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On 2/6/2019 at 0:33 AM, Karnatheon said:

Here is my Rep character.

Alan Smedry

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NameAlan Smedry

Physical CharacteristicsSlim build, with Raven black hair, and blue eyes. 

InvestiturePrime Talent(+50M): Able to find things. Whether this is finding his car keys, or finding trouble, it never takes long for his Talent to kick in. On Coppermind it says Smedrys are innately able to use Oculators, so I'm trying not sure if I have to take Oculator(+40M) or not.

Skills: Hand to hand combat training(Skilled +30S), Scholarship(Average +20)

Equipment: Shaper’s Lenses(+20M), Oracle's Lenses(+20M). These lenses are each one half of a pair of goggles, as opposed to 2 separate pairs.

Weakness: Alan is quite scatterbrained at times, misplacing things and forgetting important details. His Talent both helps make up for this, whole also reenforcing the weakness because he has no reason to be more careful. He is trained in hand to hand combat, but relies heavily on his Oracle's lense.

Family: The Smedrys.

Home PlanetEarth(Alcatraz)

Backstory: Alan grew up on Earth, and lived there happily for some time. Eventually he just felt underappreciated by his family, and left home. He ended up in the Alleyverse, and was quickly recruited by TUBA, saving him from a lot of trouble. He has since focused on helping them out as he can, and has become the TUBA Representative to help them further their goals.

Guild: TUBA

Fighting Style: Alan tends to take advantage of his Oracle's lense, in a short term sense during a fight, quite similar to using Atium. He is not trained in the use of weapons.

@Lord Meeker

Just re-pinging @Lord Meeker

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14 minutes ago, Voidus said:

@Lord Meeker can add them to the character list if they want to, but for me to add it it'd need a proper vote, I only saw three responses on there which is not enough to gain a consensus. I'll add a poll for them later today if Meeker hasn't already added them.

On 2/4/2019 at 5:14 PM, Lord Meeker said:

@beantheboy12I agree with Archer here. I approve if it can be used as a non-combatant. I am okay with self defense. But if I see it used to attack someone else we are going to have a problem.

Lord Meeker did approve it. As far as I know, she's passed. But I have been waiting for it to be added on the list. I've been looking at the second post in this thread, by you, @Voidus. If that's not where I should look, where should I look to see if it's been confirmed?

Also I want to resolve her character once and for all before I bring in my... interesting one.

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Ok sorry. I haven't actually read any Alcatraz books I was just referencing Coppermind and it said


An Oculator is someone that can activate and control a Lens.[1]

The Smedry family is one of the most renowned groups of Oculators. 

So Oculator adds the 40 I put in there, which makes his Investiture 130 points. So it depends how the weakness gets scored how many more weaknesses I'll need to add.

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Meeker has mod rights in the subforum so they can edit my post, that is indeed where you should be looking. But if it was a formal approval of the character then they'd likely already be added so I'm assuming that Meeker was only approving it in the sense of a community vote, not as a mod in charge of characters.

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Ok sorry. I haven't actually read any Alcatraz books I was just referencing Coppermind and it said


An Oculator is someone that can activate and control a Lens.[1]

The Smedry family is one of the most renowned groups of Oculators. 

So Oculator adds the 40 I put in there, which makes his Investiture 130 points. So it depends how the weakness gets scored how many more weaknesses I'll need to add.

Huh. That's weird. I know for a fact that not all Smedires are occulators, but I usually trust the Coppermind...

I think what it's saying is that the Smedries who are occulators are really, really, good or something, so they become more famous?

I dunno. That's a good point, Karnatheon. But I'd say you add the 40 points. :)

Also, you should read those books!

Edited by Gancho Libre
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Two new characters, mainly intended for Hunt for the Jackal. They use the powersets I discussed earlier, and I'll include Voidus' scores of them later in the post.



Name: Alice Fisher

Epic Name: Laplace

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Appearance: She is about 5'4'' tall, though she seems taller to people. Has shorter light brown hair and dark green eyes that turn violet when she's using her powers. Generally looks rather serious and strict. Wears glasses. For clothing she normally wears the Oxford professor's gown, but with a few modifications to allow for easier movement.

