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Well seeing as the "Introduce Yourself!" was in the imperative, so how was I to resist? Grammar has this effect on me...


Well, I have been looking intently at this place for the last half year or more. And seeing as my efforts to cause the numerous people I know who READ Sanderson books to be interested in the Cosmere or theories are largely ineffectual, I was eventually unable to stay away.


So, be terrified. Or don't. Bring spikes. Or don't, actually, that's not among my favourite magic options.


Okay, so, me. I'm moderately obsessive about epic fantasy reading and devour books in too little time (relatively to the amount of time I want to spend reading). I study ancient languages. I'll probably not post any theories any time soon, seeing as they need a bit of polishing and more data gathering and I do want to read more existing thoughts on the topics first. So for now, I'll probably be sneaking around, looking at you.


But well, hello. It's nice to be here.

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Don't worry about theories, it's the jokes that get you all the rep around here.  :ph34r:  I mean, uh, theories! Right!


So I'm not personally a hemalurgist, but you do realise you just invited spiking?


Anyway, your username is very cool, mainly because I have no idea what it means, off the top of my head.


What ancient languages do you know? Which Sanderson books have you read?


Oh, and most importantly....welcome! :)

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If I remember my Latin correctly I would imagine it means something like a "Truly Italian Lover of Words/Languages".

Edit: or possibly a true lover of the Italian language

Edit 2: Well apparently my brain wasn't working when I first read your name and completely missed that first T so I thought it was "veris Italian philologist". Now that I notice it's veristitalian, that makes more sense :) You study languages for historical truths?

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Jee, you must be blown away by all these welcomes.


Your friends aren't interested in theories or the Cosmere!? Don't they realize how little, um, I mean, much they're missing out on?


Remember to change your signature and your member title. (They're the things above your account picture and at the bottom of your posts) You can find it in "Edit my profile".


Try joining the next Sanderson Elimination game. It's in the Role Playing section in the forums.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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I read WOR in like, 28 hours. let it be known I had to write two history papers and do a book report, as well as go to school in between.

this isn't really related, but every time I look at my rating, I hear the guy from kung-fu panda.

"there is now a level zero"

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Well seeing as the "Introduce Yourself!" was in the imperative, so how was I to resist? Grammar has this effect on me...





Bahaahaha. Welcome. Happy first post!




I study ancient languages.


So a Roman walks into a bar. He walks up to the bartender and says "I'd like a martinus." The bartender looks back at him and says "Do you mean a martini?" The Roman shoots the bartender a dirty glance and replies "If I wanted more than one I'd ask for it!"

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Right. One exam out of my life. Time to acknowledge that non-Greek languages exist.


Okay, so: Which ancient languages do I study:

Well, Ancient (pre-200 AD) Latin and Ancient Greek (that's earlier than the Latin, nothing too recent). I'm kind of teaching myself Italian with the intention of reading Renaissance literature, does that count? I know a little proto-Indoeuropean and I could probably learn most Indoeuropean languages with rather minimal effort. Oh, and grammar. If it sounds too fun, remember it comes with a HUGE pile of grammar. I'll try not to infect all of you. Oh, and obviously I'm not native in English, so Danish, most Nordic languages, not that I really get the ancient versions of those.


Which Sanderson books have I read:

Not all of them, well, yet. All the contributions to Wheel of Time (yeah, I started there), Mistborn + Alloy of Law, Warbreaker, Elantris, Emperor's Soul, The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance and the vast majority of content he so magnanimously makes freely available. I do have the intention of getting around to some others. Actually, I'll take recommendations, I have a summer vacation soon and NOT ENOUGH BOOKS.


Ah, the latin jokes that latinist don't even use ourselves. (No, don't ask for actual latinist jokes - they weird, insider-oriented, and require you to find the use of the ablative case for substantives (that's nouns for you) interesting and amusing).


As for the title I stole the first part blatantly from Sanderson and Jasnah (do not ask which character is my favourite) and the second I have a bachelor that entitles me to use. The image I use for my profile so far I stole from the Oxyrunchus Papyrus manuscript of Plato's Republic (one of my favourite non-fantasy (err, kinda?) authors and texts). Eventually I'll probably get around to doing something more creative and less thievery-oriented for it.


As for spikings... Honestly, if you know a way to remove the knowledge of grammar from my head... you're welcome eventual attached languages. I'd much rather have it all in Feruchemy form anyway, honestly. Easier.


Bah. Overly wordy post again. Kindly do not be scared. I'm just not good at saying things in few words. (Which kind of explains the lack of title and signature, but I'll get aroud to it).

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As for spikings... Honestly, if you know a way to remove the knowledge of grammar from my head... you're welcome eventual attached languages. I'd much rather have it all in Feruchemy form anyway, honestly. Easier.




Soooo... you are saying you are a willing subject? *begins sharpening Spike*

Where did you say you were from again? Give me a couple of years for... research and I'll be good to go." :P<_<

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