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Skyward: Nov 10, 2018 [Seattle WA] (University Temple United Methodist Church)


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45 minutes ago, WALLFACER said:

I bought a ticket but I recently learned that I won't be able to arrive until well after 2.  How late do the signings usually go, and will I be able to get in and get my book while the signing is already well underway?

The Portland Oathbringer release signing was the first Brandon book signing I went to. It wasn't ticketed admission and there were Sanderfans pouring out into the mall adjoining Powells, so the Skyward event will probably be less insane.

The reading started at 5:00 pm, Brandon answered some general questions from the audience, then gave a 20 minute-ish talk about Heraclitus, kids and Chinese spaghetti, and then the book signing started at about 6:00. At the start of the event you decided if you wanted one of two different tickets, one to just get a signature, the other to get personalizations. Sharders and people with questions picked the personalization tickets, and went after the signature only folks. I had one of the last personalization tickets, so I didn't get my questions asked and my books signed until about 12:30 am. I was one of the last ones out, but the signing probably lasted another 15 to 20 minutes after I left.

With the skyward tour being a ticketed event, the timeline will probably be significantly contracted, but it's probably reasonable to assume that it will last about 3 to 4 hrs (probably 1 hr-ish for the reading, brandon talk and general Q & A, then about 2 to 3 hrs for the signing and personlizations).

These are totally just estimates, if I was you, I would try and get there as early as you possibly can. I'm coming up from Eugene Oregon and I plan on leaving at 5:00 am so that I can get there (hopefully) close to about 12:30.

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24 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

The Portland Oathbringer release signing was the first Brandon book signing I went to. It wasn't ticketed admission and there were Sanderfans pouring out into the mall adjoining Powells, so the Skyward event will probably be less insane.

The reading started at 5:00 pm, Brandon answered some general questions from the audience, then gave a 20 minute-ish talk about Heraclitus, kids and Chinese spaghetti, and then the book signing started at about 6:00. At the start of the event you decided if you wanted one of two different tickets, one to just get a signature, the other to get personalizations. Sharders and people with questions picked the personalization tickets, and went after the signature only folks. I had one of the last personalization tickets, so I didn't get my questions asked and my books signed until about 12:30 am. I was one of the last ones out, but the signing probably lasted another 15 to 20 minutes after I left.

With the skyward tour being a ticketed event, the timeline will probably be significantly contracted, but it's probably reasonable to assume that it will last about 3 to 4 hrs (probably 1 hr-ish for the reading, brandon talk and general Q & A, then about 2 to 3 hrs for the signing and personlizations).

These are totally just estimates, if I was you, I would try and get there as early as you possibly can. I'm coming up from Eugene Oregon and I plan on leaving at 5:00 am so that I can get there (hopefully) close to about 12:30.


Now that's dedication.

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Just now, The Young Pyromancer said:


Now that's dedication.

I'm picking up my brother in Portland, and after the signing we're going to be eating at the most amazing Ethiopian restaurant this side of Addis Ababa (Saba). It is the food equivalent of Brandon Sanderson, beyond superlative.

I have some questions about the Cognitive Realm, Dysian Aimians, and reversing pairer fabrials that I want to ask Brandon. My plan is to go through the signing line two times, it will be 2x awesome.

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I'm pretty busy right now, but if I have time, I am going to make a kind of ghetto spray paint stenciled version of this shirt. The tagline was inspired by an incredibly funny comment by @RShara that Mr. T is a plant by Cultivation:


The back of the shirt will have to wait until I have more time to get my silk screen up and running (spoilered below):



So if you see someone with a giant spray painted T on their shirt at the signing, it'lll most likely be me.

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I have fond memories of this place.  I was living in Western Washington when Brandon got started, and my first signings were at this church.

If anyone needs a question, could you ask this on my behalf?  I didn't get the chance to ask him at the release party.

Q: You've said in the past that Hoid has had many love interests over the millennia. Does that mean he's got a bunch of distant descendants running around the Cosmere?

A: (I'm assuming the answer to this is yes.)

Q: Is Kaladin one of them?


This is my theory, and I'd love to get a yes or no answer to it, if someone would be so kind... :D  Rationale: When bantering with Kaladin, Hoid at one point said "perhaps you've got a bit of Wit in you afterall."  (May not be an exact word-for-word quote, but close enough.)  I think this may be literal.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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Lol, I asked so many questions of Brandon that he misquoted himself in my personalization. He combined "Can I eat your lunch?" and a Skyward quote to make "Can I eat your stars?". Ladies and Gentlemen, Lift now wants to eat the stars... For those of you who were asking about whether or not I am present on the 17th Shard, here I am.

Brandon answered two things for me.... (Spoiler Alert for Oathbringer and Elantris)

In the scene between Odium and Taravangian at the end of Oathbringer, we see Odium expanding upon The Diagram with his future sight. There is a blacked-out portion with Renarin's name linked to it. Brandon confirmed that this is because Renarin's future sight interferes with Odium's in a manner similar to how burning Electrum interferes with Atium. He said that all future sight interferes with each other through a sort of ripple effect.

With Elantris, Brandon stated that the Dor's renewal of Elantrians is partly because of the changes wrought upon them and partly because of the large Aon Rao that forms Elantris. With respect to the changes wrought on the Elantrians, he said that it is partly because of changes to the spiritweb and partly because of physical changes to their body (similar to the physical changes in the Dakhor monks).

He RAFO'd everything else unfortunately...

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4 minutes ago, Aiedail said:

the scene between Odium and Taravangian at the end of Oathbringer, we see Odium expanding upon The Diagram with his future sight. There is a blacked-out portion with Renarin's name linked to it. Brandon confirmed that this is because Renarin's future sight interferes with Odium's in a manner similar to how burning Electrum interferes with Atium. He said that all future sight interferes with each other through a sort of ripple effect.

Hey!  That was mine!

EDIT: he didn’t say the end but though.

I think we both asked the same question.

Edited by The Young Pyromancer
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