    Laplace's Demon:

  • Primary power: Enhanced analytical abilities. This manifests in three different ways, Probability prediction, physics simulation, and pattern analysis.
    Probability prediction allows for the analysis of trends from small data sets, allowing for the prediction of possible actions of groups of people, assigning probabilities to each possible action they can take. This works better the larger the group is, and the more data there is available. Predicting the actions of a single individual is much more difficult, even with insight into their personality. Larger groups, on the other hand, tend to average out.
    Physics simulation allows for perfectly predicting the outcome of deterministic systems, such as the paths of a group of rocks falling down, or a roulette wheel. This ability requires knowledge of the rules behind the system to work though. Encountering an unknown phenomenon, or an non-deterministic one, makes usage of this ability impossible, and if she is only partially aware of the rules behind the system she can encounter errors in their analysis.
    Pattern analysis allows her to take a phenomenon, or a number of incidents, and analyze the pattern behind them, creating a prediction of the rules it is based on. This works in concert with probability prediction and physics simulation, allowing her to establish the necessary rules for these to be able to work. The main issue with this, however, is that the rules she deduces might not be the actual rules that apply to a phenomenon or pattern, which might throw of her predictions by some degree.
    This power is a semi-passive ability, with the power normally running subconsciously, with results manifesting as improved intuition, but she can also focus the ability on a specific task, which makes it much more effective, but requires her to consciously know what she's trying to analyze.
  • Secondary power: Area scan. This is an active ability that allows her to perfectly know everything about a 50 meter area centered on her. The issue here is that it isn't possible for her to consciously comprehend all this information, so she's only capable of accessing the positions, motions, and appearances of objects in this region, although she can also access information more specific information like temperature, sound, or specific materials, but this requires her to actually focus on acquiring this information, and on the specific place she wants the information from.
    The interesting part about this ability, however, is that her first ability is also capable of making use of this information, but is capable of accessing the full breadth of information, granting what amounts to a pseudo danger sense, though limited to what information can be gathered from inside of the ability's active area (Note that threads don't have to be inside of this area to be noticed, but either this area or what can be perceived with their normal senses must contain the information necessary for the thread to be noticeable).

Skills: Intelligent (-30), Scholarship: Skilled (-30). While she doesn't have any actual combat abilities she'd probably make a decent long range sniper with some training because of her abilities (does this cost any points?).

Epic weakness: Dice. These will create an aura of about 2 meters around them that isn't visible to her Area Scan ability, and actually touching them will also negate her primary ability.


  • Her powers rely on the fact that whatever she's analyzing functions on rules. If something isn't based on rules, or if the rules aren't deducible then her powers can't give her any information.
  • Probability analysis can be defeated by making decisions based on random chance, with even something like flipping a coin to decide between to outcomes making her unable to predict the final action (as long as she doesn't see them flip the coin. If she sees them flipping the coin physics simulation will allow them to predict how it will land).
  • She needs to actually need to have data in order to make predictions, meaning that not having access to key data can lead to erroneous predictions. The same goes for actions of unknown third parties.
    Note: Previous weaknesses were all oddities in her abilities, and were already taking into account by Voidus when calculating her total ability score.
  • She highly dislikes any form of combat, viewing it as beneath her, and because of this has very little experience in it, so her fights will mostly be her using her abilities to dodge attacks.

Personality: She has a strict, calculating personality, with a firm believe that the mind is much more important than the body, and that she is more intelligent than anybody else, so doing any fighting herself would be demeaning. She tends to have a personal hatred against people who mess up her predictions, and believes that her primary ability is actually her own genius shining through, and not an Epic ability (she's wrong, which she does know to some degree, but doesn't acknowledge).

Backstory: Originally a professor in mathematics at Oxford teaching statistics. She had a reputation for being highly intelligent, but also for being extremely strict and an ego that was much too big. After Calamity they started manipulating the university and town from behind the scenes, officially working as strategist for the local ruler but eventually becoming the de facto ruler. Eventually one of the other Epics in town tried to oust the leader though, and attacked them, defying her predictions at several points, causing them to develop a personal hatred for eachother, and seeing that she was going to lose, she managed to get into the alleyverse, where she managed to find the Jackal and decided to join the Bureau of Villainy.

