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Demoux on Roshar


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So, I was buying the Firstborn/Defending Elysium combo pack on Brandon's website, and for the personalization, I asked "What Allomantic Abilities would Demoux have on Roshar?"



(He RAFO'd me. Go figure.)


Evidently, there is some room for speculation here. So: Speculators, go!

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The interesting thing about an "RAFO" is that it stands for "read and find out"--implying that we will be treated to an explanation someday. The question that intrigues me the most right now is whether we will find out about the details of Demoux's Allomancy in the Stormlight Archive or in a sequel to AoL. It would be wonderful if SA turned into a sort of mega-crossover event that explains how different magic systems come together and interact, but given Brandon Sanderson's insistence that it will remain stand-alone, I do not know how likely this is. I wonder if the continuing adventures of Wax and Wayne will give us some glimpses of Demoux as he resurfaces and joins the Seventeenth Shard.


Personally, I'm not really sure what to think about this specific matter. While atium isn't easy to access at the moment, it's probably safe to say that Demoux "knows a guy" who could get him some. It is also possible that the Final Ascension changed the way Seers work, so that now he's either a Slider or a Pulser.


Another possibility is that Demoux on Roshar utilizes a version of Allomancy we've never before seen. I believe we have a WoB that it is possible to use one form of Investiture on an alien planet provided you perform a certain amount of "jury-rigging". Maybe Demoux can use Stormlight to power his Allomancy? If so, do the spheres fuel Seer powers, full Mistborn powers, or do they allow him to do something completely unprecedented?


As usual my post above manages to be several paragraphs long without stating anything fresh, thoughtful, or definitive, but hopefully I have conveyed the idea of there being a very large number of possibilities where Demoux is concerned. All in all, what I hope for the most is the chance to do exactly what the Author has told us to do... "read and find out." :)

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@Kobold King, that isn't quite what "Read And Find Out" means in this situtation.  Brandon inherited the phrase from Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time.  Jordan would use the phrase whenever he didn't want to answer a question, whether it would be spoilery because it would eventually get touched on or not.  Just becuase he gives out a RAFO doesn't actually mean it definitely will appear in a future book

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@Kobold King, that isn't quite what "Read And Find Out" means in this situtation.  Brandon inherited the phrase from Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time.  Jordan would use the phrase whenever he didn't want to answer a question, whether it would be spoilery because it would eventually get touched on or not.  Just becuase he gives out a RAFO doesn't actually mean it definitely will appear in a future book

Oh, sorry. I tend to be quite literal-minded in these matters. I hope it is expanded upon in a later novel though.

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Demoux probaby IS on Roshar, chasing after Hoid as part of the 17th Shard.

Brandon already said that Demoux is on Roshar:



Is Thinker from the Purelake scene Demoux [from the Mistborn Trilogy]?

Brandon Sanderson

Demoux is indeed in that scene.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are we absolutely sure that Thinker is Demoix and not Blunt? I always thought he was Blunt (mainly because Galladon seems to call him Temoo, which sounds remarkably similar. Reading again, I can't work out who he's talking to. Plus I thought the description fit him, though I don't have my copy to check check right now).

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Are we absolutely sure that Thinker is Demoix and not Blunt? I always thought he was Blunt (mainly because Galladon seems to call him Temoo, which sounds remarkably similar. Reading again, I can't work out who he's talking to. Plus I thought the description fit him, though I don't have my copy to check check right now).


Yes we are. Here is the relevent passage:



The third man had light tan skin, like an Alethi. He didn’t seem quite right either, though. The eyes were the wrong shape, and his accent was certainly not Alethi. He spoke the Selay language worse than the other two, and usually stayed quiet. He seemed thoughtful, though. Ishikk called him Thinker.


Wonder how he earned that scar across his scalp, Ishikk thought. Life outside the Purelake was very dangerous. Lots of wars, particularly to the east


Demoux has that scar.  Also it is Blunt that refers to Galladon as Temoo.  We do have confirmation that Demoux is one of the three, Grump is definitely Galladon and Blunt is from White Sand so by process of elimination...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since Demoux is misting who burns a god metal (atium is the only one readily burned I believe) maybe he can burn whatever metal the shardblades/plates are made of with different effect. No idea on plausible effects though, ideas?

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Another possibility is that Demoux on Roshar utilizes a version of Allomancy we've never before seen. I believe we have a WoB that it is possible to use one form of Investiture on an alien planet provided you perform a certain amount of "jury-rigging". Maybe Demoux can use Stormlight to power his Allomancy? If so, do the spheres fuel Seer powers, full Mistborn powers, or do they allow him to do something completely unprecedented?


Hoid puts something, most likely Allomantic metal into his drink during the Shallan 'Middlefest' flashback. So we can PROBABLY say that Allomancy is still fueled by metals. Probably.




Q:  Can you tell me what Wit put in his drink in Shallan's flashback scene?

A:  It was something that you or I would probably not want to eat in our world, but that Wit got some benefit from eating.

Q:  Something we've seen in the Mistborn books, perhaps?

A: [sounding pleased] Yes, perhaps like something you've seen in Mistborn.

@WeiryWriter, thanks :)

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I would definitely be interested to see a mistborn try and burn shardplate/blade. Brandon says that you can hack most of the magics to get them to work for each other so it might be possible to fuel allomamcy with stormlight, although I don't see why you would need to. Although the metallurgy on Roshar isn't that advanced from what I can tell.

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I would definitely be interested to see a mistborn try and burn shardplate/blade. Brandon says that you can hack most of the magics to get them to work for each other so it might be possible to fuel allomamcy with stormlight, although I don't see why you would need to. Although the metallurgy on Roshar isn't that advanced from what I can tell.


IIRC We have WoB that soulcasting can produce standard allomantic metals. Though some are difficult.

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Well then I'm not sure that you can fuel allomamcy with stormlight, it just seems very unnecessary.

We have WoB that all forms of Investiture can be used to power the different expression of it, though it requires "jury-rigging"

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