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The Cosmic Battle to Save the Thread


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Is this what you wanted?

“Death you say?” BoS re-summoned her hatchet. “What do you think Xino? She is in a lot of pain…And she doesn’t want to live anymore…Which is understandable, of course.”

Edited by BringerofShadows
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Well, she's essentially lost her mind; she's not going to recognize you and she's terrified of pretty much everything right now. I don't want her to die; I think she has a lot to live for and she's probably my favorite character to Narrate. She's definitely suffering though, and I get it. I feel terrible that I've allowed her story to drag on. I also know, however, that she can be saved. And anyway, Xino's not going to let you do that, I don't think. 


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Just think about the weight of what she’s been through for a second. When I first introduced her as a character, her one and only job was to protect Marsh and she grew to love him more, even, than I do. And she had to suffer through watching him go evil in spite and even because of her efforts to protect him. She then had to endure the effects of that; earning a spike through her neck and a broken wrist. Not only that, but she had to watch him reject her after being healed and then captured and tortured until he finally died right in front of her. And this literally darkened her soul into a completely different character. A character who, at her core, was just broken and needed someone to love her. But Astral was dismissed and never really heard of again. When she came back to TLT, do you know the first thing that happened to her? She was poisoned by another Narrator. No wonder she was so rusted up and evil, they hated her! But Pheo changed all that. He showed her that someone could love a wretch like her after all. So she tried to be better. And she was! She gave her entire storming heart to you guys and she never gave up on making sure that you got everything she knew you needed. But the thing is, she never thought about herself. I’ve gotten sucked into this trap before too. When you’re the one helping people, you get set on this pedestal and all of a sudden, you don’t have anyone to turn to. People don’t get that you’re hurting and need help too, they just assume that because you helped them, you’re this perfect thing, but you’re not. She’s never had anybody. Not really. But I guess, that’s the hero’s fate, isn’t it? Sure, go ahead and keep Pheo from her. He could make her happy again. But we’re too busy making the plot what it is to realize how terribly we’re treating our own characters. I realized this a while ago and Star has sat there and suffered it the entire time. I don’t want her to hurt! Usually, I’m a little bit removed from my characters, but Star is so much more real to me. That’s why, on TLT, I didn’t find it the least bit funny when she kept getting thrown in the mud and stepped on. She’s gone crazy! She’s depressed! She had PTSD, she’s scared, she’s tired, but she just keeps soldiering on and no one even sees it. 


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Kill... me...

Pheonix looked up, eyes widening as phantom pain played up and down his arms. No, he mouthed. No, Star, no...
Frantic, he stood up and began to beat on the walls, desperately searching for a door, a weak point, anything that would let him escape this prison cell and save the one person who had ever cared about him.
At last, he collapsed to the floor, silent tears running down his face. It was no use. There was no way out. Star would die, alone and abandoned- and his heart would die with her.
Please, he called into the silence. Let me save her. Please...
No response.
I will do anything, he whispered. Anything...
"Oh?" said a voice. "Will you?"
Slowly, Pheonix raised his head to look at the source of the voice.
A man stood above him, floating a few inches above the ground. His appearance was striking, with his jet black hair and pale skin, but the most eye-catching thing about him was, in fact, his eyes. The irises in each swirled with hundreds of different colors, each separate and distinct yet blending together to create a greater whole.
Who... who are you?
The man smiled. "I go by many names," he said, in a voice as multifarious as his eyes. "But you... you call me Fate."
Why are you here?
"You called me."
I... did?
"Indeed. You needed something. And so you called me."
Pheonix reflected on this for a moment eyes widening. Does that mean...?
"It depends. Did you mean what you said?" The man's face became serious. "That you would do anything?"
Yes, whispered Pheonix, eyes desperate. Anything.
The man smiled. "Then go."
And with that, he vanished.
Pheonix blinked, then looked around uncertainly. Was there supposed to...?
With a start, he realized there was a hole in his prison. It was barely perceptible -surely it hadn't been there all along?- but something was tugging him towards it.
Unsteadily, he got to his feet and began making his way towards the pull. It seemed to be getting stronger as he approached it; by the time he reached the edge of the room it felt like he was standing on a slide. He stumbled forwards in a sort of half-run, stepping through the broken wall and into the room beyond. 
The sensations from Star were stronger now. He could feel them emanating from a space in the air in the middle of the room- the same space he was being pulled towards.
Hold on, Star, he thought as he rushed the portal. I'm coming.
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Star could barely scream anymore. She moaned, her entire body trembling as little lines of cool tears ran down her charred cheeks. "Take it away..." she muttered. "Please stop this. Let me... go..." A blister on her neck popped open and she shuddered, gritting her teeth, trying as hard as she could to hold on against the storm of pain she was suffering. 

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1 minute ago, Shard of Thought said:

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss, SoT sang. Her voice was quiet, but echoed in the air around her, low and almost haunting. She continued to hum, not really knowing what she was doing. The tune just... came to her. 

SoT's voice resonated in Silence's Realm, barely carrying through. 

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Star felt heat rise in her cheeks as something snapped inside of her. She felt him. Pheonix. It was like her other half had been missing and had finally come back to her. Every blister and blemish, every burn and bruise on Star's skin evaporated in the passion of that kiss, never to afflict her again. She wept, but for once, she was weeping with joy. The newly-healed Narrator wrapped her arms around Pheonix’s waist and held to him tightly. If she had her way, no one would ever take him away from her again. This was her happy ending.

No. Pheonix was her happy ending.

She pulled away to look at him for a moment, taking in the details of his face and memorizing the way she felt. “I love you,” she whispered breathlessly. She had been looking for more words, trying to find them in his gently glowing eyes, but there was nothing else she could say to him. That was all he needed to know. 

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1 hour ago, Shard of Thought said:

Star felt heat rise in her cheeks as something snapped inside of her. She felt him. Pheonix. It was like her other half had been missing and had finally come back to her. Every blister and blemish, every burn and bruise on Star's skin evaporated in the passion of that kiss, never to afflict her again. She wept, but for once, she was weeping with joy. The newly-healed Narrator wrapped her arms around Pheonix’s waist and held to him tightly. If she had her way, no one would ever take him away from her again. This was her happy ending.

No. Pheonix was her happy ending.

She pulled away to look at him for a moment, taking in the details of his face and memorizing the way she felt. “I love you,” she whispered breathlessly. She had been looking for more words, trying to find them in his gently glowing eyes, but there was nothing else she could say to him. That was all he needed to know. 

Pheonix smiled. "I love you, too."

3 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Star sighed and got up off the ground. She walked up to Shadow and hugged her.

Pheonix watched her with a warm feeling inside. See, he said. I knew you had that light in you.

Edited by xinoehp512
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1 hour ago, Shard of Thought said:

Star sighed and got up off the ground. She walked up to Shadow and hugged her tightly. 

BoS cried. It had been a long time since the tears had flowed freely. She clutched the back of Star’s shirt, not trying to stop it. It was good and horrible simultaneously.

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