Affiliation: Bureau of Villainy


On 2/6/2019 at 10:03 PM, Voidus said:

@kenod information based abilities can be really hard to judge but this is how it'd be rated.
Laplace's Demon
Primary - 30 points
Secondary - 30 points
Synergy - 30 points
Total - 90 points



Name: Karin Hunter

Epic Name: Maxwell

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Appearance: She's 5'6'' tall, with long black hair and grey eyes. She normally wears a t-shirt and jeans, but wears a white lab-coat over them.

    Maxwell's Demon:

  • Primary power: Separation of heat and cold. She can take heat from different substances, transferring it into something else. She can do this even when the substances are at thermal equilibrium, or when the substance she's taking heat from is colder than the substance she's transferring the heat to. This ability is much easier to use on gasses, with solids being the most difficult to use this ability on. The lowest temperature a substance can be brought to differs, but for air this is generally around -60°C (-76°F), and for other substances this lowest temperature is generally a lot warmer, with gasses being close to this temperature, fluids being close to -20°C (-4°F), and solids being around -5 °C (23°F), unless their phase will change while their temperature is being reduced, in which case either the lowest temperature for that phase or the current temperature will be the limit, whichever is lower. There isn't any real limit on the maximum heat that can be transferred to a substance, though gasses take less effort and are more useful. In order to transfer the energy the substance needs to be inside of 50 meters of her.
    Additional notes: When not using this ability on gasses some time is necessary to gather the focus to use the ability, and both extracting and adding the heat will take time (gasses take time as well, but this is fast enough to seem instant). This also means that this ability doesn't work as an instakill on living beings.

  • Secondary power: Gas manipulation. She's capable of aerokinetic control of gasses, but with the peculiarity that this control takes more effort the closer the gasses are to thermal equilibrium compared to the gasses around them, with anything less than 10°C (18°F) difference from equilibrium being too close to manipulate, and a difference of 40°C (72°F) is necessary for full control, which generally gives the appearance of her manipulating freezing winds and flames/hot winds. Again, her control area for this ability is 50 meters. The controlled air can reach speeds of about 17 m/s, so enough to shake trees but not enough to toss larger/heavier things about, or create significant destruction. She can't compress the air, but are capable of stopping air from expanding or contracting from the sudden changes in heat, which means that if the air is hot enough she can actually use the additional pressure to knock people away, but at these temperatures they'd probably prefer that, since it's more survivable than being in the center of a fireball.

  • Peculiarities: The amount of heat they can put in a hot area is fairly small in the beginning, unless they create a large cold area and then channel all the heat into a small area. However, when heat flows back into cold areas, or from warm areas into the surrounding air, they can use the energy generated during this to increase the amount of heat inside of their hot areas. The increased heat inside of these areas will increase the heat flow, which will also increase the amount of heat generated, creating a compounding effect. This still has limits though, as they aren't immune to the heat and cold themselves, meaning that building up too much heat will kill them, and if the gas changes to plasma they'll lose control over it, causing all the heat to flood back into the general area, causing a large explosion. At the same time, because of their range limits they'll run into trouble if they use their ability for too long, as they'll end up cooking themselves, and they need to watch out when disengaging their ability as the resultant explosion might injure or kill them otherwise. They can also release control over zones they control, causing implosions and explosions because of temperature differentials (they can also use this to create energy, but it is more difficult because of the speed, causing large efficiency losses, generally losing 90% of the heat stored in the zone. This is mainly a method for decreasing the amount of time it takes to build up their temperatures again). If they have a bit of time to focus they can also combine their hot and cold zones to generate energy faster, or manipulate the shape and force of the explosions, this is a more advanced usage that needs training, and can't be improvised.

Skills: Intelligent (-30), Scholarship: Average (-20)

Epic Weakness: Failing to meet a goal she set for herself, or that she accepted from someone else. When this happens her powers will immediately shut down, and the time it takes for them to work again will depend on the importance the goal held for her. This also works for goals she sets herself unconsciously, such as needing to defeat an enemy.
Warning: triggering this weakness is a bad idea when she has been using her powers for a while and you're in the vicinity, since at that point reality tends to reassert itself, which tends to have explosive results.


