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Stormlight Archive Characters in Hogwarts!

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Here are the first 10 I thought of:

Kaladin - Hufflepuff

Shallan - Ravenclaw

Dallinar - Gryffindor

Jasnah - Syltherin

Navani - Ravenclaw

Pretty much all of bridge 4 - Hufflepuff

Eshonai - Ravenclaw

Veleni - Slytherin

Szeth - Gryffindor

Sadeas - Hufflepuff....just kidding, y'all know what he is 


Edited by HSuperLee
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WOB to the rescue


Skyward Denver signing (Nov. 15, 2018)


We're doing a piece of art for a friend that's a crossover between Stormlight Archives and Harry Potter. How would you sort Dalinar, Kaladin, Jasnah, and Shallan?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Jasnah's a Slytherin. Hands down, very easy.

Dalinar's would depend on which Dalinar you're talking about. Dalinar is probably going to be Gryffindor either way, would be my guess.

Shallan's a Ravenclaw, straight up.

Kaladin's tough. You could Hufflepuff Kaladin. You could totally Hufflepuff Kaladin. I think that works.

Edited by the_archduke
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Adolin - Gryffindor/Hufflepuff (he's noble, but his hardworking and affable natures make him a shoe-in for Hufflepuff)

Renarin - Ravenclaw (although possible Hufflepuff - Hufflepuff would help him find a place he feels like he belongs, but learning like the Ardents and scholars is where his heart is I think)

Lift - Hufflepuff

Szeth - He is Sorting Hat Chat's definition of a burned Gryffindor. He wants to do what is right and has very strong convictions, but he doesn't trust himself anymore. 

Mr. T - Slytherin trying to act like a Gryffindor.



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