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  2. 2. Will you participate in Phase 3, The Taste of Death (ToD)

  3. 3. Are you satisfied with the way the main plot has been run?

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The evacuation was going... not that well. Between the crazy bird frying pan swarms, and flying leach rivers, and other Eldritch horrors, those who weren’t forcefully evacuated by Dusk were being killed. Some were escaping, sure, but much much more were dying. Not all was lost, many a frying pan bird man was being killed by the rioters, but the rioters were losing. Drastically. There were your heroes, here and there, a squad of Incursion Precursors there, a few space marines here, a crazy vigilante roaming the streets, a flash of black killing a few demons killing horrors attacking orphans around. The horses were losing numbers, but the defenders were losing more.

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36 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:


“Hey, I already said we’re not going to hurt you. What is that thing? Fell out of who’s pocket? Who do you work for? What is plasma core, really?” Silva asked, leaving her hand on his shoulder so she could snap his spinal cord in an instant should he make a move.

@Ax's Boyfriend @I think I am here. @xinoehp512 @Silva @Sorana


Voidus' daughter is already an existing character he controls, so actually rping her might be difficult.


Edited by kenod
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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

I feel we may break Lita by all showing up in the same spot at the same time, we nearly did at the group meeting


By all means make her a little crazy! :P But maybe avoid appearing out of the Coin this time since it's currently in her shoe.


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I'm going on the assumption that we're sticking in this thread. If that is incorrect, let me know.

DIDGERIDOO, the Delicious Inspired Distinct Great Eating Resturant, and Innovative Developers Of Orders.

Never had Eiran been so glad to see that sign. The door was locked, but he had a key.

He didn't check to see if the DA members followed him in and instead got to work making sure the place was secure inside. And to disable some of the security mechanisms. As funny as it would be to see them coated in cookie dough, it probably would be helpful in the long run.

"Well," he said, finally addressing them since they'd arrived. "Deteca should be here shortly. Do you want anything in the meanwhile? Chocolate chip cookies? Fortune cookies? Sugar cookies? Sprinkle cookies?" There were more types, but he wasn't very involved in the baking department. Memorizing every type of cookie was not something he'd done before.

@Voidus @ZincAboutIt @AonEne @whoever else should be here or coming here

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4 hours ago, Ark's Boyfriend said:

Hm. I don't have any contacts in the DA. And I'll have to ask Deteca to reveal further information. But yes, I think a meeting would suit both TUBA and the Ghostbloods. She sent that to Zokora. @Sorana

Just tell them, that we would like to combine our efforts. No traps, or anything, but I htink you already told them? Or maybe just go on? Tell them what we know and that's it. If they need help with something, where we can offer assistance just do it. I don't want to force anybody, I know we have a bad reputation for meetings.

Zokora paused. Why was she trying to do that? She was the worst person to act a diplomat. She paused for a moment, read through it again and then hit the send button. Tena would know what to do.

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4 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Just tell them, that we would like to combine our efforts. No traps, or anything, but I htink you already told them? Or maybe just go on? Tell them what we know and that's it. If they need help with something, where we can offer assistance just do it. I don't want to force anybody, I know we have a bad reputation for meetings.

Zokora paused. Why was she trying to do that? She was the worst person to act a diplomat. She paused for a moment, read through it again and then hit the send button. Tena would know what to do.


The Ghostblood leader's assistant differing to Tena... I'm at a loss.

Then again, Tena has been a Ghostblood for nearly twenty years now...

Yes, ma'am, Tena texted Zokora. 

She copied the message Zokora had sent her, then sent it to Deteca and added, This is what Zokora sent me. What do you think? @AonEne

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3 minutes ago, Ark's Boyfriend said:

The Ghostblood leader's assistant differing to Tena... I'm at a loss.

Then again, Tena has been a Ghostblood for nearly twenty years now...


Zokora is a willshaper. She's great when it comes to creativity, but she's really bad at the diplomatic part. And she knows Tena is a good friend of Althea. So she respects her a lot.