  • She's vulnerable to her own powers, meaning that if she uses them for too long, and compounds the heat too much she can fry herself, or get killed when not releasing the heat properly, which can take a while if it has been building up for too long.
  • She can be rather brash, which means she sets herself goals quickly, which means she has to follow through on them.
  • Hates Laplace, and has defeating her as a goal, meaning that she's willing to sacrifice and/or betray almost anything and anyone to kill her, and can easily be controlled or led into a trap using this.
  • Her powers take a while to get going, meaning that she's stuck with just cold air until she gets a good level of compounding going and her powers become really dangerous.

Personality: Tries to think things through, often loses control quickly, getting enraged or hot-blooded, especially when using her abilities. She doesn't use her abilities often though, or at strong levels, because of the dangers involved, meaning that the Corruption isn't as strong for her. Often sets goals for herself, despite her weakness, since it allows her to motivate herself.

Backstory: Originally went to Oxford where she studied physics, but relied on a scholarship, which meant that she always needed to push herself to reach various goals in order to keep it. When Calamity came she was in her third year, and after living in the Epic controlled town for a while she decided she had enough with it and got together with a few other Epics to take over themselves, in the process ending up picking a fight with Laplace, who she still disliked from before Calamity. Setting herself the goal of defeating her, she followed her to the alleyverse after Laplace went there, and has continued looking for her, having received word that she was working for the Bureau of Villainy.

Affiliation: Neutral

On 2/6/2019 at 11:03 PM, Voidus said:

Maxwell's Demon (Revised)
Primary - 50 points
Secondary - with the limitation: 30 (Assuming reasonable levels of control, no winds strong enough to throw tanks at people, etc.)
Synergy: 30 points

Total: 110 points

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My character, Necromancer, will add a very interesting element to the RP.  I'll be making a vigilante topic, where anyone who's interested in that sort of thing can throw their name in and help rid Alleycity of crime.  As well as being very fun, this means he'll be a mostly "good" character, less likely to go on a murderous rampage.

For those who are concerned about Necromancer's power to instakill, fear not.  Not only is he a "good" character, less likely to outright kill your characters for no reason, he mostly will fight NPCs.  For those who have budding villains and don't want them to die, you also have no need to worry.  I won't make a habit of instakilling, as that limits potential for character development, as well as completely ruining the point of the story.  Are you still worried that I won't keep that promise?  I can have the DA power limit apply to him, making him unable to instakill outside of DA territory.

I've also taken away his ability to resurrect dead characters, and to timestop other characters.

Vote Necromancer today!!

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27 minutes ago, King Taravangian said:

My character, Necromancer, will add a very interesting element to the RP.  I'll be making a vigilante topic, where anyone who's interested in that sort of thing can throw their name in and help rid Alleycity of crime.  As well as being very fun, this means he'll be a mostly "good" character, less likely to go on a murderous rampage.

For those who are concerned about Necromancer's power to instakill, fear not.  Not only is he a "good" character, less likely to outright kill your characters for no reason, he mostly will fight NPCs.  For those who have budding villains and don't want them to die, you also have no need to worry.  I won't make a habit of instakilling, as that limits potential for character development, as well as completely ruining the point of the story.  Are you still worried that I won't keep that promise?  I can have the DA power limit apply to him, making him unable to instakill outside of DA territory.

I've also taken away his ability to resurrect dead characters, and to timestop other characters.

Vote Necromancer today!!

I wish I could change my vote, my opinion has changed. Alas, I cannot.

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@Darth Woodrack what characters haven't been taken care of? Tag me in your response.

@Jaywalk Have your character been added to the list? I can check but in not please PM to me.

@beantheboy12 Can you send me your approved character? I am not sure if I have placed it in the list and I can't find it in the few last pages :P

Edited by Lord Meeker
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Here she is:


Note: I know that this character is incredibly OP. She won’t be used in combat.


Name: Delarin

Gender: Female


    3rd oath Truthwatcher

    Twinborn: A Bendalloy F Copper


    5’ 4”

    Brown eyes

    Pale skin

    Dark Brown hair

    Long scar on right leg


    Copperminds containing every recipe ever created

    Metal Vials containing large amounts of Bendalloy shavings.

