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23 minutes ago, Delightful said:

And very important information for them. :) 

I'm not much of a gamer unfortunately. Any suggestions of games that don't need a console or a spcialiased computer? Suppose I should ask that over in Entertainment too...

What kind of game are you looking for? Something strategy based, or with roleplay elements? Do you have any ideas what kind of game you would like to play?

Apart from that:

I definitly can recommend the Mass Effect Triology. It's a shooter (but you can be really bad at a shooter still have fun) and you have lots of great characters to interact with and the story is fantastic. Your decisions shape what will happen and while some are black and white, some are really hard from a moral perspective. And the games don't need a high end gaming computer to run.

Edited by Sorana
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Just now, Sorana said:

What kind of game are you looking for? Something strategy based, or with roleplay elements? Do you have any ideas what kind of game you would like to play?

Apart from that:

I definitly can recommend the Mass Effect Triology. It's a shooter (but you can be really bad at a shooter still have fun) and you have lots of great characters to interact with and the story is fantastic. Your decisions shape what will happen and while some are black and white, some are really hard from a moral perspective. And they don't need a high end gaming computer to run.

So my gaming experience is basically:
Portal made me dizzy
Age of Empires, Age of Mythology are cool.
I've played some Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy which was fun but I vaguely remember using a cheat to not die otherwise it was super hard.
Do you have to buy mass effect, do you play in a browser, is it a steam game? I am a newb.

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15 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Do you have to buy mass effect, do you play in a browser, is it a steam game? I am a newb.

Yes you have to buy it, but it's not that expensive, since it's old. You don't play in a browser, you have to install it. You can get it on steam, or origin (that's the steam alternative by EA).

Age of empires is really cool, but a completely different kind of game than Mass Effect. Jedi Knight is more similar.

If you liked Age of Empires, you could take a look at Warcraft or Command and Conquer.

But I'm stuck a bit with older games, since I don't have that much time to play anymore and my computer slowly reached the end of what I can useful play. I'm thinking about updating its hardware, but I'm not sure yet if I should do it, and if yes what and how much I want to spend. So if you're looking for something new I'm out.

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