Then she's at a loss, that Lusk delegated that task to her and has no idea what to do. Usually she has a write up from Althea full of orders what to do, and what is expected. That's just how I imagined Althea working together with someone completely differently. Not everybody can be good at everything ;)


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1 minute ago, Sorana said:

Zokora is a willshaper. She's great when it comes to creativity, but she's really bad at the diplomatic part. And she knows Tena is a good friend of Althea. So she respects her a lot.

Then she's at a loss, that Lusk delegated that task to her and has no idea what to do. Usually she has a write up from Althea full of orders what to do, and what is expected. That's just how I imagined Althea working together with someone completely differently. Not everybody can be good at everything ;)


Not everyone can be Tena, I know. :P

Maybe Tena should be Righthand...


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10 minutes ago, Silva said:

DIDGERIDOO, the Delicious Inspired Distinct Great Eating Resturant, and Innovative Developers Of Orders.

Never had Eiran been so glad to see that sign. The door was locked, but he had a key.

He didn't check to see if the DA members followed him in and instead got to work making sure the place was secure inside. And to disable some of the security mechanisms. As funny as it would be to see them coated in cookie dough, it probably would be helpful in the long run.

"Well," he said, finally addressing them since they'd arrived. "Deteca should be here shortly. Do you want anything in the meanwhile? Chocolate chip cookies? Fortune cookies? Sugar cookies? Sprinkle cookies?" There were more types, but he wasn't very involved in the baking department. Memorizing every type of cookie was not something he'd done before.

@Voidus @ZincAboutIt @AonEne @whoever else should be here or coming here

KanMien walked into the restaurant, following the man from TUBA. Looking around they sat down at an empty table.
"Do you want anything?" They heard the man say.
They thought about that. It wasn't likely that anything would be poisoned, and he probably wouldn't have a poison that could work on them even if he tried, and given the situation it would be better to get sustenance whenever the situation allowed for it.
"Yes please," they said. "Do you have any tea?" They decided not to ask about food. Asking about a corpse or rotting meat would likely make him think they were looking for trouble.

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Lita waited at the door when the TUBA member entered, ears straining for any traps. He seemed to have disabled something, though there could be any number of other security measures in a place like this. She finally stepped through, figuring that he likely wasn't stupid enough to pull some kind of double-cross with the city in such a tenuous position, and their two guilds in an even-more-fragile truce. 

"Well," he said, finally addressing them since they'd arrived. "Deteca should be here shortly. Do you want anything in the meanwhile? Chocolate chip cookies? Fortune cookies? Sugar cookies? Sprinkle cookies?" 

Ah, Deteca, that's it, Lita thought, smiling slightly and filing away that bit of information. Her smile widened into a little grin as she recalled her earlier decision to snag two cookies from Laurelai's rooms. She pulled one out of her pocket.

"Actually, I brought my own breakfast," she said, taking a bite and trying not to let the flavors distract her attention. Eating with tin was amazing, but it had a way of clouding the other senses. "Though I could do with a coffee, if you've got any."

That was a lie, she was burning enough tin to keep herself awake for hours yet. Still, it was dawn, and it was the end of the world. Coffee seemed appropriate. 

She turned to KanMien and Laurelai, pulling the second cookie out of her pocket and offering it to either of them with a silent gesture.

@Silva @kenod @Voidus

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2 hours ago, kenod said:

Voidus' daughter is already an existing character he controls, so actually rping her might be difficult.



Oh, to bad.:mellow: Can I adopt her?;)


The last post setting the scene in the Alleycity was before the main guilds arrived to save people. I would have said that, but I had to get to class. So, this is as their arriving. 

