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The other Allomantic metal anyone can burn [Joke]


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3 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

On the other hand, if anyone can find its burnable alloy, I would pay very highly for it. :P 

The correct alloy of Allomantic mercury is an amalgam of mercury and sodium. It gives you the ability to sustain massive chemical burns the next time you ingest water.

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10 minutes ago, goody153 said:

If Mercury and Uranium are godmetals which shard would it belong ?

Uranium might be ambition, mercury could be Autonomy.

Uranium is because of how people strive to do new things with it, mercury because it's the only naturally-forming metal that isn't a solid at room temperature.

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  • 3 months later...
Just now, Lunamor said:

What about Francium?


It's just what Gasper did for Cesium, only bigger, slightly radioactive, explosion.

On 1/23/2019 at 9:46 PM, Gasper said:

Cesium: it makes you explode when you burn it. It turns the unlucky Misting or Mistborn in to a one shot wonder, literally.


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Lithium: Increases Sanity when you tap it, decreases when you store it. Interferes with spiritual and cognitive powers like spiritual adhesion. When burned, allows for limited force field use with a burn time similar to that of Bendalloy. This is effectively concentrating available investure in an area to produce a shardblade like shield

Alithium: Stores gravitational attraction, similar to Iron, but you still have the same mass. When tapped, it can grant flight with the right trick (similar to the trick used to allow A-bronze to sense feruchemy and other investure. When burned, it allows you to disperse investure in a localized area. Can be used to dispel shardblades, lashings, empty metalminds, remove breath from an object, and destroy Aons.

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  • 5 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Edgedancer_of_spirits said:

That's Blacephalon, but we're not talking about Pokemon, so let's NOT catch them all. No offense.

From my searching I've determined that Blacephalon is an Ultra Beast and I have yet to get that far in Sun or Moon so I'm contextless to the relevance of that to the exploding head.

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