overarching.

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Here's mine for both Cosmere and non
  1. Elantris 
  2. Mistborn 1st series: The Final Empire, The Hero of Ages, The Well of Ascension
  3. The Way of Kings (1 book trilogy)
  4. White Sand (comic)
  5. Shadows for Silence in the forests of hell
  6. Warbreaker (remember, he is an LDS author, it turns out fine)
  7. Sixth of the Dusk
  8. Words of Radiance (the 1st sequel (of TEN) to The Way of Kings)
  9. White sand 2 & 3
  10. Mistborn era 2: The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, The Bands of Mourning (I skipped over the Allomancer Jak stories in my second time reading over it, and it was twice as good. Allomancer Jak is soo stupid), The Lost Metal (coming out next year (planned))
  11. The Emperor's Soul (same world as Elantris)
  12. Mistborn Secret History (do not read until you have read Era 2)
  13. Edgedancer (2.25 in stormlight archive (see below) Both of this one and the one above are in Arcanum unbounded)
  14. Oathbringer (3rd book in Stormlight Archive (The way of kings series))
This order is to help your understanding of his magic type and the Cosmere
  1. The Reckoners series: Steelheart, Fireheart, Calamity
  2. Skyward and Starsight
  3. Legion: the many lives of Stephan Leeds
  4. The Rithmatist
  5. Snapshot

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Personally I've started all people on Mistborn then:


Mistborn Era2


Secret history


Stormlight Archive, Wok p1 and p2


Warbreaker (so they recognise Zahel...)


Rest of Stormlight.





This is what I've told my friends from experience and because I cannot find whitesand in my region nor can we (Me and my mates) find unbound.



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I started with Mistborn as well. After completing Era 1, I read Secret History.

After this I read Elantris then Warbreaker, then Emperor's Soul. After this I jumped straight into Way of Kings. I read the other Cosmere short stories post-Oathbringer.

This reading order meant: I didn't dislike Elantris as much some others do, I did dislike Warbreaker at first though (before I got to... a certain point). Secret History was much more impactful after Book 3. A closure.

Edited by Honorless
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So here is a list I put together for my sister, I hope it helps : )

Bold and Slanted - stories from the Arcanum Unbound that should be read in that specific place.
Bold - From Arcanum Unbound.
5-9 and 10-14 can be swapped around. 

1. Elantris.
Optional - The hope of Elantris.
Optional - The Emperor's soul.

2. Mistborn: The Final Empire
3. Mistborn: The Well of Ascension 
4. Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
Optional - The Eleventh Metal

5. Mistborn: The Alloy of Law 
6. Mistborn: Shadows of Self 
7. Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning 
8. Mistborn: Secret History
9. Mistborn: The Lost Metal (working title, to be written 2020, likely release 2021)

10. The Way of Kings
Optional - Sixth of the dusk.
11. Warbreaker
12. Words of Radiance 
13. Edgedancer
14. Oathbringer

15. All the rest of the books in Arcanum Unbound, and any optional not read already.

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32 minutes ago, Doombrigade said:

So here is a list I put together for my sister, I hope it helps : )

Bold and Slanted - stories from the Arcanum Unbound that should be read in that specific place.
Bold - From Arcanum Unbound.
5-9 and 10-14 can be swapped around. 

1. Elantris.
Optional - The hope of Elantris.
Optional - The Emperor's soul.

2. Mistborn: The Final Empire
3. Mistborn: The Well of Ascension 
4. Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
Optional - The Eleventh Metal

5. Mistborn: The Alloy of Law 
6. Mistborn: Shadows of Self 
7. Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning 
8. Mistborn: Secret History
9. Mistborn: The Lost Metal (working title, to be written 2020, likely release 2021)

10. The Way of Kings
Optional - Sixth of the dusk.
11. Warbreaker
12. Words of Radiance 
13. Edgedancer
14. Oathbringer

15. All the rest of the books in Arcanum Unbound, and any optional not read already.

You forgot WB

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