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mistcloaks (pic heavy)


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The one problem I've had with all the mistcloaks I've seen so far is they don't look alive enough. I picture in my head the tassels moving like they are under water similar to the dementor in this clip (skip to 0:43) I also picture them made of the same type of material

Of course that's in a movie, making that effect in real life would be practically impossible

That being said, these are the best mistcloak costumes I've ever seen :) maybe a bit clean but we don't really have ash constantly falling from the sky on earth do we ;). What did you use to make the tassles?

Edited by SOM1else
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An effect like that would be great if it could be done in real life :) In my first attempt I tried using synthetic organza which, when cut into strips, has a more floaty effect due to static electricity, but it tangled too much and ended up looking like a shaggy gray muppet. They're made of a variety of different fabrics cut into strips with the edges sealed to keep them from unraveling. I actually deliberately went for a cleaner look (I've seen others use rougher and more tattered fabrics) because mistcloaks would be made for nobility. But you're right, they would get a bit ash-covered from use.

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I saw the second one somewhere a while back, but they are all absolutely amazing (both the photos and the miscloaks)!


Next step, Vasher's own Awakened clothes?



What is the place to make false daggers? I am making a Mistborn costume too.


How did you make those? I have been wanting to make a Mistborn costume... I found a place to make false daggers, but I would need a Mistcloak. Can I please have instructions on how to make one?


What is the place to make false daggers? I am making a Mistborn costume too.


Same here. I have a bunch of fabric and no idea what to do with it.

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Actually, how do the mistcloaks work at all? It's basically all tassles from shoulders to the end; where are the daggers supposed to be strapped? Where did the Mistborn keep vials?

After Sazed broke out Vin after she was captured by Inquisitors, she replenished metals from the vial she kept in the pocket of her mistcloak. Where are the pockets supposed to be?

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I think the cloak is mostly there to look awesome and add slight camouflage in the mists. You keep all the rest on your person, not attached to the cloak.

I thought this too. The only place there could be a pocket would be on a tassel (which would weigh it down and be ridiculous), or in the shoudler , just behind the neck, somewhere before the tassels started. But I always imagined they carried knives at the waist at vials on some kind of belt.

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But I always imagined they carried knives at the waist at vials on some kind of belt.


That's what I always assumed. Aren't there a few places that specify that Vin or whoever pulls vials out of their sash? Also, I always pictured the mistcloaks without any leather or fabric on the shoulders - just a million strips of the same fabric (which, for some reason, I assumed was some kind of gray raw silk with a soft leather lining) literally sewn together at the top in a few layers. So the strips are more gradual triangles that meet at their small ends and clasp with some sort of lacing.

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Mistcloaks probably varied a lot throughout the Final Empire. Most Houses with Mistborns probably wouldn't be able to drop by at the nearest clothing place and ask for the latest trend in mistcloaks, unless they wanted people to know they had a Mistborn. Half-skaa Mistborn had even less of a reason to do that, otherwise we'd see inquisitors catching half-skaa allomancers just by hanging out by the clothing stores.  :P

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