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Hey everyone,

I've owned Sanderson books for a long time (Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, & The Way of Kings) but they sat on my TBR list.  I finally decided to give my paperback of TWoK a go and liked the beginning so much,I bought all 3 books so far in hardback.  I gave my paperback version to my dad to read, so I'm doing my part to spread the audience.


I pretty much bought every Cosmere related book except the Mistborn books beyond the beginning trilogy (yes, even the comics), so I've got a lot of catching up to do.  Just finished Stormlight Archive book one today.  Bravo Sanderson.


I shall tread lightly for fear of spoilers for a while, but I wanted to join the forum.


Best wishes.

Edited by Lazarus_Rising
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That's tough, so much to draw from each well written character.

If I had to choose one of the main characters, it'd be Kaladin.  As far as the supporting cast, I enjoyed Syl a ton.  That isnt to take away from Shallan, Dalinar, or Adolin of course.  Even some characters, such as Moash, just have a small part but I appreciate them.

Now as far as the assassin goes (Szeth) . . . he is a great read, but I am definitely either A] rooting against him or B] hoping he somehow is freed of his binds (I find the latter unlikely).


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21 hours ago, Lazarus_Rising said:

Even some characters, such as Moash, just have a small part but I appreciate them.

Welcome to the Shard! Also, Moash is great, I'm glad you like him.

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