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It was pretty chaotic here. The rock and its... assistants seemed suspicious. He heard strange inturruptions in the rythyms, similar to speech but different. He couldnt decipher what it meant, but it was weird. No one besides the bartender and that one person so much as looked at him. He was used to that, having been a dullform spy. Still, he hadnt seen any other singers around. One would think they would notice. Elkanah didn't mind. It gave him ample opportunity to study them.

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The rock noticed the booth being set up and looked towards Teverah seriously for a moment.

Hey! Thank you sooooo much. You're such a nice guy.

The rock drew in some Stormlight and Elsecalled into the booth. Normally this would have instantly cleared its head from any effects of alcohol, but unfortunately Stormlight mostly just enhanced your existing ability to process toxins, and unfortunately the rock did not have a liver so it had no ability to enhance.

Everyone here is so nice.

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Even being fore warned of the Rocks mental voice,  it still surprised Tevarah especially because the voice was 100% drunk. "Oh well umm thanks" Tevarah tried to mentally project, not sure if it was working he tested again. "Can you hear me?"

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Rashan drunk the violet wine, and in addition to the root beer he’d been having, was finally able to get Rashan intoxicated. Finally, memories, traumas of what happened, they vanished, replaced by his drink. Maybe a couple more glasses and he wouldn’t be able to speak. That was how he prevented him telling his friends why he even got himself drunk.

No one knew. They all thought Rashan was a drunk, just because he enjoyed violet wine. There was that, but nowadays, violet wine was the only thing that took his mind away from what happened. Poisonous thoughts, memories of things already happening, the wine washed it away.

Rashan was far from the relaxed, happy man most thought he was, but pretending didn’t much effort.

He stumbled into the private booth away from the barkeep, smiling at his two bosses as he entered. “Whaats uup,” he said, wine taking effect. “Why’d you get us a priiivvaaate booooth?”

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If a man has a thought, and there's no rock around to hear it. Can men truly think?

The rock began mentally giggling at its joke before noticing that Rashan had joined the two of them.

Rashan!? Why're you walking all funny? It's all sideways. Everything is sideways.

The rock Elsecalled onto a nearby wall and promptly fell to the ground where it started laughing hysterically.

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Bad memories surfaced in Soul’s mind. Dulled only slightly by the wine. Memories of death, and of lost friends. These memories were stronger, and more painful when tapping Identity. Soul drew in stormlight at the intoxicant vaporized. Soul scowled more as his enemies left. Storms he wanted a fight. To kill. Maybe that would make him feel better. 

Logically he knew that it was a product of his furuchemy, but the added caution was worth the bad mood. And killing people usually helped calm him down regardless of tapping Identity. Maybe he should start a fight....

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"Well" Tevarah said. "I thought we could have a  nice conversation about hemalurgy, but seeing as the two of you." Tevarah paused the Rock where had it gone? then he heard hysterical laughter and saw the Rock on the floor. "Well I can see that's not going to happen."

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You could probably ask the other me? The rock offered after it managed to stop laughing. He's better at that, although I'm notta hundred percent on where I am at the moment. I mean where me is. I think I know where I am. Right?

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Well, I think I'm probably still in the Alleys. Looking after the worldspike maybe?

The rock thought for a minute, trying to shake the alcohol from its mind unsuccessfully.

It's weird, see he never tells me what I'm supposed to do, just throws me out into the Alleyverse with a bunch of spikes and then he was all like 'go have fun!'
What's fun!? I'm a rock, I didn't even use to be able to think, why would I know how I'm supposedto have fun?
And then I says back to him 'Why don't you go have fun?' and then he said some long confusing thing about 'fair and balanced rp' What the heck is that!?

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Tevarah listened intently. Surprisingly he felt some of the same things as this Rock. "Yeah like everyone expects you to know what to do, but your really just kinda going along with things and somehow getting some of those things right, but waiting for the moment when you absolutely dont know what to do then get a bunch of people killed." Tevarah shook his head. Well that was a outburst he wished he would have kept inside. "So... what kind of spikes do you have?"

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Sensing the rock's silence, Rashan answered for him, slightly drunk. "He's gotta surge spikes haha, transformationing and transportationing hahaha! That's how I am squire. I don't know if he has the more of the spikes haha! Asa for meeee?"

The topic of spikes suddenly snapped Rashan out of his stupor as the memories flooded him.

"I have no spikes. Though they intrigue me, I still have...too much history with their like."

Rashan took another glass of wine as he resumed to his laughing, forgetting what he had just said.

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Rashan looked down. That gaze, that stare, it brought Rashan out of his drink, and back into the real world. That stare...

Rashan took a deep breath, and drank another cup of violet wine. Stepping off the table, he sat in his chair and rested his head on it instead. "Just let me drink in peace." He mumbled.

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A spenreed started flashing in Soul’s pocket. Grumpily he pulled it out along with some paper and indicated that he was listening. Hurriedly it scrawled out a message. 

Soul smiled and stopped tapping Identity. Returning to his normal albeit slightly drunk self he stood up. 

“Goodbye fellows. I’ve got a dual to win.” Sucking in some stormlight to burn away the alcohol, Soul walked out of the bar.

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The rock soulcast the wood of the table Rashan was laying on into a cushioned surface.

Then it began to telepathically hum to itself, adopting the Rhythm of Satisfaction as best it could in its drunken state.

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Elkanah turned around on his stool. He could hear... no, feel someone humming Satisfaction. He attunes Curiosity, wondering what being besides another singer could hear, and even attune a Rythym. It seemed to be coming from the same place as the Spiritual disturbances. The rock maybe? It seemed weird, teleporting and soulcasting and whatnot.

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Hearing Tevarah's words snapped something inside Rashan. He could feel his fists curling up. No one had known about his family. No one but him. No one had knew why he drank, except for him. But this person, the one staring him down right now, he knew all of that. Sucking in a bit of stormlight, Rashan felt the wine's effect fade off, leaving him sober as his memories came back to him, further enhancing his will.

"Who?" Rashan asked, meeting Teverah's gaze. "Where? How?"

He had to know.

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"I am a high ranking Ghostblood and I wanted to know who my men are and found your situation interesting." Tevarah said, then his face turned dark. "You see my whole family was murdered by rogue mercenaries who wanted wealth, I hunted them down and killed them all, every single one and that made me who I am today. I am willing to offer you the same, I can help you find and destroy them."

Edited by Jehoiada
Sorry for that, I made it better.
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Might want to add quoatation marks to show that you're speaking. Got a little confused at first.

Rashan faltered. Research? All it had taken for a high ranked Ghostblood to find out what Rashan had been looking for for years was research? My his stare, Rashan knew Tevarah wasn't lying. He did know where the gang who had murdered his family was. He was going to help Rashan kill them. Rashan looked up, hopeful, to the man standing in front of him. Tonight, both their lives changed.

"When do we start?" He said with a grin.

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Whoa way sorry, I thought I did, but was at work and had just a small break.

Tevarah saw him grinning he had just taken a risk, but it had paid off now he had several reasons why he needed to go to Scadrial. "Ok" Tevarah said standing straighter. "Let's do it, we need to gather supplies then intel." He started to grow excited. "Come we need to go plan do you have a house or an Inn your staying at?"

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