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Cassie shut the library door with a solid click, locked it, and started the walk down the school’s hallways with a sigh. It was fairly common for the full-time librarians to leave her as the last one to lock up after the school day, since she was usually finishing up some task after having gotten distracted with five others, and today was the same. Her feet going into autopilot, she tugged her phone out of her back pocket and went first to the group chat after seeing that Shana had texted it. 

As soon as she saw the words ‘suspicious person’, she winced. There were options here, but none of them were pretty. Either an innocent bystander, in which case a bunch of teenagers were going to awkwardly show up at their door; a Voidbringer or someone who worked with them, in which case things would likely escalate to a fight; or someone else with Investiture, which meant there might be a fight anyway, and even if not who knew whether they’d be hostile or a friend of Doc’s or what. Cassie scanned the address again. She knew it - it was close to their own home. Worryingly close. 

With gritted teeth, Cass thought about her own options, which weren’t pretty either. Go home and pick up reinforcements...while the people already there might be fighting to the death? Enough time had passed that they were no doubt there by now. Or she could call the police again...yeah, because that worked out so well last time. And what if they are innocent? Or Cassie could teleport straight to them and help out. 

She was ducking into an empty bathroom and stepping into Shadesmar almost before she’d put her phone away. 

The few steps it took to reach the area of the Physical Realm she wanted were uneventful, except for her increasing nervousness. When she exited the Cognitive Realm discreetly in a tree - which she proceeded to almost fall out of; thank the Stormfather no one saw - she’d just about hit the limits of how much she could worry before it turned into genuine fear. 

There were the shattered remains of the door, there were the distinct sounds of a fight, and there were her emotions breaking through the wall that separated worry from panic. Great. 

She ran in, her own Shardblade materializing in her hand as she willed it with a pang of regret, and plunged into the clamor with a swipe at one of the Voidbringers to the side. 

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Things got bad in a matter of seconds. Edwin stepped aside holding the straps of his backpack. Storms, how could I forget? He ran, looking in every direction. How would they hide something like this? Even if there was something that prevented normal people from noticing, this was a normal neighborhood, full of people, that could be destroyed in the next ten minutes. This needed to end quickly.

He reached a tree, several houses away, and hid his backpack among the branches. Hopefully it would be safe there. Now, he needed to find a way to help. He couldn't fight without a weapon -he could barely fight with one- and he was just a step above useless with his surges, but they were all he had.

Edwin ran towards the house, the fight already obvious from afar, and saw two new figures. Were those Cassie and Draug? That helped a lot, maybe they would get out of this alive and without destroying the street after all. Still, he couldn't just stand doing nothing, but he couldn't fight either, so he resorted to the only trick he knew and started making holes and sinking feet, hoping to make the fight even a little bit easier for his friends.

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I went back and checked for the heck of it cause I’m rereading the RP, and it took us about 100 pages/two months from when the prom plot was suggested to when it occurred. Only a few days, IC. :P

Anyway, due to the lack of activity here I’ll post something from Cassie either edited into this, or if someone posts before I write it then in a new post. 

The plot idea that's been cooked up is this: Thade and the remaining Seedbound will, when any other plot points we want to cover have been wrapped up, attack the protagonists and be beaten by us. Thade would die, harming Sha-thoexis through their bond and sending her deep into the Cognitive Realm for a very long time, causing her influence to lessen to the point where it's barely noticeable. This would give us the situation we've been looking for for TKNG.

Edit: This part is a suggestion, but after that I think it would make sense for neighbors or passersby to notice the aftereffects of the battle, cluing our characters into the fact that Investiture is no longer hidden. We'd probably cut off before really getting into the immediate reactions of the world and end the RP. Thoughts on this?


Edited by AonEne
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Nym knew she wasn't needed right now, and, even though the topic was interesting enough to her, she wanted to go outside, and actually move.  She looked to Aya, then to Jamie, and stood up, "I'm going to go look around, I'll be back soon." Then, without another word, walked out. @Tesh @Dr. Dapper

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Do you have the virus, or are you just forced to stay at home for a while?  Also, you can jump in on Aya, Nym, and Jamie if you want, they're discussing Investiture at the moment in Doc's house.

@Bookish Ocelot

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Me too.   I don't like being cooped up in our house.  My sibilings just go 10 times more annoying than before.  Also, you can jump in on Aya, Nym, and Jamie if you want, they're discussing Investiture at the moment in Doc's house.

@Bookish Ocelot

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Shana turned her head when Cassie and Edwin joined the fight and gave them a quick thumbs up, before she turned towards her next enemy. A bullet grazed her arm and she found herself screaming, then took care of this threat. There weren't too many left, the fight would be over soon.


sorry for that post, but I figured I could try to help end this scene. I will edit it a little once I can think of anything...


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On 3/16/2020 at 9:56 AM, Bookish Ocelot said:

I'd love to come back! If it's not too much trouble, could one of you PM me with a summary of what happened in the gazillion pages since I left? 


Sorry for the delay! What’s the last thing you remember happening? 


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People posted some school posts, some got together in the library and talked. Then some went to a pottery class which was led by a Radiant substitute teacher who originally then went to Doc’s, but we’ve retconned that part as her writer left the RP for now. Shana saw a suspicious woman out the window and she and a few others went to investigate a nearby address which the woman left behind. They got in a fight and a couple others joined them. Meanwhile, Nym found Aya the Mistborn and took her to the house. We’re still in the fight and Shana sent a text to the group chat about them checking the house out, so you could have her see that and come in, or go back home and meet Aya. 


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I’m okay with that. 

It also looks like no one new is going to vote on the poll anytime soon, so what Uno described the CR as is canon (I’ll add it to the OP) and we now have a plan for the end of the RP. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/24/2020 at 5:07 PM, Bookish Ocelot said:

Leona opened the door to the house, slinging her backpack over one shoulder. "Anybody home? I just got back from school," she called. She walked into the kitchen and set down her bag. Then she went to the fridge to get some cake. 

Nym acknowledged Leona, saying, "We are."  She wasn't really sure which one of the Radiants it was.  She stood up, looking in her direction. @Tesh @Dr. Dapper @Bookish Ocelot

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On 4/2/2020 at 9:21 AM, Aragorn said:

Nym acknowledged Leona, saying, "We are."  She wasn't really sure which one of the Radiants it was.  She stood up, looking in her direction. @Tesh @Dr. Dapper @Bookish Ocelot

Leona retrieved the cake - angel food cake - and walked over towards Nym. "What's up?" she asked. "Where is everyone?"


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"Oh. Yeah. Uh. I can summon cake. Or more accurately, make other things into cake. I'm an Elsecaller; one of the ten orders of the knights Radiant. I feel like I've seen you around here before," Leona said. It was a gamble telling Nym this, but she was pretty sure she had seen her around before.


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