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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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11 minutes ago, SE_Klade said:

This was getting into dangerous territory, so he simply sidestepped the question. "We will cross that bridge when we come to it."

I stepped into the conversation, hoping to be helpful. "And what if I burn down the bridge? How big is the bridge? Is there enough room for me to lie on it? I mean they can always send a bit of decency over the bridge, I know for a fact Sadeas would benefit from a bit of that. So maybe I would wait to burn down the bridge until after Sadeas has achieved a bit of dignity."
I stopped to consider for a moment. "Actually, that wasn't fair to Sadeas. He has no dignity and will never be able to get any. Otherwise he wouldn't try so hard to look like a parrot."

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4 minutes ago, SE_Klade said:

Klade laughed, a blatant display of emotion, but humans used it to convey humor. "Wit, I believe you are one of the most honest people in the room while lying at the same time. It is a gift that few are given."

I smiled slyly. "I wasn't given it. I took it from a poor fool, a long time ago. You should have seen his face when I took it! Although, I believe he would be impressed what I've done with it. Just look at Sadeas's face! That shade of red is truly awe-inspiring."

Edited by SE_Wit
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51 minutes ago, SE_Klade said:

Klade was impressed by this man's ability to mantain his persona, though it may not be a persona. This man could just be that strange. "Are you enjoying yourself, Wit? So many people to insult, so little time. One has to wonder how you keep it fair, giving everyone a dose of your wit."

Aesudan couldn't help but overhear a snatch of conversation from another table.

It should be self evident that not everybody has an equal dose of wits...

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It had taken the entirety of a half hour, but Elhokar had found the perfect gift for his beloved. A beautiful clump of exotically-colored fingermoss. Well, maybe it was normal fingermoss that someone had dyed. But it looked  lovely anyways.

Elhokar approached his wife, holding the flowers like a shield. "Asuedan!" He declared, "I do hope you are enjoying yourself tonight. I thought these flowers looked almost as lovely as you, and couldn't resist bringing you some."

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1 hour ago, SE_Klade said:

Klade was impressed by this man's ability to mantain his persona, though it may not be a persona. This man could just be that strange. "Are you enjoying yourself, Wit? So many people to insult, so little time. One has to wonder how you keep it fair, giving everyone a dose of your wit."

"Life, from what I've seen, is inherently unfair. And Ialai is right, if you spend enough time with her, you would find her pleasant. In relation to a chull. With the small addition of her not having said anything at all. " 
With that, I decided to make a strategic retreat before the Sadeas's killed me right then and there. 

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2 minutes ago, SE_Elhokar_Kholin said:

It had taken the entirety of a half hour, but Elhokar had found the perfect gift for his beloved. A beautiful clump of exotically-colored fingermoss. Well, maybe it was normal fingermoss that someone had dyed. But it looked  lovely anyways.

Elhokar approached his wife, holding the flowers like a shield. "Asuedan!" He declared, "I do hope you are enjoying yourself tonight. I thought these flowers looked almost as lovely as you, and couldn't resist bringing you some."

"Why thank you, dear," Aesudan accepted the fingermoss, holding it like a bouquet. "They look delightful."

"Almost delightful enough to make up for ignoring me earlier," she smiled with a twinkle in her eye.

"Have you eaten yet? Your father is putting on quite an impressive show (I simply had no idea there were so many different types of chicken), and I was wondering what your take on the Parshendi might be now that we've had some time to mingle."

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The tall Parshendi statesman was talking with the important lighteyes, while a second member of the delegation had gone off to dance with the King's eldest nephew. That left only one of the Parshendi's official delegates available to discuss the all-important subject of alcohol. Carefully, hoping not to disturb an honored guest, Beggar walked towards the one who he thought had been called Eshonai. "Did your contingent happen to bring along any beverages of an intoxicating nature, @SE_Eshonai? One finds that these Alethi drinks tend to blur together after a while."

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Ialai watched Wit scurry away, slinking back into the crowd. It was if he was trying to avoid the fallout of his remarks.

It wouldn’t work. Eventually, the Wit would meet his end on somebody’s blade. Probably not hers, and probably not tonight, but eventually. Storms, she’d do it herself if she could, and do everyone a favour.

She turned back to Klade. “In any case, we are glad you have signed the treaty, if only so we can learn more about the world the Almighty has created. You are an interesting species. I hope relations continue to go well between us.”

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9 hours ago, SE_Aesudan_Kholin said:

"Strange creatures indeed... I've actually never seen them in person before this night, but it seems an interest in the Parshendi has suddenly become very fashionable, no?"

"I think it is fairly clear what they want, however," Aesudan confided. "The Parshendi are a less developed people and nation, and they stand to gain from an alliance with Alethkar, and the benefits of modern fabrials and weapons and everything else, not to mention the protection of a strong ally. No, I think the real mystery is not what they gain from this, but what we gain from it... Any assets the Parshendi have, we could have simply taken by conquest. I trust King Gavilar's wisdom, of course, but I also know that I am not the only one to have wondered this."

Aesudan held out her empty glass, beckoning for a servant to refill it.

"You know, I don't believe you ever introduced yourself."

"You can call me Nale. It's a pleasure to meet you, Brightlady."

"And indeed. Walking around, I feel as though many people are wondering many things, tonight. I wonder..."

Nale had been trying to find a way of discreetly prying into the gossip of the hall - especially anything about strange goings on, or strange-acting Spren, but at this point, a man joined the conversation. "Aesudan! I do hope you are enjoying yourself tonight. I thought these flowers looked almost as lovely as you, and couldn't resist bringing you some."

Elhokar Kholin. Nale wondered idly whether he'd be able to extract any gossip from both of them here, but decided he'd be better off making the rounds, and hearing from a wider number of contacts.

