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Odd Job Tavern


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Jacien walks up to the Odd Job Tavern. He turns to his spren, Auri. 

"Well, what do you think?"

looked up at him from the ground. 

"This seems like a fine place to start" she responds.

Jacien grinned and walked into the tavern. "Hello. I'd like to be listed as a mercenary for hire. I'll take most jobs, as long as my spren is okay with them. Here is a full list of my abilities." 


My signature has my character sheet, and that should have all the details you need.


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Reylf set down outside the tower, careful not to crash into the wall. That had happened last time. It hadn't been fun.

He opened the door and went inside, ringing a bell tied to the door. He let it swing shut behind him as he took in the room.

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A man wearing a white cloak with a sun emblazoned on the back shoved the door open and walked in. The cloak was easily recognizable as one worn by a Child of the Light. The man strode over to the bar, hand on his sword, agruably the single most valuble item on his person. The man leaned against the bar underneath a light, causing the tattoos on his bald head to sparkle.

"I'll have a plate of donuts and  shot of tequila, please. I'm here to hire some men for a raid."

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A scarred faced man walked in time to hear about a raid. He went to the bar and got a fresh glass of lemonade and cake. He then sat across from his possible employer. He ate his cake slowly, savoring every bit of flavor. He then turned his attention back towards the man and asked him,

“What kind of raid is this, when does it start, and how long will it take? I plan on leaving for the other side of the world soon, but would like some extra coinage.”

@Dr. Dapper

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"Ah, hello, people! Sorry about the delay, I was a little distracted." Malu shoots out from the back room and up to the counter.

On 1/29/2019 at 8:51 PM, Dr. Dapper said:

"I'll have a plate of donuts and  shot of tequila, please. I'm here to hire some men for a raid."

"A plate of donuts...I'm going to need a few more details there, we have many donuts. Jelly-filled, chocolate-filled, blueberry, plain, strawberry, you name it, we probably have it. As to tequila, I can get that for right away! The hiring business is a little more complex than just food, along with a small fee. I will need, in writing, your name, the difficulty of the job, payment details, ideal team member abilities/numbers, and ways to contact you. You can sit down and write it at one of the tables while you nurse your food and drink, or here at one of the barstools, if you so wish." Malu slides a sheet of paper across to you with a pencil on top. @Dr. Dapper

On 1/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, xinoehp512 said:

Reylf walked up to the counter. "What do you have to eat? I'm starving."

"We have some of everything. Scadrian, Herdazian, Alethi, Nalthian, whatever you want, we have. Some of it is more expensive than others, of course, but none of it is too expensive for what it is! Our desserts are quite good, I must say, if you have a hankering for something sweet. Cake, cookies, pies, rolls, everything." @xinoehp512

Edited by Invocation
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A small young boy in dirty clothing stumbled in. Someone had paid him to give in an advertisement for a job, but being illiterate he had no idea what it was about. 

He hesitantly walks to the counter and, standing on his toes to reach, places a folded green paper on it. The paper has the word "Job" written on it in loopy lettering.


This isn’t recruitment for a physical job. This is just a way to get my message to you people - the ones who probably need it most. If you’re here you’re most likely a mercenary. Do you understand what you’re doing? Probably to an extent, but not completely. If you really got it you wouldn’t be here.

As a mercenary you’re being hired to do someone else’s dirty work. They couldn’t care less about you and don’t even really like you. You’re just something they need to get a job done. Kind of like earthworms to the ecosystem. They make the land fertile so we can grow food, but do we ever appreciate them for their work? No. Pardon the crude simile, though it is true. Mercenaries are earthworms. Don’t ever forget that. YOU are an earthworm. Unless things change. So start looking out for other papers in this shade of green. Some people might not care, but I do. And I have made it my goal to solve this issue as well as others.

