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2 minutes ago, breakingamber said:


Just realized that on the plus side, this is the most activity we've had all week.

Sadly, all month.

I'm not in a place right now where I can take the extra time to figure out where those missing people are going. I really want to, but I know that I can't. So I wish whoever gives it a shot the best of luck, and I'll keep checking in so I know when it's time for my characters again.

Whenever that is, I also want to take a moment to thank all of you in this RP. I would not be the writer I am today without the role models I've had here. I recently got accepted into Digipen Institute of Technology for the BA in Game Design program--a large part of which is storytelling, like what I've done here. So thank you :D I plan on continuing to write here as long as I can, so this isn't goodbye! Just wanted to share a bit about what's going on.

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I don't recall there ever being a real reason stated for the meeting, but that doesn't really stop Liam or Lord Kelvin.

Taya was going to become Tayahound through a secret Epic-tech regen device that she needs because she was terminally poisoned (by an Epic? Drake never really said...). She found Typhon, who equipped her with some Epic-tech to infiltrate the gov't and also to try and impersonate a member of the Circle of the Shield. That's why she is currently tagging along with Liam.

Another key part of this I believe is Karabiner (@Sazedezas), who has the Nighthound device??? This I don't remember exactly, but might explain why she is coming to the meeting.

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Trying to track down Drake's planning for the meeting:



Epoch is too scared with his weakness leaked to show up in person. He's hooked up the stadium's jumbotron so he can talk to people.

He does want ERA people on site though, so if Phytomagnet would be willing, Epoch would ask him to be there.

Right now, I believe it's sometime in the afternoon. Epoch called the meeting to be around 8pm.


On 10/5/2018 at 4:14 AM, winter devotion said:

That sounds good. 
Would Ko get an official invite? 

Technically, Epoch doesn't know who Kokichi is, beyond some vaguely formed ideas that they are a colorful mentalism epic that robbed one of his rivals. Kokichi may be powerful as all heck, but from what I gather they don't have much of a reputation and they don't try super hard to cultivate one.

So, probably not. If they are at the meeting, it is probably because they heard about it by word of mouth.

Unless you would really prefer writing for Kokichi being formally invited.

On 10/5/2018 at 5:15 AM, Sazedezas said:

I doubt the assassination could feasibly occur during the mission. By which I mean Karabiner can't die yet. He will definitely die, but he needs to go through attempts one and two of Operation Stalemate, though their first assassination attempt could be in between those, taking out the Picket and reducing his resources to drive him to the desperation required to consider Linking a human.

(To clarify, these steps are already planned, but whether Lee and Ko would be the ones to destroy the Picket has not been set in stone yet.)

I am slowly but surely trying to build up to a large-scale conflict in this RP.

It will potentially involve attempts on multiple character's lives, and potentially at least one of my characters dying.


On 10/30/2018 at 11:04 PM, The Young Pyromancer said:

quietus interrogate Jacklyn

I hope it goes well

An obsessive sadist interrogating an epic whose primary ability is intensifying obsessions?

Nope, nothing could ever possibly go wrong with that :ph34r:

Although Epoch fully intends for Jacklyn to be freed/deported from ERA quickly, and that is what will happen.

(Completely forgot about the Jacklyn thing, not sure how important that was supposed to be for the meeting)



Have a post.

My tentative plan is for the meeting to happen once Jacklyn's situation is resolved (I would rather not keep another person's character in a holding pattern for overly long).

(So apparently its good to resolve the Jacklyn thing first, but nothing yet about impact on the the meeting or specific resolutions)


On 11/28/2018 at 3:28 AM, Ookla of the East said:

At least a 5? Isn't this the catalyst for Karabiner's death?

Also, for the newcomers, my main character is Liam, a special agent from a society called the Circle of the Shield (the Canadian Shield). The Circle, though an underground organization, doesn't perform much anti-Epic action aside from collecting samples for sale and study or eliminating a dangerous individual. Liam is a Maple with a beard, a shotgun, and a decked-out Volkswagen van. His current company is Kokichi and associates.

