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Question of Hoid


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Ok, so we know Hoid is probably immortal and quite difficult to kill. He's a repository for an enormous amount of knowledge and was present at the Shattering, something only 17 others (that we know of) can claim, and 6 of those are dead already. So only a very few things can kill him. The question I have is, can he be hurt? I ask because if someone were to capture him and attempt to torture him for information, how likely would that torture be of success?  Can he be controlled by pain, forced through pain to give up his secrets? I realize that capture would be unlikely and that the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Cosmere would not know what they had even if they did catch him. But there's at least 2 secret societies on Roshar that know of him and at least some of his capabilities. The Ghostbloods in particular seem like a group that would make such an attempt. Their main stock in trade seems to be secrets and they would have no qualms at torture for information. Should we be worried?

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I think it depends how similar Hoid’s healing capabilities are to Feruchemical gold.  I’m not sure if it’s a quirk of Feruchemy or a universal result of healing for long periods of time, but Miles is incapable of feeling pain in AoL.  I think it’s implied this occurred because of the sheer number of wounds he’s suffered over the years.  Hoid has lived a lot longer than Miles, though he hasn’t participated in violent confrontations as often as Miles did.  Personally, I think that as long as Hoid isn’t repressing his healing, he can’t feel pain, though maybe he doesn’t feel pain when he’s repressing it either.  After all, I don’t remember a mention of Hoid being in pain when he got punched in the OB epilogue.  Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, though.

Edit:  Ninja’d by Nathrangking.

Edited by ILuvHats
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8 minutes ago, John203 said:

All you would need to do is threaten him with an aluminum spike.

I don't know if that would even affect him, nor where you would have to spike him to get it to do what you want. He's not technically human anymore, per WOB, so he probably has different bindpoints.

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