For now I don’t have much to go on. I’m making this up as I go. You might not want to trust me and I completely get it - what I may end up spreading around could be completely heretical and unorthodox.  Fine. But as you all are mercenaries I think I will leave with a job. This won’t be your standard task. No. It may be the hardest one you’ve ever accepted with the least pay.

I want you to reach out to your fellow earthworm mercenaries and look after one another. Do to your friend that which you would want to be done to yourself. Save a life. Help someone out. It isn’t too hard sometimes and it can make all the difference.

Payment: This is where it gets complicated. There’s no physical way for me to know if you actually have done what I asked as well as the fact that I can’t meet with you in person. Long story there. And I also don’t just want people doing this for payment. It would defeat the purpose. But you are mercenaries...so payment is inevitable. I’ll find a way to get payment to you all. It just may not come in the way you expect.

Too long; didn’t read version: Are you up for a hazy job with hazy payment? Be a good person and make sure to keep an eye out for green papers.

Was that all he had to do? He hoped so. Those were the easiest spheres he'd made in a while.


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21 hours ago, Silva said:

A small young boy in dirty clothing stumbled in. Someone had paid him to give in an advertisement for a job, but being illiterate he had no idea what it was about. 

He hesitantly walks to the counter and, standing on his toes to reach, places a folded green paper on it. The paper has the word "Job" written on it in loopy lettering.

  Reveal hidden contents

This isn’t recruitment for a physical job. This is just a way to get my message to you people - the ones who probably need it most. If you’re here you’re most likely a mercenary. Do you understand what you’re doing? Probably to an extent, but not completely. If you really got it you wouldn’t be here.

As a mercenary you’re being hired to do someone else’s dirty work. They couldn’t care less about you and don’t even really like you. You’re just something they need to get a job done. Kind of like earthworms to the ecosystem. They make the land fertile so we can grow food, but do we ever appreciate them for their work? No. Pardon the crude simile, though it is true. Mercenaries are earthworms. Don’t ever forget that. YOU are an earthworm. Unless things change. So start looking out for other papers in this shade of green. Some people might not care, but I do. And I have made it my goal to solve this issue as well as others.

For now I don’t have much to go on. I’m making this up as I go. You might not want to trust me and I completely get it - what I may end up spreading around could be completely heretical and unorthodox.  Fine. But as you all are mercenaries I think I will leave with a job. This won’t be your standard task. No. It may be the hardest one you’ve ever accepted with the least pay.

I want you to reach out to your fellow earthworm mercenaries and look after one another. Do to your friend that which you would want to be done to yourself. Save a life. Help someone out. It isn’t too hard sometimes and it can make all the difference.

Payment: This is where it gets complicated. There’s no physical way for me to know if you actually have done what I asked as well as the fact that I can’t meet with you in person. Long story there. And I also don’t just want people doing this for payment. It would defeat the purpose. But you are mercenaries...so payment is inevitable. I’ll find a way to get payment to you all. It just may not come in the way you expect.

Too long; didn’t read version: Are you up for a hazy job with hazy payment? Be a good person and make sure to keep an eye out for green papers.

Was that all he had to do? He hoped so. Those were the easiest spheres he'd made in a while.


"Ah, another listing. Here, sit down, have a drink and a snack on me while I get this posted up." Malu slides the child a glass of water and a slice of pie.

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11 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Sam slipped into the tavern. She sulked to a table in the corner. Waiting and watching to see what was going on. 

Malu walks out from behind the bar to your table. "Would you like some food? Something to drink, perhaps? Maybe you are waiting on someone and would like to be seen to a private parlor?"

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7 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Reylf thought for a moment. "Pie sounds good." He didn't actually know what that was, but something told him he liked it.


"Excellent choice. Our daily pie variant is a nice, gooey, chess pie." Malu slides a slice out of the case onto a plate and hands it to you. "I would also recommend having a glass of something to drink. This pie will gum up your mouth pretty good."

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On 2/4/2019 at 9:59 AM, Invocation said:

"Ah, another listing. Here, sit down, have a drink and a snack on me while I get this posted up." Malu slides the child a glass of water and a slice of pie.