    Fabrial Food truck with heating, AC, water, etc. Separated into two parts. The kitchen, 

        and the seating area. Each is lined with expanders glass to make it huge.

    Type 4 biochromatic spatula with the command to cook good food.

    5 lifeless waiters

    Aluminum plating on the exterior of the truck

    Et metal cube modified to have a longer lasting effect

    Large supply of gemstones

    Rooms inside truck for bathing, sleeping, relaxing, etc.

    Fabrial megaphone

    Portable kitchen. (Backpack with expanders glass with all cooking necessities)

    Treasure. Lots of it.


    Absolute expert on cooking even without metal minds.

    Skilled in melee combat training, defense oriented.

    Basic knowledge of lifeless, healing, lightweaving, and Fabrials.


    Great Performer


    Will never ever hurt a person. Hurting animals even requires courage. 


Delarin was a twinborn born into high society in the Elendel Basin. She grew up in a wealthy family with her terris father and allomancer mother. As a child, her mentors quickly found that she disapproved of harming things and prefered to be a peacemaker. 


She began to cook at age nine, using her allomantic ability to do it faster, using her feruchemical ability to remember successful experiments, she was a child prodigy in cooking and was apprenticed to a chef who filled in the holes of her already great knowledge of cooking. Word of her impressive talent spread throughout Scadrial and soon, she was being hired far and wide to cook for the greatest of people.


One day, as she traversed a mountain range traveling to her next job, she fell into a sinkhole deep down. Seeing light down a tunnel, she followed it to try to escape. She emerged into a huge chamber with chests all around. Curious, she looked in and saw a huge variety of gold, silver, gemstones, and jewelry. As well as a small bit of silvery liquid-like metal.


She now had no need to work with this massive fortune and began to cook for fun. Always treasuring that unique bit of special metal. And then one day, she was visited by a strange man who exchanged the location of a perpendicularity for the small bead of Atium.


Bringing her most valuable treasures with her, she began to journey across the cosmere. To Nalthus where she bought enough breath to create her own awakened spatula and lifeless, to Roshar where she met her spren, and then to the Alleyverse where she settled down and opened up her food truck, perfecting the customer service in any way she could.

@Lord Meeker

There is also a very strange character that I’ll share here within 2 days. He’s really strange.

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3 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Yeah. Must be rough. Sorry.

If you check it should be added with a special note to the character :P

2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Our current plan is to potentially recruit more mods, then if all of us jump into the giant shoes together we might be able to fill them.

We can be that family in that folktale poem about living in an old shoe!

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21 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

Thanks @beantheboy12 Trying to fill ARCHERS ENORMOUS SHOES!


18 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Our current plan is to potentially recruit more mods, then if all of us jump into the giant shoes together we might be able to fill them.

huh. More mods sounds great ME ME PICK ME, and I think that having help with this job in particular would be really nice for those with new characters I HAVE NO LIFE I COULD DO IT

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Name: Allakn-Isal, originally Eleventh of the Dawn. He will usually prefer to be called 'Master Allak'.

Species: Unknown Hemalurgic Construct, formerly Eelakin.

Gender/Sex: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Evil


  • Four nicrosil spikes: Gravitation, Gravitation, Gemheart spike (with a stormform spren captured inside), and a Divine Breath.
  • One iron spike.
  • Two copper spikes, providing a genius intellect..
  • Linchpin (not really Investiture, but it is a spike).
  • Eight zinc spikes.
  • Telepathic communication between Yxares and Allak, provided by the Old Magic.

Weaknesses: While the non-zinc spikes are covered with carapace, the zinc spikes are inlaid in his skull like a crown, easy to remove (if you can catch him). Also, he cannot attack people, due to his Old Magic Bane. This Bane is shared by Yxares.  Finally, Allak is completely, utterly insane.


  • His Shardblade was once a normal Shardblade, but it has been corrupted through bonding Allak, and now it can split into two katana-like swords.
  • Language translator from the Ones Above.
  • Large supply of glowpaste.