I also have an Epic named Tempest who will be making an appearance shortly.


On 11/28/2018 at 3:36 AM, Ookla of the Flame said:

I have already set up ways to make it a 1-2, a 3-4, a 7-8, and a 9-10.

The ones 3 and above can be triggered pretty easily if Quietus cooperates.  They are essentially just different reactions to the same trigger.

I was originally planning to let things unfold more slowly, but there is something I could do that would rank about an 8.

Also, is there a description for Tempest somewhere? I like reading new character concepts :D



Oh, Epoch.  The other OHKO Epic.  Yet another Epic that could kill (or at least neutralize) Steelheart.  True, he doesn't have a good PI, but that's one heck of an auto-win.  Freezing someone in time, then boxing them up and forgetting about them is actually very effective.  And the kicker is he can do it AT RANGE.  If you have a power, and you want to make it really good, combine it with scrying/gifting.  I mean, Blank is just a light illusionist, a supercharged refractionary, but add in those two powers, and well...  I'll discuss Blank later.

The reason Epoch and Red are not taking over the game is that they are glass cannons.  Both can one-shot pretty much everybody, and with Epoch you can't even run away.  However, Red can be killed anytime she isn't autokilling everyone in range, if you can get her before she can react, or in her sleep, and Epoch is even more fragile, as you are more likely to succeed in one hit.  Red is also kept in check by Epoch, who is in turn kept in check by the fact that he needs an organization to not trigger his weakness.  

Yep, Epoch's power can no-sell a lot of opponents. It's nearly a straight upgrade from both Regalia and Vista, who are both pretty high-end powers users in their own right.

With how things panned out, I had to make it so that Epoch did not relentlessly exploit his power to the full of its potential. He was originally proposed as the leader of Edmonton who would begin to lose his hold and then die shortly after that to kickstart the plot. Epoch is a scary epic. He's been held in balance largely by the fact that Doubletake knew his weakness and his other big rival Orbit is largely immune to his powers.

Though to be fair, he could not easily OHKO Steelheart. Epoch is clever enough that if Steelheart was unaware of Epoch (not necessarily a simple feat, when you kind of need a large organization backing you), Epoch could stand a decent chance at blindsiding Steelheart and coming out on top. But in a fair fight where Steelheart and Epoch were both aware of each other, Steelheart would probably win very unequivocally.

Further analysis:

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It takes significantly longer to slow an area than to speed it up (because the slowing effect slows itself down), and Steelheart can just fly away, so straight-up trying to drop a slow-zone on Steelheart would backfire horribly. Steelheart is also unconditionally invulnerable, so he can't be pinned in place by gunfire like Pariah was.

If he was able to trick Steelheart into staying in one place for long enough to build up walls of slowed time around, above, and below him (this could take upwards of a solid day to do safely), and then start to slow down the interior of the trap, he could probably catch Steelheart off guard and win, sealing him like Pariah and sweeping him under the metaphorical rug.

That said, I've been thinking a fair bit about where I want to go with the whole Epoch thing.

My plan has pretty much always been for Epoch to overstep and be killed as things in the city started to heat up.

I would prefer he died in a way that served the overall plot, such as it is.

I'm open to ideas.

Going off Pyro's analysis... What if he did something a little more drastic with his powers? I can imagine him pulling something like time-skipping everyone to sieze their territories... Only to have to deal with everyone breaking free later, with a common interest in removing him, and his empire suddenly collapsing.

I can see this leading to some interesting scenarios. It would be especially entertaining if Liam and Ko and Karabiner were both in that group.


On 12/27/2018 at 1:00 AM, Ark1002 said:

There is nothing at the Edmenton zoo, right?



On 12/27/2018 at 2:03 AM, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

Well, I think we need to go over the Taya-Liam scene quickly first. @Ookla of Drakeface?


