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Mac walked into the Lab, stepping over the corpse on the ground. Gosh, he hadn't been in one of these in what? 90-100 years?

He missed the smell of science.

He waved a few acolytes over to clear out the bodies and started prepping the experiment. 

Today he was looking at Soulspikes, how Forgery and Hemalurgy could be combined. He was thinking that the permanency of Hemalurgy was going to allow for much greater variation in terms of what was usable in terms of stamps. The new history that stamps provided had to have a certain similarity to the original history, otherwise they wouldn't take. With hemalurgy though, this could be circumvented. Hopefully. If not, well, they always had more test subjects.

Once the bodies were out, it was time to start experimenting. 

"Laurelai, can you come over here and start readying the first stamps?" He pointed to an acolyte in the corner. "Bring in subject number one. And make sure he's sedated!" Turning back to the recorder he said "This is Trial #1. We will be doing a small change, with an essence spike and a essence mark. We will be changing the ethnicity of a man. Instead of him being from Alethkar, he is from Azir. What do you think?" He turned to his lab assistants, @EddyJ @Voidus @Badadah @kenod

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Laurelai's hands shook slightly as she held the spike that had been given to her for Forging. Her own shoulder still throbbed slightly from her own spike, but rather than pain it almost felt as if she could feel the power flowing from it.

Laurelai tapped a zincmind, feeling her own thoughts accelerate.

Quickly she mapped out a stamp as requested. She'd received copious notes on the history she had to change, all that was needed was translating it into the strange symbols that comprised a soulstamp.

In less than a second she'd mapped it out completely. In a minute, she had finished carving the stamp.

She'd been told that her boon would be very helpful for rapid testing, but for their first trial run they'd wanted a regular stamp. Something that could be studied and replicated.

She smiled as she pushed the stamp into the metal of the spike. Hear heart quickened a little as she felt it sink in, beginning to take effect.

This. This was something she hadn't experienced before, but she liked it. This was science.

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Looking at Fred, Mac thought about what he said. "I think it depends on what change this will be making, what investiture change and how similar it is to the original person. But that's for later." 

He took the spike from Laurelai and walked over to the man. This was an extremely small change, it could possibly even take place with a normal stamp. All it was doing was changing the location of his birth and where he was raised. Likely, this wouldn't change anything physical, but It would change his memories and language at the least. If it stuck.

Mac started tapping fortune and burning atium to find the right bind point. This was tricky. Because the stamp should take affect no matter where it was placed, but it would work better if it was placed on the relevant part of the spirit web.

He carefully placed the spike over the body and grabbed the hammer. With a single WHACK! it was embedded in the mans body and soul. Perfect placement. Only thing left was to see if it worked. 

"Lets wake this man up, and see if it worked." He looked at one of his lab assistants. "Does someone have progression here? I don't want to wait for the sedation to wear off."

He looked at Aaric. "We hopefully won't need to spike an Azish man, because we aren't taking someones soul and putting over this mans. What we are doing is creating an alternate history for the man, and stapling it onto his soul with the essence spike."

"Kotiel, can you get me a progression spike from the cabinet?"

Edited by MacThorstenson
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"Progression, sure." KoTiel replied. They walked towards the cabinet and started searching. "No, this is Abrasion, this is Adhesion, this is Cohesion, Strength... What's a physical spike doing in the surges cabinet?" They muttered to themselves. "Ah, Progression, got it." They walked back to Mac, and handed them the spike.

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Mac ignored the fire alarms. It was kind of pointless to have them, considering that most DA members have methods of healing, and that that there wasn't anything flammable in this part of the alleys. Also, did anyone really expect us to stop experimenting just because a fire alarm went off? Mac knew that some people weren't as dedicated to science as he was, but no self respecting DA member would stop for a little fire.

Breathing in stormlight, he healed the man on the table, and he woke up.

"Wha- wha where am I?" He asked confused, in Azish. Grinning, Mac started the questioning, to see if the changes had occurred.

"What do you remember about your childhood? What did you do?" He asked all sorts of questions to assure that the spike had taken affect. Once he was sure, he layed him back down and re-sedated him.

"Ok, Trial #2, is we will make this man's family be from Azir. Instead of him just having his languedge changed and his memories, the goal is to physically change his ethnicity into that of an Azish person. Laurelai, please prep the next stamp. We need you to use stamps for now so that we can record the effects if they fail. Once we get to the second round of tests, then you can use your boon."

With the alarms still blaring in the background, Mac turns and yells "Can someone shut off the alarms as well?"

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Aaric walked to the wall of the laboratory, summoned his Shardblade, and plunged it between two bricks, severing the copper wires and shorting the circuit for the fire alarm. "Yeah, that was getting storming annoying," he said, ears still ringing.