Then, the guilds arrived. The frying pan men turned from the civilians to them, and attacked. The guilds took hits, and were struggling, but they pushed the frying pan men back. The eldritch horrors were shot down, and the other invaders were attacked, but not without a cost. Hundreds of guild soldiers fell, to save civilians. TUBA soldiers threw themselves to their death to save civilians, and GB soldiers killed the invaders without remorse, shoving rioters out of their way. Then, a burst in the line, horrors flooded out of the southern edge of the city, only to be cut down by Black Crusade reinforcements landing and coming in. Dusk's mercenaries came in in droves behind the soldiers to grab injured civilians, and brign them to safety, and escort anyone who needed it out of the city.

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Deteca took in the new information with wide eyes. "We're in the same room, why are you texting me..." she mumbled, trailing off; the words were more to let her gather her thoughts than anything else. The images were immensely worrying, and the fact that the Ghostbloods wanted to meet almost more so. "Yes, you can tell her. They're welcome to send someone to Didgeridoo as well." She looked up. "I suppose we'll have to go aboveground."

4 hours ago, Ax's Boyfriend said:

As long as you stay away from the Stranger


I'm confused at to why you think I would want to get close to someone who would probably kill me? :P

1 hour ago, Darth Woodrack said:

TUBA soldiers threw themselves to their death to save civilians...

I hope not too many are actually dying, though.


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5 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

“Hey, I already said we’re not going to hurt you. What is that thing? Fell out of who’s pocket? Who do you work for? What is plasma core, really?” Silva asked, leaving her hand on his shoulder so she could snap his spinal cord in an instant should he make a move

“Yeah, we’re the good guys,” Wes gesturing around. “We just want to stop the bad guys. And you can help us, become a good guy too. How great is that?”

@Ax's Boyfriend

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Harmony. Everything was connected. The opening of PlasmaCore, inviting the guilds. The frying pan creatures. The flickering of the shield.

The flickering...

That couldn't be good. Whoever had created it would have wanted to protect the Vortex from being seen. Their being inside the field was proof that something had gone wrong. 

Of the Vortex growing out of control?

It seemed as innocent as a vortex could seem, spinning round and round, but looks could be deceptive. It was possible it wouldn't need to physically grow to become more powerful.

Freedom looked at Silva. "Some things are pretty clear from the papers. PlasmaCore was a front and this scientist works for someone who works for a Lord Ajax who is planning on conquering AlleyCity through use of the Vortex. A better question would be, how do we shut it down, now, before anything else comes out of it?"

@Darth Woodrack @Ax's Boyfriend


"Try not to get too many spikes stuck in the furniture," Eiran told them hesitantly, glancing at the cookies one brought out. It was probably too much to ask of them though. 

He turned and went behind the counter to fix their drinks. The tea was easy enough. Coffee though...he didn't know if she wanted any sugar or cream in it.

To be safe, he didn't stick any in and brought over a pitcher and container seperately after giving the cups to the two who'd requested. 

@ZincAboutIt @kenod @Voidus @AonEne

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1 minute ago, Silva said:

Harmony. Everything was connected. The opening of PlasmaCore, inviting the guilds. The frying pan creatures. The flickering of the shield.

The flickering...

That couldn't be good. Whoever had created it would have wanted to protect the Vortex from being seen. Their being inside the field was proof that something had gone wrong. 

Of the Vortex growing out of control?

It seemed as innocent as a vortex could seem, spinning round and round, but looks could be deceptive. It was possible it wouldn't need to physically grow to become more powerful.

Freedom looked at Silva. "Some things are pretty clear from the papers. PlasmaCore was a front and this scientist works for someone who works for a Lord Ajax who is planning on conquering AlleyCity through use of the Vortex. A better question would be, how do we shut it down, now, before anything else comes out of it?"

@Darth Woodrack @Ax's Boyfriend


"Try not to get too many spikes stuck in the furniture," Eiran told them hesitantly, glancing at the cookies one brought out. It was probably too much to ask of them though. 

He turned and went behind the counter to fix their drinks. The tea was easy enough. Coffee though...he didn't know if she wanted any sugar or cream in it.

