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Remember quotes guys ^_^ 

So I assume you are still active then? What’s Luther doing? 

Go to the page before this and read the long post by me partway down it. 


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24 minutes ago, Sorana said:

If you scroll up, you'll see it.

Thank you.

17 minutes ago, AonEne said:

So I assume you are still active then? What’s Luther doing? 

He has been maintaining his routine stoneward style and is trying to figure out how to earn his armor.

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I believe we considered sand mastery for Australia, but the others are unspecified. There are plenty of Investitures not mentioned so far, however, so anyone can say something is in a certain place. Aethers, Yolish Lightweaving, Silence Divine magic, and more - we can do a lot. 

Since we have an overwhelming majority (unanimous, actually) it is clear that we will be going ahead with what was said in that one post a page ago. I’ll edit it into the OP when I have the time, and will work on getting the plot started with the police again. My apologies for these last few days. 


Edited by AonEne
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That meme scares me...but thanks! :wub:

Eiss strolled around the side of the van, inspecting the bakery logo on its side. It appeared to have crashed somehow, letting a surprising amount of cake erupt everywhere. How was it involved with the people the caller had claimed were shooting at a bunch of kids? She pursed her lips and turned to the group, surveying the battleground - for clearly it was one. Several people lay immobilized, apparently unconscious, or possibly drugged. Others showed various injuries. However, those who were incapacitated were predominantly adults, which didn't fit with the current story.

Eiss radioed for medical attention, then raised her voice. "Who called 911 here?"

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

Eiss radioed for medical attention, then raised her voice. "Who called 911 here?"


I know it's been a while and I could be wrong, but weren't some three Voidbringers alive? Or did they flee?


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5 minutes ago, AonEne said:

They’re either knocked out, cooperating with the police (possibly temporarily), or yeah they ran. Or a combination thereof. Whatcha think? 


Completely fine. I just missed it. It's npcs I don't really care about them :P


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On 27.7.2019 at 10:01 PM, Hope Spren said:

How much damage would a full Darkbolt to the back do? Unconsciousness, severe pain, lasting damage, being corrupted, burns, what?


We never defined that. I think everybody should just go with what they're comfortable.

Shana’s fingers touched the rough asphalt while she tried to comprehend what was happening all around. Blue light, the police. Maybe. The thought eluded her and she slowly drifted off. Rob was speaking. Other voices, voices she didn’t know. Ben. Was he – he as with Rob. Rob would protect him. The thought calmed her and relaxed slightly. Pain. Pain blazing through her back, setting her whole body aflame. Mahad wrapped himself around her neck, invisible to those around them. Shana screamed, but only a small whimper escaped her mouth. Her fingers twitched, when she tried to move, tried to look around to see what was –

Pain, so much pain. Her thoughts fled her again, when she drowned in the darkness crawling around her face. But she had to fight, had to stand up for them –

The thought eluded her. The light. Blue flickering light. It captured her eyes, lulled her in, dragged her down, deeper and deeper.



Do you want to lead it along? Otherwise I could play some medics, or another police officer and help a bit.


Edited by Sorana
added something for Shana
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On 8/1/2019 at 8:12 PM, AonEne said:



I'd assume we'd take it to the police station... I can give us a bit of a start on that.

James noticed as Shana fell to the ground in exhaustion. He ran over to her, ignoring the stares of the police. "She needs medical attention!" he called out, "Are there any EMT's available?" James shook as tears began to fall, "Don't you go dying on me." he whispered to Shana, "I won't let anyone die tonight."

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