  • Eyes: Square pupils, with an inner blood red iris and an outer sapphire iris.
  • Chitin covers his back in a plate, hiding his linchpin, gemheart, iron, and Divine Breath spikes, while his shoulders hide his Gravitation spikes, and the copper spikes are covered by small plates, which look slightly like horns, which point backwards, on the sides of Allak's temples.
  • His hair is a black/purple, about a foot and a half long, only on the top of his head, and always naturally Lashed upwards.
  • He always wears extremely nice, custom-tailored tweed suits.
  • About 7.5 feet in height (his bones were adjusted by the transformation to where they are strong enough to hold him as easily as normal bones hold a human).

Affiliation: The Bureau of Villany.

Companion: Yxares the Nightmaw


  • Three spikes containing the spren which keep chasmfiends alive (he needs one to live and two to simply fly).
  • The regular mind sensing ability of nightmaws.
  • Two copper spikes, providing a genius intellect.
  • Five zinc spikes.
  • Same Old Magic Boon as Allak, telepathic communication.


  • Saddlecarriage, with nine places for passengers and ten unsealed ironminds, one for each passenger and a larger one for Yxares. On the top, a graphene dome covers the passengers, Awakened to produce oxygen. The floor carriage is lined with Orienter’s Glass on the inside and has small holes for the air to be pushed through, with Defender’s Glass on the outside.
  • Bloodforged Windstormer’s lenses set in front of his eyes.

I do realize they are both still extremely overpowered. However, I have no desire for them to obtain their own side-plot. I simply wish for them to be characters of grace, style, and extreme flair. 

Edited by JacobClaessen
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Well. Here is that strange character I was talking about. He is missing a backstory, but I wanted him to be reviewed as early as possible.


Name: White Steel. (A nickname given by his third master.)

Physical Characteristics: Is an object. Made up of millions of strong (1.5 the sturdiness of steel) white microscopic components that can climb on each other, grab on to each other, and disconnect. Together, they form an armor like thing. (Think Iron man infinity war)

Investiture: Is a type IV bichromatic entity. Runs on stormlight, has a telepathic link with his master.


  • Adept at transforming quickly and on command.

  • Has learned to intake, transport, and ignite gunpowder and use it in combat.

  • Has a few small speakers inside of him that he can control to play any song, say any letter, or speak a basic word such as what, there, if.

Equipment: He is the equipment.


  • Cannot move or fight unless connected to his master.

  • Once he has chosen a master, he cannot leave him by his own decision.

  • Will obey every command as well as he can that his master gives him.

  • When a component breaks, it is disconnected from him. He cannot repair himself unless he is given stormlight and time.

  • (If this character has room to be more powerful, I would like this weakness removed) He has one component, his core, which is about as strong as shardplate, but if is destroyed, he will lose all the breath in him and “die”

Family: His first master, Volaran, is dead. No real family though.

Home planet: Roshar

Guild: Tuba?

Psyche: His command was to protect, obey, and serve his master. When Volaran was killed, he decided that whoever used him next would be his master.

Personality: Upbeat. Can feel no other emotion

Appearance: Most components are a dull white. Can take any shape. Has grey veins running through him when he is fueled with gunpowder. His core is a bright blue mixed with a bit of yellow.

Theme song: Wrecking ball. (He plays it whenever he is fighting)

Fighting style: Protect and provide weapons for his master.


    A worldhopper named Volaran had discovered a perpendicularity and traveled between worlds frequently. During the battle of Thaylen Field, he saw in amazement Szeth wield nightblood and desperately wanted to make something to combat it in strength. So he returned to Nalthus and with a few gem hearts he stole from Roshar, he bought a thousand breaths and forged what he called, the armor.

    He awakened it with the command, protect, obey, and serve your master. He then wore it to battle and began to become a renowned warrior. Unbeaten ever. But one night, another man snuck into Volaran’s house and killed him in his sleep. With his master gone, the armor didn’t know who to serve so he just decided to serve his master’s killer who nicknamed him, White Steel.

    He then jumped from master to master, planet to planet, for a long time until he ended up with a smuggler. The smuggler was attempting to sneak a large shipment of spiked cookies into TUBA but accidently made the container in which he put the cookies and himself airtight. He suffocated and white steel was left without a master and is now looking for one.



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