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Taravangian crying as he comes to the city he just caused to erupt into a civil war would be nice, I think.


Jasnah's return.


Kaladin and Szeth battling on chunk of stone thrown hundreds of feet in the air.


Adolin killing Sadeas.

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The scene learning to fly through the chasms, the scene over looking the Shattered plains from the clouds the first time he flys another good part would be the tower also in that scene when he hangs on the spire with the wind spren shooting off in all directions would make an awesome snapshot.

Another would be the arrival at Uruthiru.

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Kaladin fighting the Chasmfiend.


A huge panoramic view of Urithiru. I really want to get the scope of how freaking large it is.


A sketch by Shallan of Syl and Kaladin, with Pattern monkeying around in the background.


And, finally, the scene of Kaladin and Shallan together in chasms, preferably while running away from the chasmfiend or while huddling in that cave during the highstorm.

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I know this doesn't represent WoR or WoK awesome moments but... Kaladin,Tien, Shallan, Adolin, Renarin, and Elokhar all as kids. They would look so cute together! Oh, and they all have their awesome powers and weapons out.

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So, it'd go like this. Kaladin just comes smashing down from the sky, locked in his landing pose, with stormlight radiating out from around him and the ground cracked. Standing opposite from Kaladin in Szeth! In his standard white uniform, brandishing his slick chull Honorblade. Maybe standing around a pile of corpses he just merc'd....

Yeah. Something like that would be cool. I could almost picture it. XD

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I'd like to see several views and mappings of Urithiru OR one very detailed picture of the city that takes the whole page. 


It would also be cool to see a sketch of all the different weapons they could get their spren to transform into. I know that Adolin said Shardblades are unwieldy in close quarters, so I would like to see Pattern turn into a Sharddagger or something like that for some secret Ghostblood mission of Shallan's. 

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Kaladin as KR and his 'squires' sitting around the fire eating stew.  I want to think that nothing has changed as far as their relationships, that they're still his bridgemen and he's their commander.  It was a comforting constant in WoR, and I would like to cling to that through the undoubtedly many changes coming up ahead.

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I'm thinking of trying to sketch some of these out for fun. So keep the suggestions coming, I'm trying to think of some of my own too... 


The night watcher


a catalogue of spren


Is there any descriptions of the night watcher? I'm trying to find any place that she is mentioned. 

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I'm thinking of trying to sketch some of these out for fun. So keep the suggestions coming, I'm trying to think of some of my own too... 



Is there any descriptions of the night watcher? I'm trying to find any place that she is mentioned. 


not that i remember- that's why i would like a picture :)

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I know that Adolin said Shardblades are unwieldy in close quarters, so I would like to see Pattern turn into a Sharddagger or something like that for some secret Ghostblood mission of Shallan's. 

I can't recall the exact page or quote, but when Kaladin and Shallan were down in the chasm, I believe Shallan shortened her Shardblade to make it easier to cut the handholds when they were climbing above the stormlevel. Because that's when I basically knew Shallan's Shardblade was quite different from other ones we had seen.

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I can't recall the exact page or quote, but when Kaladin and Shallan were down in the chasm, I believe Shallan shortened her Shardblade to make it easier to cut the handholds when they were climbing above the stormlevel. Because that's when I basically knew Shallan's Shardblade was quite different from other ones we had seen.


For some reason that totally didn't phase me when I was reading, but I definitely should have known. I don't think even I would have dared to to think it meant you could change into other weapons, but dagger should have been obvious after that. 


EDIT: I am usually a slow reader on purpose so I can pay attention to these things, but I was probably reading as fast as possible at that part of the book hahaha

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So, it'd go like this. Kaladin just comes smashing down from the sky, locked in his landing pose, with stormlight radiating out from around him and the ground cracked. Standing opposite from Kaladin in Szeth! In his standard white uniform, brandishing his slick chull Honorblade. Maybe standing around a pile of corpses he just merc'd....

Yeah. Something like that would be cool. I could almost picture it. XD

that is the cover of the book pretty much... just add corpses and stormlight

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