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"But who is the wanderer, the wild piece, the one who makes no sense? I glimpse at his implications, and the world opens to me. I shy back. Impossible. Is it?

Does anybody have any guesses on who this is?




Just wanted to Gather some general opinions on who they think this is, could this be the champion to fight Odium?

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I don't think that the wanderer will be Tanavast's champion, I just don't see Hoid taking up a more active role in the cosmere just now. And Mraize feels to me like an Anti-Hoid. We often see Hoid helping people and being generally a good guy, while following his objective of gaining magical items.. Mraize does not seem to help anyone but himself.
Lift could be an uncontrollable element, if we keep in mind that her Nightwatcher's gift seems to be immensely powerful.

In general I don't think that the quote is in any relation to the champion of Honor, but rather Mr.T encountering some people that are WAY above his weightclass. 

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"The one who makes no sense" implies there is only one.  Mraize and Hoid, if both are world hoppers, seem to be the same, no?


It also seems that Tavangian knows about Mraize so Adrotagia's guess that it is Mraize seems to be wrong.


Good question.

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It is Hoid. He is the only non Herald with an associated Archstone. His purpose seems to a Cosmere wide spanner in the works. So much so that the 17th shard sent goons to try and nullify him if they could, due to that non intervention pact.

I don't see how you think Mraize and Hoid are the same because they are world hoppers; that is like saying Sadeas and Renarin are the same because they both had shardblades. Mraize is a trophy hunter. Hoid is something else. So he is collecting items of power. That happens offscreen. Onscreen, the uses his ability to "detect plot" to be at important events, where he changes the course of events. When Kaladin made the realization that "Elokar was Dalinas Tien" and redeemed himself as a Windrunner, he was thinking if the Fleet story Wit broke into prison to tell him.


He told Shallan a story that kept her from giving up trying to make her brothers lives better in whatever way she could. So much so she remembered it and him years later.


Taravangion was not seeing the future, he was calculating the trajectories of thinks in motion in the present to create a projection of the future. Hoid is practiced at eluding the 17shard and whatever all seeing eye Odiumis using. In keeping his nature hidden, he is also hiding from the likes of King T. as well.


He is like Dark matter. Taravangion has not seen him directly, but can infer him because of the ways his projections diverge from actual occurrences.

Edited by Bramble Thorn
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It's definitely Hoid.  He makes no sense to us so far, his purpose is hidden, and he has access to all of the realms and worlds.  He's also probably the most powerful non-Shardholder in the Cosmere.

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In WoK, during the 17th Shard interlude:



His foreigners splashed down into the Purelake. Grump was last. He seemed very dissatisfied. “Where are you, Roamer? What a fool’s quest this is.” Then, he added in his own tongue, “Alavanta kamaloo kayana.”


Not completely conclusive, but 'Roamer' and 'Wanderer' are pretty close synonyms.

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It's definitely Hoid.  He makes no sense to us so far, his purpose is hidden, and he has access to all of the realms and worlds.  He's also probably the most powerful non-Shardholder in the Cosmere.

IIRC we have WoB he is the most powerful non-shard in the Cosmere. It's kind of mind-boggling once you realize he beats out titans such as Susebron, the Heralds, Marsh, perhaps the recipient of the letter (provided the recipient doesn't hold a shard), etc.

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There are lots of Worldhoppers at this point and Mraize being one of them doesn't makes him that important. If Diagram calls him Wanderer because he's from another world then they simply don't know about other worldhoppers. If they're aware of Cosmere and know about Hoid's existence then Hoid is only person they would call Wanderer and someone who doesn't makes any sense. So there's what I think. Genius T saw most important stuff concerning Roshar and wrote it down, he also saw Hoid as he is already playing very important role but he wasn't able to grasp his greatness. I mean, Hoid isn't trying to save Roshar nor is he trying to destroy it, but he could do both. He's so far out of league that Genius T simply didn't understand him but he understood that he was not from this world. Hence him being one that doesn't makes sense and why his called Wanderer. Members of Diagram simply can't grasp that amount of hoidiness, so they suspect that Genius T was referring to Mraize.

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An interesting conclusion that might be drawn if we assume the wanderer is Hoid is that Super-T might not have been able to account for Hoid's actions, and that's why (or one reason why) the Diagram is drifting off-course.


Kaladin becoming KR might have been a very low probability event if not for Hoid's intervention (Wandersail is what leads Kaladin to finally accept his responsibility, or at least accelerated it, and Kaladin certainly references Fleet during his Third Ideal Event). From Shallan's flashback and from her reaction to meeting Hoid in the present, it seems like Hoid's encounter with her made a strong impact, and may have influenced her development; the Diagram doesn't seem to have anticipated Shallan based on what we've seen from Mr. T's interlude.

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Without actual future-seeing abilities it would be really hard to predict individual Radiants. We know Taravangian finds them by looking for people who survive when they shouldn't, though, hence how he could guess at Kaladin. 

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Something that jumped out at me - Mr. T notices that there are seven factions in the Veden succession war, instead of six. Can that be traced back to Hoid, Shallan or a Radiant, or just data that arose semi-randomly which GeniusT wasn't able to account for?

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IIRC we have WoB he is the most powerful non-shard in the Cosmere. It's kind of mind-boggling once you realize he beats out titans such as Susebron, the Heralds, Marsh, perhaps the recipient of the letter (provided the recipient doesn't hold a shard), etc.


That's interesting; doesn't surprise me. Could be from a mixture of multiple magic systems + the magicks we don't yet know about which give him such power.

Plus, never forget that knowledge = power too although it's notable that he's the most powerful non-Shard despite not being the most Cosmere-aware.

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There are WoB about someone named Kryss (well, I don't know how to spell this name) who knows even more than Hoid and we haven't seen. Could be the wanderer. 


Of course, Hoid is so far the likeliest choice, Zahel (Vasher) and Nahz (with that mysterious woman he's writing to) are next in line. Well, may be Nazh not so much. I put before him, but after Zahel that Mraize, who  mentioned someone even more suspicious:



This creature in Tukar, however, is different. I’m not convinced he is human. If he is, he’s certainly not of the local species. . . .

Edited by Aleksiel
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