To be safe, he didn't stick any in and brought over a pitcher and container seperately after giving the cups to the two who'd requested. 

@ZincAboutIt @kenod @Voidus @AonEne

Kumiko walked through the PlasmaCore building, staying a few meters behind the others, completely unseen. She smiled. She could get used to a power like this. She looked at the woman in front of her. TUBA, if she recalled correctly. Looking closer, it seemed as if she'd found something interesting. Going by her instincts she walked up behind her, and switched back to Cat form. "Hey," she said. "Found anything interesting?"


KanMien took the cup the man brought them. "Thanks," they said, deciding to ignore the comment about the spikes. They took a sip and sighed at the warm feeling of the tea, feeling themselves relax. Settling down they looked at the others, making sure to keep an eye on the door. Unconsciously they started toying with their phone, feeling concerned about Kumiko.

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Itiah your asking someone Ark controls to become a good guy? Really?;)

Silva snapped in his face, because apparently you can do that with metal gloves on, and said, "Hey, you still there? You playing Mario in your head or something? Answer the questions! All of them!"
@Ax's Boyfriend @I think I am here. @Sorana @Silva @xinoehp512 @kenod

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He snapped back to reality.

Then he screamed.


A man in a house woke up, hearing a demonic scream.

He shivered, then turned back to bed.


He stopped. "Uh, good guys? Good guys? Sure."

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Silva who was incredibly close to snapping his spine to get him to shut up, said, “Okay. How do we turn that thing off? Who else works for plasma core? Is there anyone else’s besides Ajack, and most importantly, is there anything else coming through that Vortex?”

@Ax's Boyfriend @I think I am here. @Sorana @xinoehp512 @kenod 

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2 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

The man screamed and Wes covered his ears.

“Uh, do you mind telling us what that was?” Wes asked.

Kumiko uncovered her ears, spooked by the scream. "Probably a sign to get out of here," she muttered.

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7 hours ago, kenod said:

I'm half-tempted to have Aylitha join them as well...



Do it :D

8 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Voidus, can I please rp your the Daughter? Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?Please? Please?



As mentioned, she's already an established character. Sorry.

Voidus shared a smile with the others as they thought the offer over. It seemed he wasn't the only one feeling a little stifled lately, granted the restrictions on his freedom were self-imposed but that didn't make them chafe any less. Even if he understood the reason why he needed to hold back, that didn't lessen the frustration of seeing the world change and forcing himself not to guide it.

"Perhaps we should inform the other department heads as well." Voidus said. "Just in case anyone wants to join us, we should offer everyone the chance after all."

Most of them would likely be immersed in research or coordinating their own department, but some might similarly appreciate a chance to get out, if only for a bit.

"But I think we'll have to hold off on anything too apocalyptic for the time being my friend." Voidus continued, looking towards the Stranger. "Perhaps keep them on standby, we can see if they might be needed once we arrive and can assess things. As for the field agents..."

Voidus paused, thinking the matter over for a few moments before continuing.

"Perhaps we should bring them along, they've already been inside the building before after all. They would be able to spot differences faster and may be able to provide some context for what we find there."

Perfectly rational, definitely no ulterior motives for this. He thought to himself, trying to justify the decision. Just business.
Laurelai entered into the building as well, standing near to Lita and KanMien.

"Thanks." She said, accepting the cookie that Lita offered. Perhaps a taste of home would help her keep calm.

She chewed on the cookie, savoring the familiar texture and taste. It helped a little at least, allowing her to remain as relaxed as could be expected given that they were in the middle of what was effectively an active warzone.

She closed her eyes as she ate, taking a moment to just quietly enjoy the cookie, a nice respite from the chaos. But eventually the cookie was finished and her eyes slowly opened once more.

Almost without thinking a pen slipped into her hand and she began idly twirling it around, letting the Alleys know where they had ended up. As she sent the message she looked around the room curiously, observing their surroundings and habitually trying to discern their history.

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