The boy accepted the food happily and sat down to enjoy it. It had been a while since he'd last had pie.

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Nael pushes open the tavern's door, lightly draining his pewtermind as he glances inside. "Um..."

"Go on," KalRoon replies. "This is the place I was talking about." Nael warily steps inside, letting the kandra ahead of him. KalRoon walks up to the counter, then gestures for Nael to come.

"I've got a new hire for you," the kandra says to the bartender. He turns back to Nael. "Show him."

"Oh, um...okay." Nael drops his hand to his side, and soon a Shardplate materializes in his hand. KalRoon nods in satisfaction, then walks into the back room of the tavern. Moments later, a tall woman emerges.

"I'll be back," she says.

Nael watches her leave, then turns to the bartender. "I'll just have water. Um, please."

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23 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:

Nael pushes open the tavern's door, lightly draining his pewtermind as he glances inside. "Um..."

"Go on," KalRoon replies. "This is the place I was talking about." Nael warily steps inside, letting the kandra ahead of him. KalRoon walks up to the counter, then gestures for Nael to come.

"I've got a new hire for you," the kandra says to the bartender. He turns back to Nael. "Show him."

"Oh, um...okay." Nael drops his hand to his side, and soon a Shardplate materializes in his hand. KalRoon nods in satisfaction, then walks into the back room of the tavern. Moments later, a tall woman emerges.

"I'll be back," she says.

Nael watches her leave, then turns to the bartender. "I'll just have water. Um, please."

Sam marched to the bar taking the seat next to the new comer.

"Impressive. Do you know how to use it?" She said with a giggle. "Bartender, some cheesecake would be great." She smiled at the new guy, "and some water for me too." 

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1 hour ago, Jaywalk said:

Nael pushes open the tavern's door, lightly draining his pewtermind as he glances inside. "Um..."

"Go on," KalRoon replies. "This is the place I was talking about." Nael warily steps inside, letting the kandra ahead of him. KalRoon walks up to the counter, then gestures for Nael to come.

"I've got a new hire for you," the kandra says to the bartender. He turns back to Nael. "Show him."

"Oh, um...okay." Nael drops his hand to his side, and soon a Shardplate materializes in his hand. KalRoon nods in satisfaction, then walks into the back room of the tavern. Moments later, a tall woman emerges.

"I'll be back," she says.

Nael watches her leave, then turns to the bartender. "I'll just have water. Um, please."

"Impressive. Are you here to answer a particular listing or add a listing for yourself, or both? Also, be careful with that. I don't want to have to dispose of a body again, thanks." Malu puts a glass of water in front of you.

1 hour ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

"Bartender, some cheesecake would be great." She smiled at the new guy, "and some water for me too." 

"I can absolutely do cheesecake." Malu cuts a slice off of and plates it in front of you, pouring a glass of water as well.

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1 hour ago, Invocation said:

"Impressive. Are you here to answer a particular listing or add a listing for yourself, or both? Also, be careful with that. I don't want to have to dispose of a body again, thanks." Malu puts a glass of water in front of you.

Nael dismissed his Shardblade. “Sorry. I’m not here to answer a listing, so add one, I guess?”

He looked at the girl. “Hi,” he said awkwardly, blushing. @Steel Inquisitive

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Just now, Jaywalk said:

Nael dismissed his Shardblade. “Sorry. I’m not here to answer a listing, so add one, I guess?”


"Alright, I'll need a synopsis of your skills and abilities, along with what kind of jobs you are willing to accept. An answer of all works just fine here, if you're up to it."

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Reylf pulled out enough chrysts to pay for his meal, noticing with alarm how empty his purse was. He'd have to find some way to earn more money soon.

He turned as a man with a shardblade walked in, followed by a woman. He eyed them appraisingly, then smiled. Never too early to start making friends.

"Hello," he said. "My name's Reylf. What's yours?"

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