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It worked? My first time creating one for another person and it worked?

"Laurelai, please prep the next stamp. We need you to use stamps for now so that we can record the effects if they fail. Once we get to the second round of tests, then you can use your boon."

Barely able to keep a professional demeanour, Laurelai grinned broadly as she nodded to Mac.

"Yes sir, right away."

She quickly got to work on the second stamp, barely even needing the zinc to plan this one out she felt almost as though she was simply discovering it. As though this alternate history for this man had always existed and she was simply the first person to find it.

To change a person's entire ethnicity was no simple change. This was not just a single decision that he'd made to lead to a different path. This was an entirely different life.

His parents, family, friends, childhood, home.

Everything changed.

As she finally pushed the stamp into the spike, she took a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow, unused to carving so elaborate a change in such a short amount of time.

Maybe I should work out more. She wondered idly, before smiling. Or maybe I already have and I just need to remind my spirit of that.

"Spike is ready." She reported.

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Yeah that does qualify as heavy god-modding. Regardless of whether they would want it or not, god-modding is generally avoided unless given explicit permission is granted.

Also, I'll get another post up in a little bit about the results of the spike.


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Jeffrey popped his head through the door, looking around for a moment before he found Mac.

"I'm from decontamination sir, just giving you the update. Fire alarm seems like it was just a prank, the perpetrator was caught in the anti-teleportation net. They're sedated now and we've got the counter-toxin prepared if you want to keep them alive."

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"Good job. Thanks Jeffery. Its good denizens like you who keep the alleys running. Take a cookie!" Mac waved his hand to the cookie bowl in the corner of the lab.

"Thank you." Mac said as he grabbed the spike from Laurelai. "Now to remove the previous spikes to free of space from this first one." Mac reached down with his free hand to remove the first spike while breathing in stormlight to heal the man. He pulled out the spike, and quickly placed it on the side before using the surge of progression to heal the man. He shouldn't need blood to preserve the spike, because it didn't contain the little bits of people's soul that decayed. It was a stamp, fueled by the Dor.

Mac readied the second spike with Atium and Fortune, Then slammed it in with another WHACK! with the sledge hammer, only this time, the spike went it a little crooked. It didn't appear to matter, because as Mac removed the hammer, the mans skin grew darker as he transformed from an alethi man to someone from Azir. Mac could barely contain a grin as he removed his gloves and munched on a cookie. Forgery had never done stuff like this before! Oooh this was good. 

"Laurelai, because you made the stamp, can you interrogate the man to see if the entire stamp took hold? I'm afraid the bind point may have been a little off and something may not have taken affect."

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Laurelai nodded, eyes dropping down to the notebook she'd been given, it was already covered with writing from one of the lab assistants, information on the man she was speaking to. Well, the man he had been anyway.

"Hello." She started, nervously. She pulled a nearby stool over so she could sit in front of the man. "I'm just going to need to ask you a few questions, I understand if you're confused right now but this will all be over with soon."

She glanced in Macs direction as she spoke, trying to determine if he had any criticism of her technique.

"Of course, I understand." The man said, seeming a little dazed as he replied. His eyes a little unfocussed.

"Where were you born?" Laurelai began, eagerly holding her pen to paper to take notes.

"I was born in Azimir." The man replied patiently.

"Good." Laurelai smiled at the man encouragingly, looking for the next question.

"And Kholinar." He continued.


Laurelai looked nervously towards Mac and the other senior researchers in the room.

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Macs eyes rose.

"Well that is certainly interesting. Usually when one's self is forged, they forget the first History after a moment. But in this case, he remembers both." Mac took a step forward. "Can you explain how you remember being born in two places at the same time?"

"I remember it twice. Like you can remember two events that happened a week ago. One set of memories from when I was born in Kholinar, and the other from Azimir."

Mac slowly started to chew a cookie. Why was this happening now? The Forgery should be rewriting his spirit web? Wait... But that's not what the stamp did, was it. The stamp was placed on the spike, essentially imbuing it with this alternate history. That history was put into the man. What they needed was a way for the stamp to rewrite the soul of the person, and have the spike keep that new soul in place.  

"Does any one set of memories seem to be dominate over the other? As in, does one appear to be more you."

The man looked confused for a moment. "Its difficult to say. I seem to remember the ones of a life in kholinar with more accuracy, but the ones from a life in Azir appear to be what are more me."

"Interesting. This seems to support a hypothesis that what the soulstamp did was create a soul in the essence spike, and spike it onto the man, instead of rewriting his spirit web. But the subject is not behaving like one would expect the recipient of a essence spike to behave. I haven't read the literature in a while. Can someone locate the case file on Winter devotion when the essence spike was inserted?"


Actually, can someone find the link? I know its in the DA thread, but I cant find it.


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