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Kandras and Mistwraiths [OB]


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In a different topic on the forums, I was talking about kandra with other sharders, and a more experience sharder said something different about the creation of mistwraiths than what I thought happen, so can someone just make sure that what's below is right.

How I believe mistwraiths were created was that the Lord Ruler put a blockage of investiture between the physical and cognitive aspect of all full feruchemists(but one), this blockage cause them to transform into mistwriaths and lose their minds, but their spiritual aspect remain the same, so all the spiritwebs of the original mistwraiths and their children would look like normal human spiritwebs. Kandra are created when you spike a mistwraith with two spikes, this allows their cognitive aspect to interact with their physical aspect giving them sapience. So my question is are Kandras' spiritwebs similar/ or the same as regular humans.

Edited by MountainKing
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I don't think that their spiritwebs look like human spiritwebs any more. Mistwraiths breed true. If he'd just put a blockage on all living Feruchemists, their "children" would be human. I think that he ended up changing all three aspects of their DNA, along with the "blockage". Otherwise, if their spiritwebs were the same as humans, they should be able to become Feruchemists again once the spike breaks through the block. And we know that if you cut off a kandra's limb with a Shardblade, whatever their spiritweb does still lets them recreate that limb (probably their spiritwebs are mutable, so they can use another part of it to grow that limb, even though the part that was originally assigned to it is now dead).




If a kandra's limb was cut by a Shardblade, would it be able to heal/regrow?

Brandon Sanderson



greaterbookwyrm [PENDING REVIEW]

What happens when you cut a kandra with a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

So a kandra is going to react basically the same way, in that the Shardblade's going to be hitting at the soul and severing it and things like that. They are not immune to Shardblades. But because they have mutable shapes, there will be a little bit of weirdness involved in that. You'll get to see that happen eventually.



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I don't believe so. There is a segregation between their aspects, but the Spiritual should still govern the Physical. 

To be turned into what they are they have to have a completely different Spiritual form. They have fluid bindpoints, and it only takes 2 spikes to take control of them in contrast to the 4 it takes for humans (which is the same for Koloss despite their spiritual warping.)



We've seen Kandra True Bodies made of crystal, stone, or wood. Can a kandra use a True Body made of metal? If so, what happens if each metal "bone" had a Hemalurgic charge, and each one is touching an appropriate bind point?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. And that would work, better than you think, because Kandra have fluid bind points. But too many spikes can be dangerous to the psyche, even with Ati not messing things up.



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@RSharaOkay, I just considered that mistwraiths' blockages would be passed on to their children Oathbringer Spoilers


like the damaged Parshmen's spiritwebs.

Now I wonder if two inquisitors had a baby, would the baby have holes in their spiritwebs where both of the inquisitors had spikes in their spiritebs?



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4 minutes ago, MountainKing said:

@RSharaOkay, I just considered that mistwraiths' blockages would be passed on to their children ----

Now I wonder if two inquisitors had a baby, would the baby have holes in their spiritwebs where both of the inquisitors had spikes in their spiritebs?



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The Singer's Spiritual aspect was damaged, which was passed along to their children, in the same way.


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2 hours ago, MountainKing said:

And did anyone know of Hemalurgy before the Lord Ruler?

I don't know if anyone did, but who knows. Rashek only knew how much he did, which wasn't much, because he held the Well's power, so maybe no one knew anything beforehand.

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For what it's worth, I always imagined the process of creating Kandra and Kolos to be more of a Spiritual Frankenstien than that: Chop up 2-4 spirit-webs for donor parts, then splice them onto a base spirit frame, and voilà New Creature.  I just firgured this was an example of the Philosophic limitations of a hexadiety, where Ruin can only approximate an act of Creation by doing something creatively Destructive. 

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3 hours ago, MountainKing said:

Wait I have a questuon, so did Rashek change them spiritually and added a blockage? 

That seems to be the case. Altered them on both the Spiritual and Physical granting them immortality in exchange for their Feruchemy in special cases, and making them into mistwraiths for the majority. 

3 hours ago, MountainKing said:

And did anyone know of Hemalurgy before the Lord Ruler?

We don't know how much they knew about it, but Ruin had worked hemalurgy into the Terris prophecies so that the Hero would always be spiked no matter who was chosen. 

Alendi's "piercings of the hero" were hemalurgic. 



Alendi's "Piercings of the Hero"?

Brandon Sanderson

This is part of the manipulation Ruin did during the classical era on Scadrial, before the coming of the Lord Ruler. Piercings, and Hemalurgy, were part of the world before the coming of Allomancy in its modern form. Then, they were seen as a means of communicating with deity—which, indeed, they were. Ruin manipulated this to make sure any Hero of Ages who came would be under his influence. The reference is included mostly to indicate that yes, Alendi was under Ruin's influence. He ignored Rashek, though. (At least, right up to the moment when everything went 'wrong' for Ruin, when Rashek killed his chosen Hero of Ages.)



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