On 12/27/2018 at 2:43 AM, Ookla of the Flame said:

We need to figure out what happens with Jacklyn to see if she ends up at the meeting.  We also need to see how Blindside reacts, to see if the group outside the entrance ends up inside.

Okay, let's get this show on the road. The delays have pretty much been my fault, and for that I apologize.

Just be glad that powers that be are pushing the plot forward. Given the opportunity and some time alone with Red, Quietus will make it painfully obvious why he made the ATTD list after a single post.

Blindside's reaction is up now, freeing things up to continue in that part of the story.

I have sent a PM to @Ookla of the Flame and @winter devotion to figure out Jacklyn's upcoming situation.

Taya's entry into things will be up soon enough. She is in a difficult spot on several counts.


I have plans for how to open the meeting, and a couple ideas for how to close it, but I really have no idea how this is going to go, which is exactly why it will be fun :)

(Apparently @The Young Pyromancer and @winter devotion have at least some info on what happens with Jacklyn, which is nice)


On 12/28/2018 at 6:19 PM, Ookla of the Flame said:

Neither did I.

Also, if anyone needs to start the ending, which should take 3-4 posts to set up, I can do that.  The ending can vary from a simple blackout where blank vanishes, to a major disaster that will force various factions in the city to align against a force that I will not name yet.  

About that major disaster... I already have one cooked up. Let's call it Chapter Two.

But we can compare notes.

(not a Drake post, but apparently Pyro and HH had some good ideas for ending the thing, which is good to know for the whole planning what happens thing)


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9 hours ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

So what it looks like for keeping things going, we need to work out what happens to Taya and what Epoch will do about the meeting. Quietus is a creepy sociopath, but he is only Epoch’s pawn.

Should we start writing for Taya and Epoch? If so, who?

I can’t take Quietus or Taya. I’m not TOO interested in Epoch, but if no one else wants to...

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11 hours ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

So what it looks like for keeping things going, we need to work out what happens to Taya and what Epoch will do about the meeting. Quietus is a creepy sociopath, but he is only Epoch’s pawn.

Should we start writing for Taya and Epoch? If so, who?

I could... probably? write for Taya? I'll need to reread her samples and it probably wouldn't have exactly the same feel to it, but I could write in some things while we wait for Darshall to (hopefully) get back.

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1 hour ago, Snipexe said:

I could write someone (likely Quietus). Because unlike some of the other people I haven’t rp’d in this subforum before and if you guys want me to help, I could write out some samples or something.

Sounds good. Don’t see any reason why you couldn’t, unless writing positive interactions with Red would be uncomfortable. 

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20 hours ago, Weirdpersonx said:

Oh. Did he talk with anyone about his plans?

He talked with me in a PM some.  We sketched out the Jacklyn scene in advance, which is necessary to do because it makes writing her power easier.  I also know a bit about Typhon that you guys might not know.  I'll dig out some quotes in a bit.

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40 minutes ago, breakingamber said:

Minor problem: I'm not entirely sure what Taya's actually doing at the stadium at the moment, as the narrative doesn't really say (besides something about Nighthound, but I'm guessing that probably comes later?). Anybody know?

Taya is in the Van. That being said, I could write for Taya as well.

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Sorry I've been gone. I've been intermittently stressing about State Drama and the unrelated musical I'm writing. So... I haven't been on here much this last week. So, I guess I just need to finish OS, then on to the Meeting, where crap will hit the fan for Karabiner.

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53 minutes ago, breakingamber said:

If you know what she's doing better than I do, then please take over. I don't want to take Taya in the wrong (?) direction, literally or figuratively.

That's what I'm worried about too. Drake had been deliberately vague with exactly what Taya was doing and I don't want to mess that grand scheme up if I can help it.

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I unfortunately don't have too much I can help with right now, I didn't have anyone involved in the meeting, but glad to see that activity picked up again. I was really getting worried that the RP was just going to fade away again.

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