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Fortune and futuresight



I know that various methods of seeing the future (Renarin’s visions, atium or electrum burning, Dusk’s special bird) work because they tap into fortune and the spiritual realm, but why? What is it about fortune that allows futuresight, wouldn’t connection be more appropriate?

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On 7/2/2019 at 7:47 PM, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:

I know that various methods of seeing the future (Renarin’s visions, atium or electrum burning, Dusk’s special bird) work because they tap into fortune and the spiritual realm, but why? What is it about fortune that allows futuresight, wouldn’t connection be more appropriate?

The short answer is that time is not the same in the spiritual realm or perhaps that all times are one.  Either way correct use of the spiritual realm can allow future sight.  Vivenna warns that most humans with the other of Hoid do not realy benefit from this power or know how to use it effectively.  Fortune is more of a force that draws people together at specific moments.  Think of it more like destiny then luck.

Edited by Karger
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I'm not sure there is an official answer, but I believe it is because the use of Fortune includes not only the ability to grasp potential futures, but an instinctive(read not controllable) ability to find relevant information. The future in the cosmere is near infinite, and the mind can only grasp so much. So even if you're lucky and find relevant information, its still not perfect, and usually is a gamble.

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On 7/8/2019 at 2:43 PM, The Sovereign said:

@Truthwatcher_17.5 I think the issue is one of definition. You are equating Fortune to Luck. Think of it more like a Fortuneteller (clairvoyance and whatnot). 

It's not just him though. The Ars Arcanum for The Alloy of Law, which I think is the first time we see mention of Fortune as a cosmere attribute, describes its Feruchemical use as:


Spinner Ferrings can store fortune in a chromium metalmind, making themselves unlucky during active storage, and cap tap it later to increase their luck.

In-universe this material is written by Khriss as of a certain point in time, so there is still room for her to be wrong vs. what Brandon intends, but in general Khriss writes her notes based on direct observation or conversation (her own or from Nazh).

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