He did a double-take when he saw Ash, leaning against the wall.

Why, of all nights, Ash, did you have to come here tonight. Almighty!

He suspected, before the night was out, that things were about to get a lot more complicated.

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36 minutes ago, SE_Darkness said:

"You can call me Nale. It's a pleasure to meet you, Brightlady."

"And indeed. Walking around, I feel as though many people are wondering many things, tonight. I wonder..."

Nale had been trying to find a way of discreetly prying into the gossip of the hall - especially anything about strange goings on, or strange-acting Spren, but at this point, a man joined the conversation. "Aesudan! I do hope you are enjoying yourself tonight. I thought these flowers looked almost as lovely as you, and couldn't resist bringing you some."

Elhokar Kholin. Nale wondered idly whether he'd be able to extract any gossip from both of them here, but decided he'd be better off making the rounds, and hearing from a wider number of contacts.

He did a double-take when he saw Ash, leaning against the wall.

Why, of all nights, Ash, did you have to come here tonight. Almighty!

He suspected, before the night was out, that things were about to get a lot more complicated.


Did he just say he was named after a nail?

Still, Aesudan would not judge too harshly, as this Nail fellow was probably from some western city halfway around the world. If she could take sentient parshmen in stride, she could handle a peculiar naming custom. She nodded politely at Nail as he took his leave. Now only Elhokar remained.

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LG49/AN3: Hour 2 - A Night of Revelry and Revelation

Thara stumbled out of the corner away from the brightlord, who had seemed rather irritated at being found. She’d managed a gulp of wine, after all, which helped at least a little with the hoarseness.


“Wine, brightlords and ladies?” she asked by rote. The drums of the not-parshmen thrummed, shivering in her bones. Everything seemed to be speeding up - by the time she’d crossed the room, her tray was emptied.


“Look at this,” someone slurred next to her. She turned to find an Alethi who she didn’t recognise staring at her. “Isn’t it awesome?”


“Brightlord?” Thara asked uncertainly.


He lifted something in his hand. “This! I just got it yesterday, haven’t had the chance to try it yet. Lean in close...”


Cautiously, Thara leaned closer to look at the thing in his hand, which looked like some sort of tiny fabrial within an intricate net of wires. “What does it do, brightlord?”


He grinned loopily at her. “This.” He squeezed the sides of the fabrial sharply.




Thara stumbled back, ears ringing. That had been loud.


She barely stopped herself from glaring at the brightlord. Instead, she smiled politely, bowed, and moved on, entirely unable to hear more than a buzz.


Storming brightlords and their storming toys.



Hour 2 has begun. It will end on Wednesday, the 12th of September, at 8am BST.



My apologies for the delay in getting this cycle up. I hope you'll appreciate that this game has a lot of moving parts, and a lot had to be worked out behind the scenes.

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For the first time on Roshar, I decided I needed to go talk to a priest. An ardent, as they called them here. The thing is, I wanted to poke a bit of fun at an ardent. Normally that wasn't the sort of thing I would do, but today I felt like that would be fun. 
"Hey, ardent." I said to one who was walking by. "You have one little hair sticking up out of your head."
I then stepped back, smirking as the ardent began to panic, frantically rubbing his hands over his perfectly smooth head. Perhaps these ardents weren't quite used to my typical shtick. 

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After much time studying, Jasnah felt she had discovered enough about what had happened to her earlier that night. It was time to return to the festivities and learn more of the Parshendi. Entering the grand ballroom, she headed straight to where the majority of the Parshendi were seated to speak to whoever would give her the time of day. 

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5 minutes ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

After much time studying, Jasnah felt she had discovered enough about what had happened to her earlier that night. It was time to return to the festivities and learn more of the Parshendi. Entering the grand ballroom, she headed straight to where the majority of the Parshendi were seated to speak to whoever would give her the time of day. 

"Hey Jasnah, it's about 2 hours after sunset!" I called, sensing her mood, Obviously, she looked like she needed to know how long after sunset it was. The ardent, meanwhile, had ceased to rub his head looking for the hair I had pointed out, and was glaring at me. I was pretty sure ardents weren't supposed to glare at people. 

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"Thank you, Wit. I have been reclused away in my study for a while, however, I am well aware of the time, as my study has windows." Jasnah Retorted. "Though your wit is still as sharp as it has been in the past, you seem to need assistance in collecting information. The more information you have about someone, the more you can use your *cough* witty remarks.

"I am now on my way to discuss with some of the parshendi, would you care to join me? Though I believe your attempt at wit may cause impediments in the conversation, I also believe that it may be beneficial to have you there, because I know you are a man of many distant travels, through what many would call realms unknown, and I believe that in a conversation with such an interesting species, this sort of knowledge and experience may outweigh the disadvantage of your quick tongue."

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3 minutes ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

"Thank you, Wit. I have been reclused away in my study for a while, however, I am well aware of the time, as my study has windows." Jasnah Retorted. "Though your wit is still as sharp as it has been in the past, you seem to need assistance in collecting information. The more information you have about someone, the more you can use your *cough* witty remarks.

"I am now on my way to discuss with some of the parshendi, would you care to join me? Though I believe your attempt at wit may cause impediments in the conversation, I also believe that it may be beneficial, because I know you are a man of many distant travels, through what many would call realms unknown, and I believe that in a conversation with such an interesting species, this sort of knowledge and experience may outweigh the disadvantage of your quick tongue."

I looked around, a bit panicked. "SHHHHHH" I hissed. "If these people know how competent I am, they'll expect more than just dull insults from me! They might expect me to be... productive. Yes I will come. Just, hush."

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